The little snake queen pulled Uta to sit on top of the black dragon's head.

"It's black, isn't it pink? ......"

Vegapunk looked curiously at the black dragon in front of him, and then with his operation, a laser cannon shot out, and the target was the black dragon.


This time directly let the black dragon carry it, and a piece of dragon scale was cracked.

Soon, the cracks in the dragon's scales began to repair themselves, intact as before.

"Defense has been greatly improved, and the self-healing speed has ......,"

Vegapunk continued to record the data, and then opened the canopy again.

Seeing the rays of the sun, the black dragon flew out with the two girls.

"Able to fly on the clouds, the black feathers of the front paws can change direction freely......"

At the same time as the Vegapunk record, the eagle also made its own attempt.


A mouthful of dragon breath was directly sprayed out by him.

The black pillar of fire soared into the sky, eventually turning into a black firework and exploding in the air.

"That's amazing!" Uta


At the same time, there were a lot of dark clouds in the sky.

Soon, the dark clouds began to gather, and for a time lightning and thunder roared, and the momentum was huge.

"Is this the dragon?"

the eagle looked at the dark clouds in the sky, his eyes shining with gold.

"What would happen if you used Overlord color in this state?"

Just as Eagle was about to try, Eagle saw a patrol ship approaching in the distance.

"It's really troublesome, forget it, try again next time. The

eagle didn't soar anymore and flew straight back to the lab.

"Change back for me!" Eagle

wants to change back into human form, but the question is, how

can I change back?" "Hmm, I can't change back?"

Eagle had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't get it back.

"How did this change back?" Eagle

finally got used to the pronunciation and looked at Vegapunk to the side.

"You can't change back for the time being, your body has to adapt to the shape of the dragon, and you can't change back for the time being.

Vegapunk explained.

"Will there be any side effects?" Eagle

is afraid that he will change drastically because of the fruit, and it will be more than worth the loss.

"This ......"

Vegapunk didn't know either, and hesitated a little.

"Damn, you have to rely on yourself. "

The eagle was not going to sit still and began to try.

But without exception, in the end, they all failed.

Maybe that's the after-effect of artificial devil fruits.

The eagle was also helpless and could only wait for the physical exertion to be exhausted.

Half a day later......

"Eagle, can't you come back?" asked

Uta, a little worried.

"I don't know, hey~"

The eagle was also very helpless, so he could only coil there and watch them eat.

"Hawk, don't you really want to eat some?"

Lilith tempted with a steak.

"If you don't eat, take it away. Although

the eagle's belly growled, he held back and waited for it to change back to its original state.

And so at night, the eagle still did not change back.

The eagle had fallen asleep unconsciously, and it was clear that the hunger strike was unrealistic.

He can slowly regain his strength as long as he sleeps.

When he woke up the next day, the eagle still hadn't changed back.

At this point, the eagle was completely panicked and began to make various attempts.

Finally, on the third day, the eagle finally succeeded.

After three days of acclimatization, the eagle finally adapted to its fruiting abilities.

Now he belongs to the black dragon form of the fish fish fruit phantom beast species.

Through these two days of exploration, he finally found a way to recover.

Although he can't return to a human body for some unknown reason, he can try to transform into a dragonman form.

It's better than just like that.


With the continuous efforts of the eagle, finally, he incarnated into the form of a dragon man in front of everyone.

"Damn, it's finally turned back, it's not easy!" Eagle

was very excited, looking at his hands.

There hasn't been much change, but the nails have become a little longer and the edges are pointy, the hair seems to have become, and there are a pair of horns on the head, and the horns are still burning with black flames.

At the same time, he also has a black dragon tail on his buttocks.

"Why is it a little cold?" the

eagle realized that something was wrong when he realized his tail.


"I'm rubbing, this is domineering exposed?!"

Eagle hurriedly took out a cloak from the space to block the key position.

"Is this the dragonman form?"

the eagle looked at himself in the mirror, his body seemed to be a little taller again, his legs were covered in black scales, and the dragon's tail was pounding on the ground.


The terrifying force directly knocked the ground into a depression.

There weren't many dragon scales on his chest, but black-purple dragon patterns, his white hair was waist-high, and the dragon scales on his back were dense, completely covering his back.


the eagle noticed the difference in his arm.

With his loud roar, pitch-black bone armor covered his hands.

There are also two extra feather blades on the wrists.


The eagle suddenly punched out, directly hitting the sound of breaking the air, and at the same time, a muffled sound appeared on the wall dozens of meters away.

"Sure enough, the phantom beast species is Dad, this increase in strength!" As

he spoke, Ying directly took out his black knife and slashed it out.


Just a knife, the black eagle was directly cut out by him with a buzzing sound.

"It's too light, no wonder Kaido-sensei chose to use a mace, it turned out to be like this. "

The eagle has also discovered a problem, this black eagle simply can't exert all his current strength.

"Why don't you change it to a heavy sword?"

as soon as the idea came out, it was out of control.

"Vegapunk, I want a heavy sword, that's it!" Eagle

began to carve out the drawings.

What he drew was a heavy sword with chains.

The reason why the chain was chosen was also for more flexibility.

After all, the epee is very stupid, and relying only on the sword, sometimes it will suffer a big loss.

His claws are also terrifying weapons.

"No problem, what else do you want to add?"

Vegapunk was also very happy, because he saw the potential of the eagle.

"Hmm~ It should be heavy enough, and hard enough, it is best to put the Black Eagle in it and make it a sword within a sword...... "

The Eagle thought about it and felt that it was better to leave another layer of insurance for himself, and it might work wonders at the critical moment.

With such power, Eagle couldn't help but want to go and confront Kaido-sensei.

Although he is definitely not Mr. Kaido's opponent now, it is still okay to let Mr. Kaido give him some guidance.

After all, their fruits are of the same origin, and he can follow suit in many places.

However, before that, you must be able to master the fruit ability.

Fortunately, it only took one day for the eagle to finally transform back from its dragonman form.

During this period, in order to prevent the pants from being scrapped again, Eagle specially asked Lilith to make a special pair of pants.

That way, there won't be that awkward scene again.

How embarrassing would it be if suddenly his pants were gone during



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