Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 35 The Rules of Beihai

The piercing screams of the Celestial Dragons resounded throughout the entire World Government official ship at this moment.

In the cabin, the woman with bruises all over her body was lying in a pool of blood, staring blankly at the screaming "god", her mind went blank.

This navy... actually injured the Celestial Dragon.


He wanted to kill a Celestial Dragon! !

He's crazy! ?

Still don't want to die! ?

All actions that offend the Celestial Dragons, no matter who they are, will usher in crazy revenge from the World Government, and even the Navy Admiral will be dispatched for this purpose.

This is a forbidden area that no one can cross in this sea.

"You're too noisy."

Darren frowned and waved his hand as if impatiently.

Following his movement, two steel bars protruded from the cabin floor, roared out, and suddenly pierced Hildes Saint's feet like sharp blades, nailing them into the wall.

Drips of blood gushed out from his pierced hands and feet, dripping onto the ground and forming a shocking pool of blood in less than a few seconds.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"You're dead!! Darren!!"

The unbearable pain made Hildes Saint scream again, and he almost fainted from the pain.

He is a Celestial Dragon who stood on the top of the mountain when he was born. He is the "god" of this world and a descendant of the Creator.

I have been pampered since I was a child, let alone being hit hard like this, even bumps and bumps have never happened to me before.

"I thought that the almighty god... His blood is golden... I didn't expect that he is no different from ordinary people. From this point of view, the Celestial Dragons are not gods either."

Darren smiled.

Hildes Saint's eyes were bloodshot and he stared at him.

That damn smile again!

A smile that was hypocritical and sarcastic, as if he didn't even care about himself as a god.

It was this smile that made Shields Saint dislike Darren.

What annoyed him most was that he couldn't see the familiar fear in Darren's eyes.

The fear that a humble, humble commoner should have when looking at the world's nobles made endless anger surge in his heart.

"Aren't you afraid of the World Government's revenge when you do this? Do you think you can escape?"

Hildes Saint panted heavily and roared like a beast.


Darren laughed,

"Who would have known that I did this? If nothing else..."

He pointed to the mountains of gold and silver treasures piled in the cabin.

"At least in the eyes of everyone on Badia Island, I, a scum of the North Sea Navy, sent a large sum of money to the great Lord Shields Saint in order to flatter him."

"Who would think that a navy would dare to take action against the Celestial Dragons?"

Hearing Darren's words, Hildes Saint's pupils shrank.

He endured the dizzy feeling caused by massive blood loss, gritted his teeth and said:

"Darren, I don't understand why you want to attack me..."

He suddenly seemed to realize something,

"Is it that little girl?"

From Darren's silence, Shields Saint got a definite answer.

"Just because of a civilian!?"

His face was full of disbelief,

"Just a lowly commoner!! Why do you have to do this!?"

Darren looked quietly at the ferocious-looking Celestial Dragon in front of him. The blood on the floor had spread under his military boots.

"That's not just a civilian."

He suddenly said,

"Those are civilians under my jurisdiction."

Shields Saint roared:

"Why do you care so much about a civilian's life and death!?"

"Besides, don't think I don't know. Do you think you are a good person?"

"Who in the entire Beihai doesn't know that you make money from lowly civilians by supporting the mafia!?"

"After all, you are no more noble than me!!"

Darren suddenly laughed.

He crossed his fingers.

The steel wrapped around Hildes Saint's right arm suddenly strangled and contracted with force.


A bloody severed arm rose into the air.


Hildes Saint's whole body twitched in pain, and yellow urine gradually leaked out from the crotch of his luxurious silk robe.

"You're right, I'm not a good person, that's why I'm here."

Darren said calmly:

"If I were a good person, I probably wouldn't dare to come."

"Of course... I actually don't want to come, let alone deal with disgusting Tianlong people like you. I just want to live my life peacefully and run the North Sea Fleet."

"But I took the money from the father and daughter."

"Did you receive the money?"

Hildes Saint gasped crazily, and his eyeballs almost bulged out of their sockets because of the pain: "How much did you charge her? I am a Celestial Dragon, and I have a lot of money..."

"As long as you let me go, I can give you whatever money you want!! No, it's not just money, I can give you whatever you want!"

"Women, not just humans, I can also get you women from other races..."

"Power? I can promote you to Vice Admiral immediately!"

"I can give you whatever you want..."

Darren suddenly sighed,

"Can you give me whatever I want?"

The Tianlong man gasped weakly, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and nodded with a smile:

"That's right, you just have to ask, just ask! Anything will do."

It’s really the consistent Celestial Dragon style.

"I do have something I really want."

Darren looked at Hildes Saint, tilted his head, and a sinister smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I want to kill you."

Hildes Saint was stunned for a moment, but the next second, he laughed wildly.

"Kill me...you will die too!"

“Darren, you didn’t expect that, did you!?”

"The World Government's official ships are all equipped with secret surveillance phone bugs!!"

"At this moment, the world government has seen the picture here!!"

"You're dead!! Hahahahahaha!!"

He stared at Darren with crazy eyes, trying to find the panic and fear in the latter's eyes.

But he failed.


The naval colonel still had that annoying smile on his face.

A flash of extreme uneasiness flooded into Hildes Saint's mind, making his heart beat wildly.

"Sildes Saint, compared to other Celestial Dragons, you are the smart one."

Darren spoke with interest,

"I can give you a chance."

Even as he spoke, no movement was seen from him, and all the steel restraining Hildes Saint was loosened.

The Celestial Dragon slid off the wall like a puddle of mud, gasping for air.

Darren took out a military phone bug and tossed it casually.

"Try it, if you can get the signal through."

Facing the navy captain's half-smiling eyes, Hildes Sacred's heart trembled.

He gritted his teeth and tried to dial the phone number.

one second,

two seconds,

Three seconds...

The military phone bug remains slumbering.

no response.

All the blood on Hildes Saint's face instantly faded, leaving only pale white.

Communication signals are blocked.


He muttered with absent-minded eyes.

At this moment, his soul seemed to be pulled out of his body, and his expression was blank and dull.

"The communication signals of the phone bug...are all blocked. How is this possible..."

The signal is blocked, which means that no one in the world will know anything that happens on this official ship!

Hildes Saint trembled all over, and deep despair finally emerged in his eyes.

Darren looked at him quietly, with illusory arcs of electricity flashing between his fingers.

He is not an idiot who acts rashly in the heat of the moment.

From the moment Hildes Saint refused to give himself any dignity and insisted on taking the little girl away, he decided to kill this ugly pig.

So while he was "capturing" the little girl, he put his life card into the latter's hands.

In this way, Hildes Saint's route will be known.

By handing over the security mission, he also successfully obtained information about the CP members in the escort mission.

In this way, there is only one last problem left to kill Shields Saint.


Monitoring phone bugs are usually installed on the official ships of the World Government to ensure the safety of the Celestial Dragons.

It's just that it doesn't make any sense for my own abilities.

To the extent that his Magnetic Fruit is developed, he can create a magnetic field area with a diameter of about one hundred meters centered on him.

Under the influence of the magnetic field, the phone bug's signal will be completely shielded.

The range is enough to cover the entire official ship!

This was inspired by Doflamingo's birdcage.

And this... is the greatest confidence that Darren dares to take action against the Tianlong people!

"No!! Why!? Since you know I'm stalling for time, why don't you just kill me!?"

Hildes Saint suddenly raised his head and stared at Darren, roaring madly.

He doesn't understand.

Obviously this guy has great strength that can easily kill him, and he also understands his intentions, why doesn't he just kill him?

Darren narrowed his eyes and raised a teasing smile:

"Because killing you cleanly... would be too cheap for you."

As he spoke, the despair on the faces of the father and daughter on Badia Island flashed through his mind.

"At least, before you die, I want you to taste...the taste of despair."

After the words fell, Darren slowly took out his pistol.

In the desperate and gloomy eyes of the Tianlong people,

The muzzle of a pistol,

He gently pressed it against his forehead.


Shields Saint's eyes finally filled with an unprecedented fear, and he screamed in horror:

"I am a Tianlong, if you kill me..."



Without hesitation, Darren pulled the trigger.

The bullet passed through his forehead and exited from the back of his head, punching a large hole in his head.

Large swaths of liquid, red and white, were mixed together and splashed in the shape of a fan on the bulkhead.

Hildes Saint's body twitched, and the light in his pupils quickly dissipated.

"Damn...I took the money...just...because of a...untouchable..."

He slowly fell to the ground.

The expression is frozen there, with confusion, confusion, astonishment, fear...all kinds of emotions intertwined together, forming an absurd and wonderful ukiyo-e.

he died.

Darren stood in front of the Celestial Dragon's body, looking down at him condescendingly, and said calmly:

"After receiving the money, you have to work."

"This is Beihai's rule."





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