After a few days of sailing, the eagle came to this island covered in fire and ice.

"Why does this feel so much like the eyes of ice and fire?" Eagle

couldn't help but complain.

"Blu Blu Blu Bu ~"

Eagle did not stop after landing on the island and contacted Luo directly.

Soon, a figure teleported in front of the eagle.

It was Luo himself.

Not seen for a while, the eagle can feel Luo's ascension.

His combat power has directly doubled, and it has reached about 50,000.

"I'll take you there!" Since

the eagle landed in Iceland, Law had to use his power to transfer everyone to the Fire Island.

The flames here are conducive to Ace's recovery, so Luo has been hiding Ace in the Fire Island.

The temperature on Fire Island was very high, and Sabo had to go bare-chested.

The scars on his body also made the eagle can't help but look sideways.

Sure enough, every strong man has gone through countless life and death tests to get to the point where he is now.

In the cave, Ace had already sat up, leaning on the hospital bed in a daze.


Sabo was the first to rush in, a look of surprise on his face.

"Are you?Sabo?!"

Ace, who was still in a daze, raised his head, his face full of incredulity.

"Ace, it's great to see you again!" Sabo

hugged Ace excitedly.

It's just that he also found out that something was wrong.

Because Ace's entire right arm and shoulder were gone, and he was wrapped in countless bandages.

"It's all my fault, if I could have recovered my memory earlier, you wouldn't have ......"

Sabo's tears couldn't hold back anymore and he hugged Ace and cried.

"It's not your ...... to blame"

Seeing the two of them reminiscing, everyone didn't speak.

The eagle pulled Luo to the side.

"Luo, how's Ace doing?" Eagle

thought that Luo might be hiding something from him.

"Ace doesn't cooperate, he can't accept the transplant, and he may have to do it in the future, but his recovery is okay, and he should be able to get out of bed after a while. Luo

was going to transplant an animal arm to Ace, but Ace was unwilling to live or die, and the wound on his shoulder was very complicated, so Luo also gave up.

Eagle thought about it and walked towards Ace.

"Hawk, how is Luffy?" Seeing

Hawk coming over, Ace also hurriedly asked.

"He's very good, you'll definitely be able to meet again in the future, the question is you, what are your plans for the future?"

asked Eagle curiously.

"I ......,"

Ace said before stopping.

Originally, he wanted to avenge his father.

But after knowing his current situation, he chose to give up for the time being, and what he wanted to do most now was very simple, that is, to get better quickly, and then go to find the remnants of Whitebeard.

"It's okay, Daddy's wish is also to let you live well, and you shouldn't live up to his expectations of you. The

eagle didn't say much, left the sentence and prepared to leave.

"Eagle, thank you!" Ace

shouted at Eagle's back.

"Live well!" Eagle

waved his hand with his back to Ace and pulled Law out of the cave.

"Luo, what's the situation with Punk Hazard now?"

This time I came to see Ace just by the way, his real purpose was still that fruit.

"Punk Hazard is now being taken over by Caesar, and he is in charge of helping Kaido and Big Mom conduct experiments in Iceland......"

Luo didn't hide anything, and directly told Eagle everything he knew.

Luo actually wanted to seek revenge on Brother Ming for a long time, but he was weak, and with Brother Ming and Kaido's backstage, moving Brother Ming was equivalent to being an enemy of Kaido.

Law must find a strong ally.

And the eagle has become his target now.

Eagle's calmness and affection are the reasons why Luo likes him, of course, before that, he must know the strength of Eagle.

So Luo was ready to test the strength of the eagle.

But where is the current Luo is the opponent of the eagle, and Luo, who has just come into contact with the domineering, can only escape in the circle.

"Eagle, you have improved so much!" Luo

was really shocked, and looked at the black knife in Eagle's hand that was covered with domineering energy.

"You've been tempted too, I know what you mean, you want to defeat Doflamingo, right?"

Eagle had already seen through Luo's thoughts, and put away his sword and walked over.

"Eagle, if you want to set foot in the new world, there are only two ways out, either join the Four Emperors, or defeat the Four Emperors, and we form an alliance to defeat Kaido together, how about it?"

Luo didn't try again, and directly sent out an invitation.

"Eh, Luo, our ideals may be a little different, it's okay for you to let me help you, but with our current strength, can we go and deliver food to Kaido?"

"This ......"

Luo did not deny it, and did not know how to answer.

"Four Emperors, I am only a lot more than you know, after all, I am also from the New World. Eagle

glanced at the snow-covered experimental base.

"I'm also here to improve my strength this time, Luo, do you know if there is a Devil Fruit left behind by Vegapunk in Caesar's experimental base?"

Eagle hurriedly asked Luo about the situation.

"You're talking about artificial devil fruits!?"

Of course, Luo knew what Caesar was studying, after all, Caesar was an important pawn he was going to use against Ming.

"Unlike Caesar's one, this is a real finished product, and it should be tightened by his treasure, do you know where?"

Eagle asked quickly.

"This ......"

Luo really didn't pay attention to this.

"In that case, you take me in, and I'll find it myself. Eagle

didn't care, he was actually just going to let Luo help him get in.

"If Caesar is very important, he should be in his laboratory, and I will take you directly. "

Luo is very familiar with this place, so he can naturally lead the way for the eagle.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. The

eagle pulled the snake queen on the side and followed directly.

Luo is now cooperating with Brother Ming, and he also sacrificed his heart, to be honest, Ying admires Luo a little, this is really a bet.

"Lord Luo!" The

little brother who guarded the door was very respectful, they were all people saved by Luo, so they naturally respected Luo very much.

For the people brought back by Luo, they didn't look much at it, and reported it truthfully.

"Luo, why are you here, who are they?" and the

three of them met Caesar, led by Monet.

"My name is Eagle, and I'm here to make a deal with you. Without

waiting for Law to speak, Eagle took the initiative to walk in front of Caesar.

"What do you want, little ghost?"

Caesar looked like he didn't look at the eagle.

"100 million Bailey, how about buying you a fruit?" Eagle

smiled and took out a box full of Bailey.

Scientists, that's all short of money, of course, if it's only 100 million, that's not enough to make them smile.

"100 million Baileys?!, just one?"

Caesar also had his eyes lit up, and he quickly calmed down.

"Yes, I want the one from your lab, you should understand. Eagle

said with a smile.


Caesar was startled and immediately became vigilant.

"That one is not for sale, you get out of here. "

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