Why is Sivele in Chambord?

Eagle told Charlia Palace about his next plan, which was considered to be a decentralization.

Three months ago, the Charlia Palace began to implement the Eagle program.

It's about building a heroine.

As the spokesperson of the eagle, Sivele naturally became the best candidate.

Moreover, the scars on her body, as well as her background, and strength, are the most compliant.

How to create a heroine?

Eagle has her own opinions, and even the script has been chosen.

What could be better than liberating a country?

If anything, then two.

Through the form of documentary, coupled with the hype of Morgans, Sivele instantly became a hot figure.

And that's just the first step.

The second step is to borrow Uta's hand to elevate Severe's status again and let Uta sing her war song.

The third step is to report Sivele's tragic life story in the form of gossip, and then leave Sivele by Uta's side to increase the appearance rate.

This operation directly made Sivele a real heroine.

And how could Luffy appear on the ship?

This is also a coincidence, Uta and the others, who have returned to their daughter country, are preparing to wait for the return of the eagle in their daughter country.

Uta and the others went to the uninhabited island to pick up the little snake princess, and just happened to take Luffy with them.

This is also the second encounter between Uta and Luffy.

I have to say that Luffy has an aura, Uta, Yamato, and Severa can all talk to him.

Especially Yamato, who was already able to grab meat with Luffy in two days.

Knowing the agreed location of the eagle from the mouth of the little snake hime, Luffy followed them to the Chambord Islands.

Back to the present.

Luffy sent an invitation to Sivele.

Severe pinched the corners of her skirt and looked embarrassed.

This black dress is not Sylwell's armor.

She has a custom-made white armor.

The reason why I wore it like this is also because this skirt was given by the eagle, although it is smaller now, but Severe changed it and still wears it on her body.

"Luffy, Hawk-sama, did he really promise to get on your ship?" asked

Sylvier again, trying to double-check.

"yes, he agreed.

Luffy nodded affirmatively.

In fact, the eagle didn't agree at all, he didn't refuse before, and he just left a way back for himself.

But in Luffy's thoughts, there was no refusal, just a promise.

So, when he was practicing on the island, Luffy used the name of the eagle to let Sivele join his straw hat group.

Not only that, Uta and Yamato also changed their outfits and secretly followed.

The two of them were also fooled by Luffy, thinking that if they followed him secretly, they would be able to meet Hawk.

As for the fans who gathered at the port, it was left to Smuji and Brynn and the others.

As for the little snake queen, she naturally followed.

In the past, Eagle did have a little snake Ji who said that he wanted to go to trouble with Luffy.

In this way, Luffy's big flicker directly fooled all the eagle's harem away.

Moreover, Luffy also became the second member of the Straw Hats to arrive in the Chambord Islands.

So who is the first?

It was originally Sauron's, but Shark 2 was useless for too long, and there were some problems, which delayed the time.

For this, Frankie became the first person to land on the island.

"Yamato, Uta, do you want to be together too, great!"

Luffy quickly noticed the two extra girls and laughed.

An island in the sea.

Ah Che ~

Eagle was repairing the submarine and suddenly sneezed.

"Eagle, can you hurry up, it's almost a day.

Sauron lay on the ground, yawning.

"Damn, you can do it, what are you urging, aren't I overhauling?" Eagle

wiped his nose and glared at Sauron.

"Who is calculating me? How can I have a bad premonition?" thought

the eagle, and the movement of his hand was not slow.

Perona on the side held an umbrella for him and leaned on his shoulder.

Back to the Chambord Islands.

At this time, the Chambord Islands were extremely popular, and a huge stage had been erected.

At the same time, the posters of Sivele and Uta are flying all over the sky, which is also mixed with the posters of the King of Souls.

At this time, the port was already overcrowded, and everyone was looking forward to this performance.

The Wings of Liberty was already crowded with people, all of whom were welcoming Uta and Sivele.

"What now, Lord Smuji, it seems that this concert of the King of Souls includes us. A

female subordinate pointed to a rich fat man and asked with a bitter face.

She also knew that Uta and Sivele had gone to play on the island, which was nothing new, and with the protection of Yamato and Sivele, there was no way something could go wrong with Uta.

It's just that the situation has become very delicate now, the stage of this concert has been set, and the news has spread, which will make these fans very disappointed if Uta and Sivele don't come forward.

"Their round-the-world concert is over, and that profiteer wants to make money from us for him, hmph......"

Smuji naturally saw through the fat man's trick.

"I'm going to set up a studio, let's just say that this is not a global concert, but a fan welfare sale, selling Miss Uta's album and the video of the two concerts together, and at the same time drawing lucky audiences and giving away special co-branded posters......"

Brynn, who suddenly appeared, immediately gave an order.

The change in Smuji is not much, except that it is a little fairer, the rest of the changes are not much.

As for Brynn, she has changed a little bit.

At this time, she was wearing glasses, a special forehead guard on her forehead, and several documents in her hands.

This proper female secretary looks.

"I'm going to leave it to you, Brynn.

Smuji smiled and handed over the goblet.

"Aren't you going to look for Lord Eagle?"

Brynn asked curiously, taking her glass.

"Why aren't you going?" asked

Smuge, playfully.

"I ......"

Brynn didn't explain much, but was busy taking care of the matter at hand.

The two of them were very tacit and didn't ask each other any more questions.

The other side.

"It's so lively, there are so many people in the port. "

As soon as Nami landed, she found this crowded port.

"Boss, what's going on?" asked

Nami, finding a stall owner.

"You don't know this, it's Sivele and Mistress Utta's new album on sale, and you can also draw an autographed promotional photo, which is their promotional poster. The

stall owner gave Nami a poster of a photo of Sivier and Uta together.

"Goddess Uta unites with Sea Heroine Sivele to send their blessings to the soldiers and navy of the Sea Guard?"

Nami was confused, Uta's song, she had heard it, it was very good, as for Sivele's promotional video, she didn't have time to watch it.

So she didn't know about Severelle's deeds.

"Give me a video of Sivele.

Out of curiosity, Nami bought one and was ready to see what was going on.

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