Eagle glared at Snake Hime, sighed, and carried her back to the ship.

"Ready to eat, Lord Eagle!"

a woman stepped out of the crowd, and she saluted him respectfully and presented him with a large leg of meat.

"Well, thank you. Eagle

took the food, gave Snake Queen a portion, and began to cook.

Snake Ji ate an amazing amount of food this time, and directly ate a whole meat leg.

Fortunately, the food they prepared was enough, and the eagle was not polite, and directly ate the amount of ten people.

Nine Snake Island admires the strong, and the battle just now was obviously seen by them.

The eagle doesn't have any shelf, and when he meets someone, he calls his sister and sister, and he quickly mingles with them.

"Brother Eagle, how do you have wings? Did you eat a devil fruit?"

"No, it's natural, isn't it handsome? "

The eagle was very generous, and was surrounded by a group of women on board.

"Brother Eagle, go take a bath with your sisters, you are covered in seawater. "

My sister washes your hair.

"Forget it, I'd better wash it myself." "


As the sky began to get dark, the boat docked on the shore, and spent the night on the shore tonight, and set sail again tomorrow.

"Hawk, why haven't they woken up yet.

Hancock looked at his two sisters and asked with some concern.

After all, it was the eagle who fed the two girls a few drops of blood to become like this, and Hancock could only look for him.

With the dragon hoof prints on their backs, Hancock couldn't sleep in his own bed now.

"Wait, I'll take a look. Eagle

was also very curious, he had heard of this for the first time.

He probed their snorts with his hand and saw that there was no problem.

At this time, the two women were covered with a white film, and even their hair turned into crumbs when they were pinched.

The eagle probed again with his left eye and saw that they were shrinking in size.

It's still a little taller than Hancock, but it's changed significantly.

"They're really transforming!" was

the eagle's conclusion.

"Hancock, are you going back to Nine Snakes now?"

asked Hawk.

"Exchange some supplies on the next island and go back.

Hancock said truthfully.

"How long will it take?"

"About three days. "

Hancock has come to trust the eagle and has not hidden it.

"Before returning to Nine Snake Island, they should be able to wake up, but you probably won't be able to sleep in this room. Eagle


"Really?" Hancock

didn't care, didn't he just sleep in the second bedroom?

"It's best to change the medicine before going to bed, it will get better faster. Eagle


"Come with the concubine.

Hancock took the eagle and the snake queen to the second bedroom.

This is the room of the two sisters with two large beds.

"Eagle, are you really a child?" Hancock

turned to look at Eagle.

"yes, but I've been through a lot, so I look a lot more mature, and I'll tell you secretly, I'm only three years old. "

Eagle reported his real age.

"Do you think it's easy to deceive a concubine?" Hancock

suddenly gave the eagle a heart with one hand, and the sweet fragrance was directly activated.

"Hancock, don't make a fuss, I'm such a child, your trick doesn't work for me.

Eagle continued to apply the ointment carefully, ignoring her at all.

"How is it possible? No one can stop the charm of the concubine's body, even if it is a child, it is impossible to stop the charm of the concubine's body. This

was not a problem for Hancock, she originally just wanted to give the eagle a dismount, and this aroused her competitive spirit.

"Being moved, I'm facing the snake queen every day, I'm immune to your beauty, don't make trouble.

The Eagle patted her on the shoulder, he didn't want a single blemish on Hancock's fair, watery back, so he was very serious.

His body is really a child, and he really has no interest in women now.

Hancock also stopped, lying there, not knowing what he was thinking.

Snake Queen also fell asleep in the other bed.

All you can hear inside is the sound of an eagle applying ointment.

"You and Serpent are both of the Ruyalia race, aren't you? "

As one of the Seven Martial Seas, Hancock naturally knows a lot.

And the people of Ruyalia who were exterminated also knew.

As long as they provide their information to the World Government, they can get a reward of 100 million Baileys, so you can imagine how much the World Government wants to capture the Luyalians.

"You're right, but not entirely. The

eagle's movements stopped.

"Snake Queen and I are both combat weapons made by Vegapunk, only I have awakened my self-consciousness, and Snake Queen was saved by me. The

eagle began his foolish Dafa again, and what he said was also half-truths and half-truths.

"I once asked Vegapunk and he told me that our bloodline is very special and complex, and it is the most suitable weapon for combat, we don't need superfluous emotions, we just need to keep fighting to keep getting stronger. "

It's true, Eagle did ask Vegapunk.

"Then why are you?"

said Hancock, too.

"Vegapunk knows too many secrets, and the world government will not watch Vegapunk get out of control, so it has imposed restrictions on the remaining Seraphs.

"And Snake Queen and I hid before that, so we escaped. Of

course, Eagle didn't say that he knew other secrets.

"Seraph, is this your code name?" Hancock

also heard the difficulty, although the eagle said it very lightly.

"These are in the past, Hancock, and I will do my best to help you and make you a true empress of the sea.

Eagle said cautiously.

"But the concubine is already an empress, and she doesn't need such a false name. Hancock

didn't care.

"No, that's not enough, they all just covet your beauty and call you the empress, this is not enough at all, I want you to become an existence comparable to the four emperors. The

eagle began to draw cakes for Hancock.


Hancock did not speak again this time, but quietly waited for the eagle's next words.

"Nine Snake Island is not small, but that is far from enough, although Nine Snake Island is quite large, but the population is still too small, just relying on you to supplement the population like this, it is not enough at all. "

What Eagle said is the truth, the population of Nine Snake Island is only thousands, and if there are few people, it will be very difficult to become a big country.

Eagle knows the strengths and weaknesses of Nine Snake Island, and as long as Han Cook is stripped of the title of the Seven Martial Seas, the trouble will only increase.

When the time comes, it is unlikely that Hancock will want to go to sea.

Now is the era of pirates, and it is also the most chaotic era.

As long as Reilly is dead, Hancock is probably really dangerous.

The eagle must be prepared in advance.

And the first step is to convince Hancock that she is willing to listen to her.

"Nine Snake Island has been like this for generations, the people are all warriors, and the concubines also have the title of Seven Martial Seas.

Hancock didn't care.

"Do you know what the Seraphs were created for?".

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