Minutes and seconds passed.

It didn't take long for a knock on the door.

De Solo manipulated the gold to open the door.

The Charlia Palace, with its glass fish tank, walked in.

The moment she saw the eagle, she immediately trotted over and hugged him.

"It's true?!"

This scene directly subverted De Solo's three views.

"If you need funds, you can find me, why bother looking for this guy.

Charlia complained quietly, and it was obvious that she was special to the eagle.

"I'll tell you later, I'll get down to business first. The

eagle pushed open the Charlia Palace and looked at De Soro.

"De Solo, do you want her to be resurrected in another way? I can help you. The

eagle's voice had a special magical power that made De Solo's body tremble.

"What you said is true?"

asked De Soro excitedly.

"It seems that you still know too little about some technologies. Eagle

didn't know if it was the same as he thought, but it should be very likely.

Only after experiencing the greatest pain will De Solo never forget that woman, that is, watching the most beloved woman die in his arms.

"You should still have her body, take me to see it, of course, you can choose not to believe me, but here's a most intuitive example. The

eagle pointed to the snake queen, and the meaning was self-evident.

De Solo looked at the snake queen and quickly realized something.

As a bigwig in the entertainment city, he was fortunate enough to meet Hancock, so he was naturally a little impressed.

Now the snake queen is dressed like Hancock, not only with a white snake, but also wearing a small skirt similar to Hancock.

"You said she ......

" "Shh~"

Eagle made a silent gesture directly.

"If only you took me alone, they stayed here. The

eagle made a gesture of please.

"Okay, follow me.

De Solo walked over to a bookshelf and opened the secret door.

It's a small elevator that barely fits two people.

"You're ...... too"

De Solo looked at the eagle and saw the doorway.

"That's right, we're called Seraphs, we're the work of Vegapunk, and of course, we're independents. The

eagle did not lie to him, showing sincerity.

"You're looking for me for money?" asked

De Soro, as the elevator stopped.

"That's right, we are in a relationship of mutual help, there are some things that money can't buy, I can give them to you. Eagle

followed him out of the elevator and into a dark room.

What catches your eye is a huge photograph and a crystal coffin.

In the crystal coffin lay a woman, still holding a glowing object in her hand.

"What is this?"

the eagle pointed to the golden light.

"Pure gold, only a small piece, something that even the Draconians would be crazy about. "

It's a temptation on the part of De Solo to see how the Eagles perform.

If the eagle has a trace of greed, he will directly tear his face with the eagle.

"Oh, that's it, it's too little, far from enough, at most it's just one person. The

eagle looked at it curiously, but lost interest.

"You're not interested?" De

Solo asked.

"Of course I'm interested, but there's too little room for maneuvering. Eagle

said truthfully.

At the same time, he came to the woman's side and stretched out his hand directly.

"What are you doing?!"

De Solo shouted.

"Of course, it's to make sure that she still has any vitality, if she really doesn't even have a little room to operate, then there is no way. The

eagle's hand stopped in mid-air, and after thinking about it, he took out a syringe.

"You ......"

De Solo still wanted to stop it, but the eagle had already done it.

"Have you ever wondered if you imprisoned her like this, she can't get rest. The

eagle began to distract De Soro.

At the same time, he took out another needle and drew blood in a different place, this time in the heart position.

"Okay, it's done, it's well preserved, it should be promising.

Eagle looked at the blood in the test tube, nodded, and collected a few hairs at the same time.

"Is that okay?"

De Soro asked.

"yes, that's enough. Eagle

found a place to sit down.

Now, let's talk about the cost.

Eagle pulled out a piece of paper and began to write quickly.

"What cost?" De

Solo frowned.

"Of course, it's the training fee. Eagle

Head didn't reply.

"You definitely don't want a daughter, do you? that is, you need a wife you want to imagine, she must not be able to be cultivated in a test tube all the time......"

Ying began his big flickering Dafa.

"From her birth to adulthood, with the most high-end configuration, it will take 3 years at the earliest, and in these 3 years, you will give us 1 billion training funds every month. "

Eagle gave a number.

The eagle looked up at De Soro's face, and saw that he didn't even mean a little pain in his flesh, and immediately knew that it was going to be less.

"Of course, this 1 billion is just the most basic funds to be prepared every month for the first half of the year, and you don't want her to become a puppet, right? "

The education expenses are 1 billion per month, the food expenses are 100 million per month, and the accommodation and care expenses are 300 million per month...... "

He counted all the expenses that the eagle could think of, totaling 3 billion per month.

"These are just the expenses you pay later, and now you want to give me a start-up capital, 10 billion, is that okay?"

asked Eagle with a smile.

"Are you sure you can make it?" asked

De Soro, who

was just a drizzle of money for him, and what he cared about most was whether or not he could make it.

"Then you must try it, how do you know if you don't try, who will work

for you without start-up capital?" "Besides, I'm just looking for you for start-up capital, and it's still a question of whether the follow-up funds will be asked for you." "

The eagle felt as if he was going to be missing.

"I'll give you 20 billion as start-up capital, how long will it take to give me news?"

De Solo directly added money without humanity.

"Happy, I like a straightforward person like you, it takes at least a week from here to the destination, plus the research time, and the results should be out within a month. Eagle

thought for a moment and gave an accurate number.

"How can I trust you?"

De Solo asked the most crucial question.

"Hmm...... This money buys a month of hope, and you should not lose.

Eagle said bluntly.

"You'd better not lie to me, or you'll ......"

De Solo frowned at the eagle.

"Can't you trust me, can't you trust Vegapunk?" said

Hawk slowly stood up.

"I think you should let her be buried in the ground more than that, even if you hide her at the bottom now.

Eagle looked at De Soro and shook his head.

"You don't have to worry about this!" De

Soro yelled as if he had been stepped on by the tail.

"The dragon slayer will eventually become an evil dragon, and what you should think about is how to get revenge. Eagle

spoke it out anyway.

"What do you know? Do you know the horror of the Celestial Dragons? I bought such an amusement city and offered offerings to those Celestial Dragons, just to attract that person to come out.

"But the guy wasn't so stupid that day, he even asked CP0 to come to those dogs who received money, even if he gave so much money, I didn't even have the qualifications to see that guy!" De

Solo broke out completely, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Haven't you thought of joining forces with the Revolutionary Army?" asked

Eagle curiously.

"Heh, they're just some guys who just ask for money and don't do anything.

De Solo didn't say much, he was very dismissive.

However, from his words, Eagle learned that he should have given the Revolutionary Army a fund.

It should have been the revolutionary army that took the money and did not choose to assassinate the Draconian, so De Solo did not contact the other party again.

"With the composure of a dragon, he will definitely not startle the snake for the sake of De Solo......"

Eagle immediately figured this out.

"Do you want to take revenge with your own hands?" asked

Eagle with a smile.

"Do you have a way?"

asked De Soro faintly.

He didn't think that the Eagle would be able to do this, even with the help of the Celestial Dragons.

"Have you ever thought about a question? You only have money, but you don't have power, so you can only become a tool for others to accumulate money. "

Eagle is telling the truth, even if De Solo is rich, the whole casino is a neutral place, but he has no power at all.

"What do you mean?"

De Solo frowned.

"You're still thinking too simply, why does the world government recognize the existence of casinos, but let the people

of CP0 ask you for protection money, have you thought about it?" "I think you should have given CP0 a lot of money, but none of them were successfully bought, right?"

Eagle has already guessed a lot.


De Solo did not answer, which was considered a tacit acquiescence.

"Besides, there are only a few people under you who support you, and the others are only forced by you, right?"

Seeing that he continued to be silent, Eagle immediately came up with an idea.

"Instead of that, why don't you support a force yourself, say, with me. "

Eagle intends to continue asking for money.

Such a good opportunity to gather wool, he naturally will not let it go.

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