"Yanomiya, I'm curious, why did you choose to help me unconditionally?"

Eagle was curious about this, staring at her eyes at the same time.

Charlia Palace took off her heavy spacesuit, revealing her pure white skirt inside.

"This is my secret, and the secret of a hundred years of blankness, are you sure you want to know?" said

Charlia Palace sat down beside the eagle and began to caress the black feather behind the eagle with both hands.

"This ......"

Ying felt that something special must have happened in this blank hundred years, and these things were probably related to the secret of the rule of the Celestial Dragons.

However, Eagle didn't plan to ask more, and even if he did, he would only know some secrets, and it was likely to change his mentality.

He already has his own guess, the so-called immortal surgery is likely to be a special body modification, and the launch of the so-called national treasure must be inseparable from this.

Even if he knew the secret, he wouldn't get it, and compared to this, fishing in troubled waters is the king.

"Let's not talk about that, I want to know, why did you choose me?"

Eagle was most curious about this.

"Because of that period of history and technology, all controlled by the Draconians, one of the forces is called the Moon Fire, although in the end this experiment was abandoned, but I am the key to unlock the Moon Fire.

Charlia pointed to the black flames behind the eagle.

"There's nothing special about this fire. The

eagle didn't feel how special this fire was, except that it could give the blade when he swung it, and it seemed that there was only so much to it.

"You'll know later, become the king closest to God!" said

Charlia's eyes were full of yearning, and his eyes were full of obsession.

"Okay, even if you're right, what's your position?" Eagle

asked, and that's what he's really worried about.

"I will sit on the supreme throne with you and become the king of the world!"

Charlia Palace's yearning for power can be described as very strong, even obsessive.

"Since you have this ambition, then I can help you, this is my plan, you can do it yourself, De Solo will work with you alone, as for what you want to do, you decide. "

In fact, since the awakening of the black flame, Eagle has discovered his own problem, and he has also done experiments on Snake Hime, and has also changed Snake Hime.

That is, there is a special change in the skin of both of them.

Both of them had brown skin, but since the change, their skin has become more and more snow-white, and they can no longer see their original brown.

However, the flame of the snake queen has not changed much.

Charlia Palace shouldn't have lied to her, as she could tell from the way she looked at herself.

But why was this look so strange?

Eagle always felt that the way Charles Palace looked at him was very strange, as if he wanted to eat him.

Of course, the eagle didn't do anything behind, but grabbed the left hand of the Charlia Palace and put a bracelet on her.

Regarding the eagle's actions, Charlia Palace just glanced at it, did not say much, but touched the eagle's white hair.

And the snake in the living room is eating delicious food in a puff.

The other side.

De Solo had returned to the private room and called Baccarat.

"Baccara, go get a lot of ice, and follow those two guys. "


De Solo took out a list of characters and looked at them after arranging all this.

Eagle gave him a wake-up call this time, and although he didn't think it was possible for anyone to cause damage to his gold casino, he still took a closer look.

"Lord De Soro, the opening concert is about to begin.

Karina pushed the door open at this time, still wearing a gown.

"Got it.

De Soro glanced at Karina, and a golden light suddenly lit up in her eyes.

He's actually wary of Karina, a woman who hasn't been here for a long time, but she's very smart.

In fact, Karina was promoted so quickly because he saw a trace of Terra in this woman.

However, when Silkra was hopefully resurrected, he naturally had no feelings for this woman.

Many things, in fact, can't stand scrutiny, and now De Solo also found a problem.

When Karina leaves, De Soro finds the younger brother who wears the fruit and asks him to pay attention to Karina's movements......

Music is the most entertainment in One Piece.

De Solo's standard is indeed very high and infectious, of course, a concert will not only let him sing alone, other stars who have been invited also have it.

Of course, there are not only concerts on this stage, but also other activities, that is, the follow-up life and death competition.

This is also something to bet on, every night.

At the same time, it is also one of the tools for De Solo to accumulate wealth.

The eagle prefers other recreational facilities to these.

After getting out of the entanglement of Charlia Palace, Eagle got a large amount of ice cubes, and then took Snake Queen to have a good experience.

"That woman, I always feel a little abnormal, so I'd better hide in the future. The

eagle sat in the tortoise cart and complained, putting aside the problems of the Charlia Palace and began to have fun.

When he came to this world, he really didn't relax like tonight, what racing, golf, water parks, hot springs, he experienced them all over again.

At the same time, the eagle also saw a lot of navies in the experience.

However, these navies have their own circles and will not interact with pirates.

In order to prevent friction, the casino will not arrange the navy and pirates together.

Of course, there will always be friction.

For example, just now, a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million yuan directly teased the peach rabbit in the water park.

Then the pirate was directly fanned away by a big fight.

What should I do if there is friction in the entertainment city

? Of course, let them go on stage to solve it, which can not only make money, but also allow them to perform for free, why not?

For this peach rabbit, Eagle also came to be interested, and after she won the victory, he directly asked her to learn from her.

At first, Peach Rabbit was about to refuse, but when the eagle took off his hat and showed his black knife, Peach Rabbit did not refuse.

This kind of thing of coming out to play and making meritorious contributions by the way, Peach Rabbit will naturally not refuse.

De Solo also wanted to see the strength of the eagle, and even put the competition between the two on the whole live broadcast this time.

In fact, Ying was only planning to try the results of his nine-month cultivation, and he didn't think about it that much, but Peach Rabbit really planned to make meritorious contributions.

Soon, the two of them were on the dueling stage this time.

"Little brother, what are you going to do to your sister?" Peach

Rabbit did not draw his sword, but looked at the eagle curiously.

"Be careful!" Eagle

didn't spare his hand for Peach Rabbit's contempt, and directly wrapped his weapon color around the Black Eagle, and instantly rushed to Peach Rabbit.


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