On the side of Dragon Palace City, Huo Di rushed up with a group of new fish-man pirates.

This also opened the passage for them, causing them to rush to Dragon Palace City without any hindrance.

At this time, the daughters were still discussing with the king about settling on Fish-Man Island.

"Can't you really let the other people go with you?"

"No, the concubine only allows mermaids to settle in

the daughter country......" Hancock doesn't give face at all, and the daughter country only accepts females, males, and eagles alone.

"Hey~ Okay then......"

The king could only agree.

It's better than not being able to get out of a single one, and being able to go out in a batch first is better than nothing.

Of course, he also has his own ideas, with Shirahoshi's special ability, going to the windless zone will definitely be like a fish in water, as long as these mermaids are given a while.

He believed that these mermaids would be led by Shirahoshi to lay the foundation for the landing of Fish-Man Island on the ground in the future.

"Oh no, Hody is rushing in with the new Fishman Pirates!" a

wounded shrimp soldier crab general rushed in.

"How is that possible? How did they come here when they didn't open the passage?"

the king immediately took up his arms and rushed out.

"Sister, this is the Dragon Palace, there is sea water on the outer layer, and it is not good for us to start a war here. Sonia

on the side said.

"Shouldn't we help them?" asked


Of the Straw Hats, only Nami stays with them, and Robin has long since gone looking for historical texts.

"Sister Nami, generally when we encounter such a thing, we will hand it over to the aborigines to deal with, and only if they can't handle it, we can intervene, after all, this is their internal affairs.

Severle explained.

Of course, this is not the main thing, only these people have suffered losses and will think about the good of others.

In the past, Uta encountered such a situation, being a good old man, and finally being disliked by these people......

"Leave them alone, leave here with your concubine. "

As the leader of the women, Hancock naturally has to give orders at a critical moment.

"Oh, anyone?"

Obviously, the king was not Hodi's opponent after the drug, and was tied up.

"This is your internal affair and we will not interfere.

Hancock glanced at Hoddy, ignored him, and walked directly towards the exit with the women.

"Huh?" Hody

looked at the women, and saw that they didn't even look at him, as if they didn't even look at him in the slightest.

He suddenly became angry and threw out a handful of water droplets.

Tear and pull~

Severie made an instant move, swept it with one hand, and blocked these droplets like bullets.

"If you make another move, it will be tantamount to a declaration of war on us!"

Sylvae's expression changed, and where was the appearance of that good girl.

"Are you the heroine

Sivele?" Hody frowned as she saw Sivele's face clearly.

"This kind of guy, just cut it off. At

this moment, the drunken fish-man swordsman on the side suddenly made a move.


"Are you looking for death?"

Smuji raised his sword to block the knife, and saw the toxin on the knife at a glance.

"Exploding Ghosts!"

Perona didn't have time to pay attention to them, he was in a hurry to find the eagle now, so he couldn't keep his hand.

Boom boom ~

A violent explosion sounded, directly blowing up all the nearest fish people away.

"Follow the concubine and go to the eagle.

Hancock ignored the fish-men, and together with the little snake queen, released Salome and Xiaobai, and built a snake ladder.

On the other side, the eagle was flying towards the underwater forest with the white star, and a huge coral smashed towards him.

"Damn, is there an end?" The

eagle also came to the fire, and it was a tail towards the huge coral.

And the mastermind behind stepping on the huge coral didn't even see the face of the eagle, and was thrown out of the air.

Luckily he had four legs, otherwise he would have hung up.

It's just that all four of his legs were injured to varying degrees, and he could barely get up.

"Damn! Why is this happening? Shirahoshi ...... Why? If you can't get it, then destroy it...!!"

he looked hideous, and got up on the ground with difficulty......

"Lord Eagle, I seem to have heard screams just now. "

It's okay, I just swatted a fly to death. The

eagle didn't care at all, and continued to fly in the sky with the white star.

Soon, the two arrived at the great underwater forest.

It's very desolate, and there are no people at all.

However, in the high place, the eagle also saw Jinpei, who had been waiting here.

"Hey~ Hawk, we're here!"

Luffy spotted the hawk in the air for the first time, and immediately waved and shouted.

There was no way, listening to Jinping's story, he was about to doze off, and when the eagle came, he immediately made an excuse to leave.

"Lord Jinping.

Bai Xing naturally spotted Jinping at a glance and immediately waved his hand to say hello.

At the same time, Eagle immediately lifted the transformation, grabbed Luffy who was trying to Qi on his head, and threw it aside.

"Eagle, that dragon is so handsome just now, take me to fly......"

Luffy still didn't give up and wanted to ride on his head.

", that's where they are, you don't. The

eagle was not used to him at all, and pressed Luffy to the ground with one hand.

"Are you an eagle?"

Jinping looked the eagle up and down, a look of shock.

He remembered that at the time of the war, the eagle was just a little ghost, but he didn't expect it to be so big now.

"Jinping, long time no see, come, let's have a drink together. Eagle

took out the wine from the space and sat cross-legged across from Jinhei.

The two drank and talked freely.

"Why did you bring Princess Shirahoshi here? Isn't she ......"

Jinping asked curiously, looking at Shirahoshi who was crying to his mother.

With Jinping's understanding of the eagle, it should be impossible for the eagle to kidnap Princess Shirahoshi.

"She was alone in such a place, I took her out to play, I didn't expect to meet you here.

The eagle explained casually, looking in one direction.

That's exactly where Robin is.

Robin also walked over slowly and sat down beside the eagle.

"Jinping, what are your plans in the future? or stay here?" asked

Taka, glancing at Luffy lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

"The situation on Fish-Man Island is still unstable, and this involves a lot of things in the past...... "

Jinping continued to explain to Eagle the origin of the new Fish-Man Pirates.

"Hearing you say that, you don't plan to meddle in the affairs of the New Fish-Man Pirates, so why are you still staying here? because of Auntie?"

asked Eagle curiously.

Now Fish-Man Island is under the protection of Big Mom.

It's better to say protection than to exploit.

Unlike Whitebeard, if you want to be protected by your aunt, you have to hand in enough desserts, which is the usual style of your aunt.

Jinping couldn't help it, he hid here, first, he didn't want to face the new fish-man pirates, and second, he didn't know how to face those exploited fishmen.

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