"Well, Uta, will you let me go first?" said

Eagle weakly in Uta's ear.

There was no way, Uta was hugging him at this time and looking in that direction with a smile on his face.

"Eagle, won't you continue?"

replied Uta softly.

"What do you ??? to continue? I didn't do anything, I just ......"

Eagle wanted to tell her, but she still hesitated, if she said it, what if Shanks didn't come out by then?

Shanks, Eagle also knew a little about this person, and he wouldn't make a move until the critical moment.

Now the eagle raised his hands in the air, looking like he was surrendering, and Uta was holding him with anticipation on his face.

But it was a stalemate for a while, and the front was still calm, and there was the shadow of Shanks.

From full of anticipation, to disappointment again.

Uta finally cried out with the eagle in her arms.

"Shanks, why doesn't he want to see me? does he really want me?" Uta

looked at the eagle, and the tears could not be stopped any longer.

"I...... Don't cry, I'll let you see him!" Eagle

looked at Uta who was crying in his arms, a little unbearable, and the plan that he had abandoned reappeared in his mind.

"Uta, this time I'm risking my life to help you, and I'm also saving you, you must protect me.

Thinking to himself, the eagle leaned into Utta's ear.

"Uta, I can help you, but you have to cooperate with me, you know?"

said Eagle, and the eagle began to move.

He first messed up Uta's hair.

"You tear a few holes in your own clothes. "

Eagle wanted to come by himself, but he didn't dare.

Although he was open-minded, he was still a little weak-hearted.

Tear it up~

Uta is very cooperative, and he pulled it directly, revealing a large piece of snow white.

"And then you cry for help, ready to ~ start!" Eagle

pushed Uta to the ground, then put his hands to her ears.


Eagle kept signaling her to shout with her eyes, but Uta suddenly laughed.

It's just that her current appearance is a little miserable, her hair is messy, and her clothes are torn, revealing a piece of white flowers.

"That's not enough~"

Uta smiled, grabbed the eagle's collar, and pulled hard.

"Damn, what are you doing?" Before

the eagle could react, Uta's cry rang out.

"Eagle, what are you doing? Don't! Help~"

is worthy of practicing singing, and the voice is really loud.

At this moment, the eagle remembered what an old man had once told him.

"Women are born actors, don't believe them ......"

and now the eagle is full of question marks.

"Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?"

the eagle was already stunned, staring blankly at the struggling Uta beneath him.

The little face pear blossom with rain, the performance is the same as the real one.

"I can't take it anymore, Jesus cloth, break that kid for me. With

that, Beckman rushed straight out.

But a figure was faster than him.

The eagle, which was still a little sluggish, was just about to brace himself up when a strong wind came from one side.


The eagle was directly slapped by Shanks and flew out, without even having a chance to explain.

"I ......"

Eagle only felt that half of his face was numb, and it was rapidly swollen.

Fortunately, he has a special physique, otherwise he would have fainted directly to death.

"Kill this turtle grandson~"

I don't know who shouted, and several big men directly raised their feet and stepped on it.

The eagle is not given any time to react at all.

"He actually bullied our little princess, step on him for me!" "

Give me a ...... to beat him

" "Oh Hu~"

The monkey didn't know where to take out a wooden stick and hit it at the eagle's buttocks.


But a little white foot stepped directly on his face, and he kept stepping on it.

And the owner of this little foot is none other than Little Snake Queen.

She had wanted to do this for a long time, and now that she had the opportunity, she naturally wouldn't let it go.

In fact, Shanks and the crew didn't use any force, they just put on a show, and the only one who really beat him was the monkey.

They still knew the proportions, and they also guessed the purpose of the eagle, and they acted with him very cooperatively.

But he doesn't understand the monkey, it's a real beating.

Fortunately, after a beating, everyone stopped.

Their eyes were all fixed on Shanks and Uta.

Rewind time to the moment when the eagle is beaten and flying.

The moment the eagle flew away, Shanks crouched down in front of Uta and put the cloak over her.

At this moment, it was as if time had stood still.

Uta gritted her teeth, tears welling up in her eyes, and her hands clutched at her clinging to her cloak.

"It's all right, Uta.

Shanks touched Uta's head with a smile on her face.


This touching kill instantly made Uta break the defense.

She threw herself into Shanks' arms and burst into tears.

"Why did you leave me, why did you leave me, why did you ?!!!"

while crying, Uta also beat Shanks hard, as if to vent all the grievances in his heart.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault......"

Shanks' eyes were also a little red, and he patted Uta on the back.

"Woo woo...... It's so touching. "

The boss is finally reunited with the little princess......

"The boss ......

" "Oh Hu ~ Papapa~"

The crew members all cried for the reunion of the two, and the little monkey on the side was also clapping their hands.

Only the eagle lying on the ground and pretending to be dead wanted to cry without tears.

At this time, his right cheek was already swollen, and on the other side, he was still stepping on the little snake girl's little feet.

The little snake girl was not afraid of him and continued to step on the eagle's face.

But she didn't realize that everyone around her had stopped.

"Snake Queen, you're going too far!" Eagle

grabbed her little feet and let her fall on top of him, then hit her little ass a few times.


But no one paid attention to the two of them.

Now everyone's eyes are fixed on the father and daughter.

I don't know how long it took, but Uta's crying slowly subsided, and finally fell asleep.

The dissatisfaction and longing for more than ten years have all been vented, and now she is the most relaxed and the most comfortable to sleep.

Shanks didn't bother with the eagle, but walked in one direction with Uta in his arms.

Beckman lifted the eagle and slung it on his shoulder, keeping up with Shanks' footsteps.

"Good job, boy, I'll help you with the medicine when Shanks beats you.

Beckman glanced at the eagle and said with a smile.

"Damn! What do you mean? I really didn't do anything to Uta, I'm just a kid, okay? Hey, you're not really going to Shanks, are you? Wait, this isn't the car to kindergarten, I'm going to get off......"

Eagle wanted to run away, but he also knew that he was no match for Beckman now, and it was probably ...... that was waiting for him next

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