Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 94 Nine Snake Pirates! shot

In front of the line of sight, on the sea not far away.

A terrible scene was unfolding.

A group of huge sea kings, showing a tendency to surround.

They are attacking the two serpentine sea kings in the middle together in a strange way.

Under the bite and impact of many sea kings, the two snake-shaped sea kings quickly showed signs of decline.

bang bang bang!

At this moment, under the body of the snake-shaped sea king, arrows with amazing penetrating power were shot out quickly.

Constantly attacking the surrounding Neptunes.

Amazing penetrating power, even the thick skin of sea kings can be shot through.

Roar! !

However, there were too many sea kings gathered, and these arrows only relieved the snake-shaped sea kings for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the arrow's attack made the Neptunes roar even more violently.

Unexpectedly, he launched an attack frantically.

Seeing that the skin of the snake-shaped sea king is dripping with blood, I am afraid it will not last long.

"That is…"

"Nine Snake Pirates!"

Bai Yu narrowed his eyes and looked carefully.

suddenly surprised.

Because it is surrounded by many sea kings, under the protection of two snake-shaped sea kings.

It is a ship flying the pirate flag of the Nine Snake Pirates!

Those arrows just now were obviously made by members of the Nine Snake Pirates.

Nine Snake Pirates, King Shichibukai, the pirate group led by Empress Boa Hancock.

Its base camp is Amazon Lily (island name), commonly known as Daughter Island.

Only women are allowed to live on Daughter Island, and most of these women born in Amazon Lily are born warriors.

Because of the systematic training since childhood, most of the residents of Amazon Lily can initially master the use of domineering.

The arrows they shot just now were so powerful because they were entwined with their armed domineering spirit.

But there are too many Neptunes around.

"Brigadier General Bai Yu is from Qiwuhai, we..."

Kebi, who also saw the logo of the Nine Snake Pirates, immediately asked Bai Yu if he wanted to help him.

The relationship between the two parties is somewhat delicate.

One side is the navy, and the other side is the pirates. It stands to reason that they are deadly enemies.

But the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, Boa Hancock, is also the king of Qibuhai.

It has a close cooperative relationship with the Navy government.

At this time, Bai Yu and the others can be saved or not.

It's up to Bai Yu to decide.

Hearing this, Bai Yu fell into a short thought.

Empress Boa Hancock, unlike other pirates, originally set up the pirate group to protect herself.

And concealed that he was once a slave of the Tianlong people.

For Tianlong people, Bai Yu also hates them from the bottom of his heart.

In Bai Yu's view, the Tianlong people are nothing more than a group of inhuman garbage relying on their status.

The reason why Bai Yu wanted to sit on the position of admiral was to exchange blood from top to bottom.

It is because I don't like the navy to obey the orders of the Tianlong people.

Moreover, the disappearing 100-year history, according to Bai Yu's guess, is probably the 'scandal' of the Tianlong people.

"I'll go there."

After thinking for a moment, Bai Yu said.

Finally chose to shoot.

Not for any.

call out!

After all, Bai Yu stepped on the ground with both feet.

The whole person jumped into the sky in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, stepping on the moon and even stepping on the air, he rushed in the direction of the Nine Snake Pirates.

at the same time.

Nine Snake Pirates here.

"It's over, it's over..."

"We should wait for Sonia and Gerudo..."

On the boat, seeing her own snake-shaped sea kings were about to lose, a blond woman regretted.

Beside him is a group of warriors from Daughter Island.

If Bai Yu was here at this time, he would definitely recognize a few of them at a glance.

Margaret, Everlandra, Stubby and many more.

They are all female warriors from Daughter Island who appeared in the original work of Pirate Aid.

The Sonia and Gerudo they mentioned are the main battle strength of the Nine Snake Pirates.

Boya Sandasonia, a snake fruit python form ability.

Boya Marigrud, who possesses the cobra form ability of Snake Fruit.

The two are also sisters of Empress Boa Hancock.

This trip to sea was originally going to set off with the two Sonia sisters.

As a result, Margaret and the others set off one step earlier in order to bring the supplies back earlier.

Otherwise, with the strength of the two Sonia sisters, they wouldn't be in the current embarrassing situation.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret now.


At this moment, the two snake-shaped Sea Kings used by the Nine Snake Pirates to pull the pirate ship suddenly screamed.

At the same time, it was hit violently.


The two snake-shaped sea kings who were struggling to support were suddenly hit by the huge snake's head and hit the pirate ship.

For a while, passed out.

Roar! !

The next moment, the sea kings who realized that this was a good opportunity showed greedy eyes one by one.

They rushed to attack and bite the people on the pirate ship.

Seeing this, Margaret and the others were full of panic, and they didn't even make the last emotional resistance.

"Blue Dragon Slash!"

At the critical moment, a soft shout suddenly came from high in the sky.


Immediately afterwards, a huge dark red half-moon slash fell obliquely from a high altitude.

Puff puff!

The speed of the slash was extremely fast, and he caught up with the first sea king in a blink of an eye.

With a slash, the heads of the three sea kings broke off.

At the severed head, several streams of blood spewed out from the wound, shocking the rest of the Neptunes.

The rest of the sea kings looked up at the sky above their heads.

Similarly, Margaret and the others subconsciously looked up.

Under the sunlight, a figure wearing a navy coat stepped on the air and appeared high in the sky.

The figure that appeared, holding a Taidao glowing with dark red flame energy in one hand in his right hand, looked down at everyone from a height.

It was Bai Yu who arrived in time!


Seeing Bai Yu's costume clearly, Margaret and the others exclaimed.

Generally speaking, it is rare to meet other people in the windless belt.

Even if the navy's warships can sail in the calm zone, the navy will not choose this dangerous route if it is not necessary.

Seeing the navy here, Margaret and others are inevitably surprised.

Roar! !

At the same time, when they saw Bai Yu alone, the rest of the Neptunes immediately became angry.

There is only one person who dares to challenge the majesty of their sea kings!

One by one sea kings immediately attacked Bai Yu.


Seeing this scene, Margaret and the others quickly reminded.

However, what they saw was Bai Yu's extremely confident smile.


Stay a few sea kings close to a certain distance.

The Wushuang Dao in Bai Yu's hand was brightly lit with dark red sword intent flames.

In an instant, Bai Yu slashed several times at the attacking sea kings like lightning.

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