Originally, Uta was still a little sad, but when she saw the eagle's appearance of protecting her, she was in a much better mood, and she didn't say anything more when she wanted to explain.

"Uta, don't be sad, don't think about him this unreliable guy, I'll take you to him in the future and help you beat him up. Seeing

that Uta did not speak, the eagle hurriedly began to comfort him.

The little snake girl on the side covered her mouth and snickered.


Suddenly, Uta kissed him on the cheek with a smile on his face.


Eagle looked puzzled, why was the script a little wrong, shouldn't Uta be crying? Why did he still laugh? Also, what was the matter with this sneak attack?


Before Eagle could think about it, Little Snake Ji also came over and kissed him on the other side of his face.


the eagle was full of question marks.

"Who am I, where am I, what happened?" said

the eagle, puzzled, as he looked at the two girls who were eating with their heads bowed.

Seeing that they didn't mean to explain, he looked at the box again.

"Something must have happened, does it have something to do with this box?"

Eagle didn't ask the two girls again, but opened the box in his hand.

"Is this a Devil Fruit!!" Eagle

was also shocked, he didn't expect the box to contain a Devil Fruit.

At the same time, there is also a phone bug and a note inside the box.

"Boy, the curse on your body needs to be slowly removed by Uta and take good care of her, if you dare to bully him, the next time we meet, I will definitely beat you!"

"I got this fruit by accident, I don't know the type for the time being, you have to check it yourself, and remember to contact us with a phone bug."

Looking at the note Shanks had left, Eagle immediately realized that he was wrong to blame the other party.

"I didn't expect it to be a curse!In other words, the Demon King has not been completely destroyed, and I still need Uta to help me eliminate

it!" "I'm careless! Why am I so much in debt!" Eagle

regretted burning that sheet of music, and it still carried a curse, and he knew it would be like this, so he didn't touch it.

But now it is useless to regret it, and he can only rely on Uta to help him eliminate it.

The last item Eagle picked up was the direct phone bug, and there were two sets of numbers pressed underneath.

"It's preparing for a video call, I'll play. The

eagle put away the phone bug and took out the fruit.

The fruit was oddly round, pale blue, and had two pointed bumps.

"What kind of fruit is this? Why don't you eat it yourself?"

the eagle sniffed, but finally put it down.

Rather than an uncertain fruit, the artificial fruit taken from Punk Hazard was what he wanted.

The reason why I didn't eat it right away was because I was afraid that there would be some problems, and if I couldn't wake up, it would be a big problem.

In the later stage, it is the world of fruit awakening, and it must be decided to wait until you see Vegapunk.

"Forget it, put it away first, and wait until you get to Eggshell Island.

With that in mind, the eagle looked at his ring.

"Hmm, what's going on, how did the ring change?!"

At this time, the ring on the eagle's hand changed dramatically.

There are a lot of patterns on it, and two energy bars have appeared, and the extra bar is purple.

Moreover, the ring, which was originally unadorned, also has a pitch-black musical note sign.

"What the hell is going on?" the

eagle was curious, and tried to urge.

Hum ~

A door appeared in the void, he didn't push it, and the door slowly opened by itself.

A pitch-black hand stretched out from inside, trying to break out of the door.

"Holy! What is this?!"

the eagle was startled, and kicked the hand back, closing the door.

"Eagle, what's wrong with you? Is the curse coming back again?" asked

Uta quickly, seeing the scene as well.


Little Snake Ji was also a little worried.

"This ...... I don't know, but it's fine. Eagle

thought about it, didn't notice anything unusual, and continued to eat.

"The passage of the two realms? That's kind of interesting. The

eagle hurriedly finished his meal and returned to the roof.

"Is this! the result of last night's fighting?"

he could imagine the horror of last night as he looked at the roof of the building, which had been pierced with several large holes.

So, the three of them came to a clearing and began to try.

"Open!" Eagle

opened the door again.

A swarthy hand poked out of it, followed by countless black palms.

"Damn, so many?!" Hawk

startled, kicked the black shadow out of the front, and closed the door.

He just wanted to do the test, but he didn't want to cause another large-scale riot.

"Is this a blackened note soldier?" Uta

said as she looked at the black humanoid monster in front of her.


Except for the color, there is not much difference between the three.

"I seem to be able to control it. Eagle

said suddenly.


The black soldier flew as the eagle commanded.

"In other words, I'm a summoner now?" Eagle

smiled as he commanded the black soldier to make a few more movements.

"Then let's try a few more. The

eagle also wanted to test his limits and was ready to push the door open again.

But at this moment, a black power suddenly spread out of the ring and slowly began to erode his palm.

"This is?!"

the eagle jumped, and quickly looked at Uta.


The beautiful song sounded, Uta stretched out his hand and grabbed the eagle's arm, and a colored streamer appeared, and this black power slowly withdrew into the ring.

"Is twice the limit?" or ......,"

Hawk guessed, and didn't try any further.

He felt that this demon king was a time bomb, ready to steal the initiative when he was relaxed.

"Uta's singing voice really worked, the original cold feeling disappeared, and even the mood was much happier, is this the ability of the song fruit?"

thought to the eagle and began to make his next plans.

In his plan, the next step is to go to Eggshell Island.

However, in his current situation, he was in a hurry, and there were likely to be problems, so he was going to stay for two more days to learn more about his current situation.

By the way, let Uta and Gordon say goodbye well.

After all, he has raised Uta for more than ten years, and he has taught Uta so much music knowledge, although he has some selfishness, but Ying does not blame him.

In the past two days, Eagle and Shanks had a video call, of course, to watch Uta sing and dance with Shanks, and Shanks couldn't see Shanks on this side.

This kind of live phone bug is only one-way, and there is no way to make a video call.

Two days later, on a pirate ship.

"Uta, don't cry, you still have me, I will show you all over the world and make you a singer who resounded all over the world!" Eagle

took Uta's hand and began to go to sea for the first time in her life.

As for the little snake queen,

she's throwing the pirates on the ship into the sea one by one......

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