Reiju is ready to go.

The task Yake entrusted to Reiju was to give Straw Hat Crew a blow and let them understand that no matter where they go, there are rules.

"If you don't make a move, then I will make a move first!"

As soon as Reiju finished speaking, he disappeared in place in an instant.

You don't need to use any moves, you can clean up everyone easily, just need a little Armament Haki.

Kick Luffy away with one punch...

A knee to Zoro's belly...

Kicking Chopper away...

A hand knife slashes Nami's neck...

Slap Usopp's nose crooked...

All this happened in an instant, Sanji was still standing still, and all his companions fell down.

"Why... Reiju!"

Reiju's strength is simply not something they can fight against, let alone she is a woman, or Sanji's sister, and Sanji's chivalry does not allow him to make a move.

"Damn it! What did you do to my comrades! Rubber bazooka!"

Luffy, who was beaten to the ground, saw that his partner was injured and fainted, Zoro clutched his stomach and felt nauseated, and Chopper rolled his eyes...In an instant, his anger was ignited, and he screamed to knock Reiju away !

"Demon fruit power? It's really interesting~"

Reiju smiled slightly, tilting his head away from Luffy's hands, right between them.

"I even's not over yet! Rubber Bell!"

Luffy thrusts his head back desperately for a rocket headbutt.

"Haha, are you sending your head up to beat me? What an idiot!"

Reiju was amused by Luffy's operation, took out a palm-sized shock shell and pointed it at Luffy.


Luffy put his forehead on the shock shell with a puzzled face, a small shell blocked his rocket head hammer? Shouldn't it?

"I will accept your shock, let's try your strength!"


With a crisp sound, the shock shell returned the absorbed shock in full, which almost stunned Luffy.

What followed was a one-sided beating, and Luffy was particularly badly beaten.

"Stop~ Reiju, come at me! Don't hurt my companion!"

Sanji shouted angrily, his clenched hands trembling slightly, he never thought that meeting his sister would be like this.

"Blue, blue, blue~"


"Okay, Reiju, it's almost time, bring them to me!"

Yake's voice came from the phone bug, Reiju's performance was over, and I didn't want to embarrass her.

"Yes, Captain!"

Reiju put away the phone bug and walked over to Sanji as if nothing happened.

"Bring your companions and come with me, the captain wants to see you..."

Sanji saw that Usopp was pretending to be dead after being slapped, Nami passed out, that idiot Zoro was bruised but nothing serious, the only one who was more miserable was Luffy, and Chopper was checking on Luffy's condition, but the injury It's nothing to Luffy at all.

"Just a test? Great."

"Miss Nami, I'll help you~" Sanji happily ran to help Nami up.

Zoro, Usopp, Luffy are perfectly ignored.

"Lustful Kappa~"

"Hey~ Are they good people?"

"Whatever, we are not their opponents anyway."

Straw Hat Crew followed Reiju to Shenju, looking around and yelling all the way, as if he had never seen the world.

"Wow, is this the place where gods live? It's so luxurious!" Chopper's eyes were full of stars.

"Keep quiet, this is the place where the gods live, don't make any noise!" Ganfur scolded the noisy Straw Hat Crew.

"Let them in, Gamfor."

Yake said lightly that he had been sitting in his seat for a long time, and if it wasn't for Robin serving him tea and water, he would have gotten tired of it.

Jacques held his chin, a little casually: "Is Usopp that you? Long nose!"

Usopp, who finally came here, was shocked, it couldn't be because of the ghost priest thing! It's over, it's over, if you know it, just pretend to be dead, being targeted by such a terrifying person, you will die... Usopp wailed inwardly, almost crying from fright.

"It really looks like Yasopp!"

Usopp, who was trembling with fear, stopped shaking when he heard Yake's words, and asked boldly: "Do you know my dad? How is he doing now?"

Yark smiled and tossed the pistol Yasopp had given him to Usopp.

"Yasopp asked me to give it to you. He said it was your coming-of-age gift."

"He said that he is not a competent father, I hope you can forgive him and live a good life until... we meet at sea!"

Usopp's eye circles became more and more red, and the tears couldn't stop flowing out. Looking at the exquisite pistol in his hand like a rare treasure, he choked up with tears and said, "Woo~ Dad, I will definitely become a brave sea warrior! Wait for me Bar!"


Good friend Nami put his hand on Usopp's shoulder, as if it would give him a little comfort, Usopp's body twitched constantly, but soon calmed down.

"Ugh~ A man can't cry so easily, can he! Luffy!" Usopp sucked the snot in, forced back the tears, and looked at Luffy with red eyes.

"Hey~ That's right, and Yasopp will definitely meet, and so will I!"

Yake covered his face, feeling like he had entered the shooting scene of a third-rate bitter drama, but he was also very pleased to see that Usopp could cheer up so quickly. Apart from him, Usopp is the only one who can have the title of God .

"Hey, Yake, how did you know Shanks?" Luffy said carelessly, in his eyes there was no distinction between superiority and inferiority at all, seeing that Yake was about the same age as him, he simply called him by his first name.

"Bold!" Ganfor glared.

"Forget it, Ganfur, you go out!" Yake sent Ganfur away, God is just a title, and he and the crew have always called each other by name, Yake didn't care.

"In Sabaody Archipelago, Shanks came to see my dad, and I knew them at that time." Yake said full of memories.

"At that time, Shanks hadn't become Four Emperors, but he was already very powerful. I challenged him, but failed..."

Back then, Shanks came to Sabaody to visit Rayleigh, and then went to New World to achieve the title of Four Emperors. In Yake's view, the Red Hair Pirates are also the strongest and most balanced. Beckman and Yasopp are not bad.

"I challenged Shanks half a month ago, and I didn't know your name."

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, the man who is going to be One Piece!"

Luffy looked at the straw hat Shanks gave him and said loudly.

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