Eagle eagerly pulled Lilith into the cab.

"Lilith, teach me, quick. "

It's like a child gets his favorite toy, and the eagle can't wait.

"This is the transformation button......

Lilith's pretty face was a little red, after all, this was the first time that Eagle took the initiative to kiss her face like this, and said such explicit things.

Fortunately, Lilith immediately adjusted her state and began to explain the operation of Shark 2.

"Wow! You can really move! Under

Lilith's teaching, Eagle began to take control of his Transformers.


Short sprint!


Although the design of the air is not perfect, it is no problem to jump more than ten meters.


cushioning is not bad, but these are only on land, and the most important thing for the eagle to try is the water gliding function.

Gollum grunt ~


"What about the water slide feature?" the

eagle looked at Lilith.

"You're going to have to change back into shark form, or how can you slide?"

Lilith clearly didn't understand what the eagle meant.

"Damn, then there is no soul, what I want is the feeling of stepping on the surface of the water, stepping on the water like stepping on the ground.

Eagle looked at Lilith expectantly.

"No, it's a fire energy drive specially prepared for you, and in this case, the speed in shark form is the fastest......"

Lilith began to explain to the eagle.

"I want to be handsome, help me change it. The

flames on the eagle's back began to burst into flames, directly controlling the Transformers to rush out of the water.

"Eagle, what's going on behind you?!"

Lilith also noticed the eagle's problem and immediately asked.

At first, Lilith didn't notice that something was wrong, but this explosion, you can see that this dark flame is a little weird.

"By the way, I have some questions for you......"

Eagle remembered his question and told her his current problem.

He spoke out about how the flames turned black and the curse of the demon king.

However, Lilith is not an expert in this area, and she can't explain it clearly, so she takes him directly to Vegapunk's laboratory.

At this time, Vegapunk was tinkering with the artificial Devil Fruit he had brought back.

At this time, several pipes were inserted into the fruit, one of which was connected to a large green transparent container.

"Eagle, the fruit you want to identify already knows the result, this should be an animal fruit, the type is a cat fruit, and this one will take some time.

Vegapunk handed the fruit left behind by Shanks into the eagle's hand and began to continue to control the various instruments.

"Cat fruit, why do you eat a hammer?" the

eagle put the fruit away and began to look at Vegapunk's laboratory.

"Hey, Body, there's something wrong with the eagle, look what's going on.

Lilith spoke.

She was really concerned about the situation of the eagle.


Vegapunk turned his head again, glanced at the flames on the eagle's back, and ignored it.

"The black flame with emotions is a product of the Lunar Fire Project, that kind of thing is nothing to study, and it changes the temperature and color of the flame, which belongs to the ......,"

Vegapunk replied without looking back, continuing to record the data.

"It's a critical moment, I'll take a look at it for you when I have time......"

Obviously, Vegapunk doesn't have time to take care of them now.

"What is this?" asked

the eagle, pointing to the green jars.

"It's the green blood, the rest of the Seraph's ......,"

Lilith explained.

"Isn't it familiar? That's right, I originally wanted to prepare it for the two of you, but if you want a Devil Fruit, then I didn't prepare it for you.

Lilith led him to another venue.

Here, the eagle meets Shakya, as well as Uta and the little snake queen.

They were curiously gathered in front of the transparent glass, as if they were looking at something.

"Uta, Snake Queen, what are you doing?" Eagle

leaned over curiously.

This look, the eagle is very shocked.

Inside are the other two

Seraphs! the Seraphic Angel Jinping who swims on the ground, and the Seraphic Bear who has the flesh ball fruit.

They all had green blood packets strapped to their hands, and the consumption of this green blood was very fast, and it didn't take long to bottom.

A bot on the side is collecting data.

"They are your replacement, and the main control is now only available to Sentomaru, you can rest assured, I have already eliminated that thing in your brain.

Shakya opened his mouth to explain.

A lot is said in these words.

Seraphic research has been going on, and research will naturally fail, and Eagle and Snake Queen have been marked as experimental failures when they report it, and ...... have been destroyed

Shakya seems to know a lot of things, he is the closest to the body, and naturally knows a lot more secrets.

The eagle has not been able to see through Shakya's thoughts......

"You two can go in and try it and let them collect some combat data.

Shakya suggested.

"If the control is not in your hands, you are not afraid......"

Eagle couldn't help but ask.

"You'll find out if you go in and try it.

Without much explanation, Shakya walked in with them.

"Will they be domineering?"

asked Hawk.

"No, are you?!"

Shakya was shocked and looked at the eagle.

Hum ~

The black armed color domineering covered the arm, and the eagle did not take the knife, and rushed directly over.

The eagle is ready to fight one-two, and it is with physical arts.


Before the eagle could get close, a water wave came.


Seraphic Bear's palm glowed with a transparent white light, and countless bear paw balls followed suit.


Hawk kicked the water and began to blast the compressed bear paw balls with both hands.

"Damn, it's pretty powerful!" Hawk

felt his hands numb, and he stopped taking it hard, and finally took out his knife.

"Drink!" the

eagle slashed directly at the Seraphic Jinping.

But he dodged it as easily as if he were stepping on the waves.

The eagle's target is not Jinping, but the bear.

I saw him raise his black knife, and a black chop flew towards the bear.


This chop was directly bounced away.

Before the eagle could strike again, Jinping was already at his leg, and he was about to grab his leg to see it.


Before he could shave away, the ground suddenly rippled, making the eagle unstable.

And the water wave in Jinping's hand has already taken shape.


The water waves hit the eagle's body, directly blasting the eagle back.

"Compress! Impact!" Bear

didn't give a chance at all, and seizing the flaw was just a slap in the face.

"Yohe~ Yes. The

eagle's vertical knife blocked this move, and there were no injuries on his body, but his clothes were shattered.

"Shakya, their skills are good, but this strength seems to be lacking.

Eagle said truthfully.

"The research of the green blood is not yet fully mature, and besides, this is a protective device, which is ...... for you and us,"

Shakya explained, knowing that the eagle was not doing his best.

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