"This ......"

Shanks was a little moved, going on vacation for a month a year, easily getting tens of billions, who to change, who is not impressed?

The Four Emperors, the Seven Martial Seas, are all in his plan.

Of course, it would be better if the general could be pulled, but the eagle does not have that much right in this kind of thing.

In the same way, Uta's singing can also spread to the whole world through the Golden Entertainment City, and that is where she should go. "

The eagle continues to double up.

From the moment he met Uta, Eagle already had this plan.

As long as Uta is in the Golden Entertainment City, Shanks is basically firmly on his side.

"Eagle, does the Golden Entertainment City have your share?"

Shanks thought of the crux of the matter.

"Of course, without my share, will I let Uta go?"

Eagle did not hide it, De Solo had been persuaded by him that this time, he would be able to become the majority shareholder.


Shanks fell silent and began to think about the pros and cons.

"Every year, you have a month of time to spend with Uta, and Uta naturally has her own rest time, and you can also take her on a trip......"

As soon as Eagle finished speaking, Uta also walked over.

"What are you talking about?" Uta

asked, smiling, as she sat between the two.

"We're talking about how to get your singing voice around the world.

Eagle explained with a smile.


Uta was surprised, looking at Shanks.

"Yes, Uta, are you happy?"

Shanks touched Uta's head, and he also saw the surprise in Uta's eyes, and agreed to Eagle's proposal.

"Great, thank you, Shanks~"

Uta's idea is simple, as long as Shanks accompanies her and makes her voice heard by the whole world, it will be enough.

Let Shanks accompany her, it is her idea, let the world hear her own singing, this is the idea that Gordon instilled in her.

"Shanks, can you point me out?"

the big stone in the eagle's heart was put down, and he had other thoughts.

Shanks was the first to dominate, and Eagle naturally wanted him to give him some guidance.

"Hmm, boy, although you have grown a lot taller, you are not my opponent now, but it is okay to give you a point......"

Shanks has long wanted to beat the eagle, and now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.


The eagle throws a frozen grenade towards the sea.

The venue was set up immediately.

"I'm not going to keep my hand!"

Shanks flicked his cloak and jumped onto the ice.

"I'm not what I used to be. Hawk

confidently took off his shirt, revealing his explosive muscles.

At the same time, the pitch-black heavy sword was carried by him on his shoulder.

"Dragonman Form Stage 1!" Eagle

did not have any reservations and went directly into Dragonman Form.

The first form only has more horns and tails, as well as black scales on the back.

The real change is the domineering lines formed on the chest and arms.

This is also what he has recently realized.

"Is this Kaido's dragonman......"

Shanks was shocked, he didn't expect that he hadn't seen the eagle for more than a month, and he had gained such power.


The eagle didn't stop, and directly picked up the heavy sword and smashed it.


This blow was directly bounced away by Shanks's exertion and kicked at the waist of the eagle at the same time.

"The strength is good, but the movement is too slow.

Shanks didn't fight back, he wanted to see how far the eagle had grown.

"I'm scrubbing, my full force hit didn't have any effect?" Eagle

was also shocked, he had tried his strength, and it was close to the general.

"Look at me, big windmill!" Eagle

took a few steps back and played with his heavy sword in one hand.

The heavy sword began to spin rapidly in his hand, and as it swirled, black flames formed a heat wave.

"Hey~ Black windmill!" "


The high-speed spinning heavy sword was directly thrown out by him, like a huge black shuriken, and it quickly blasted towards Shanks.

This move was not a threat to Shanks, he just took a half step back, pinpointed the weakness in the spin of the epee, and bounced straight away.

"Feather Blade!"

The moment the heavy sword was bounced off, the eagle used the pull and inertia of the chain to rush over.

His hands were covered in pitch-black scales, and he threw a punch at Shanks.


Shanks blocked it with a horizontal knife, and the backhand was a slash.

"I'll wipe it!" Eagle

put his hands in front of his chest and forcibly blocked the knife.

He was knocked away by the knife, but fortunately his arm was attached to the black chain and did not fly out.

"Second form!"

the eagle wouldn't give up, and the flames on the dragon's horns began to burst into flames, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.


A thunderbolt slashed directly at his body.

Black thunder enveloped the eagle's body.


The ice surface was instantly crushed by the eagle, and the eagle holding a black heavy sword instantly appeared in front of Shanks.



The eagle attacked several times, but was blocked by Shanks.

"The speed and strength are good, but your moves are what I expected.

Shanks was very strong in what he saw and heard, and he had already predicted the eagle's attack.


Just as the eagle was about to continue its onslaught, a terrifying red fluctuating Shanks emerged.

The eagle was shocked back by Shanks' momentum.

"Boy, it's time for me to attack!"

Shanks slashed out three slashes with his hand, and his body instantly appeared behind the eagle.

Forward and backward pinching.

"Demacia!" Eagle

also struggled, stomped on the ground hard, and his body began to spin at high speed, and the heavy sword was thrown out directly under the high-speed rotation.

However, with the blessing of the chains, the heavy sword did not fly out.

The result is a black fire tornado.

"Oops~ I'm a little dizzy. "

The eagle was in the midst of the fire tornado, and the high-speed spin just now made him a little dizzy.

Hum ~

Before the eagle could fully recover, a huge red light directly broke through the black tornado and slashed towards the eagle.

"Shanks, you!" Eagle

didn't have time to scold, and directly raised his heavy sword to block.


The eagle was smashed into the sea.

"Gollum ~ me...... Grunt...... Save...... Gollum ......

"As soon as the eagle wanted to shout for help, he sank directly into the sea.

"The landlubber who ate the fruit, Beckman, go and save him.

Shanks was in a good mood and not only beat the eagle, but also made him drink a lot of seawater.

"Shanks, you're hitting too hard...... Whew~"

Uta helped rescue the eagle, glared at Shanks, and then began to give the eagle artificial respiration.

"Uta, what are you doing?"

Shanks saw his precious daughter kissing other men in front of him, and as a father, he was naturally ready to stop it.

But it was still too late, and Uta had already kissed it.

"Whew~ artificial respiration, the eagle taught me, he said, if a landlubber like us, if it falls into the sea, we will treat each other like this...... Ha~Hmm~"

Uta was very skillful, but she didn't see Shanks' face as black as the bottom of the pot......

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