The biggest hurdles of these are the Red Earth Continent and the naval base.

If you go to the bottom of the sea, there are too many uncertainties, so you can only cross from above.

This necessitates the abandonment of ships.

It's okay to abandon the ships, but the current naval headquarters is near there, and there are heavy troops, so you have to be very careful.

And now, there is another question in front of him.

The speed of this ship is still too slow, if it is at this speed, I am afraid it will take about 3 days to reach the Red Earth Continent.

"Damn, the design of the boat on this cake island is too unreasonable, and the boat is made round. Eagle

thought about it, and finally came up with a solution.

He began to rummage through the space for garbage.

Finally, he found two disposable thrusters.

This thing is a knockout of the previous generation, and it still has a bit of energy.

The eagle did the math and should have allowed the ship to arrive in a day.


The speed of the cake ship is very fast, more than three times faster than the original.


But there are also drawbacks.

This high-speed movement also caused cracks in the hull.

"I hope to make it to my destination. "

The eagle, returning to the cabin, began to collect useful supplies.

Four one-man thrusters freed up a lot of space for him.

"Eagle, there's water in the boat. "

It had only been a few hours before Snake Queen found the eagle in the cabin.

"I'll make it up. The

eagle did not hesitate and ran to the bottom of the boat.

"This can't be made up at all, how can it be so serious. Eagle

looked at the dense cracks and knew that this time it really couldn't hold on.

"Snake Queen, don't come down, we are ready to abandon

the ship!" Hawk knew that the ship would not be supported for long, so he pulled Snake Queen and rushed into the air.

A red line also appears in front of it.

"Very good, I should be able to rush over, Snake Princess, you fly with me first. The

eagle roughly estimated the distance and let the snake queen fly with him.

Both of them have wings, and gliding is no problem, but with people, they have to use the moon step to borrow power.

Tsukibu's physical exertion increases slowly, so he has to take turns with Snake Hime.

Why don't you use the Little Shark?

Although the charge of the Little Shark is over, this is a life-saving hole card and cannot be used casually.

The devil knows how many troops are stationed on the Red Earth, but with the Shark here, you can escape.

"Huh~ Looking not far away, why is it so difficult?" Eagle

still made some mistakes in his prediction, he was holding the snake Ji at this time, and he was struggling to glide in the air.

"Eagle, why don't you put me down.

Snake Ji looked at the sweaty eagle and said calmly.


"How could I leave you behind, hold me tightly, I'm about to cross the Red Earth Continent." "

If it weren't for the eagle's wings, he wouldn't be able to sustain it now.

The Red Earth Continent was ahead, and he didn't want to give up.

"There's a situation in the sky!"

and just then, they were spotted by the navy stationed on the Red Earth Continent.

"What? It's a person! You can't let them come, knock me down!" The

commander at the head saw the two men in the air with a telescope and immediately gave the order.

"Damn, we can't delay any longer, we have to rush over in one go.

Eagle glanced at the flames on Snake Queen's back and knew she hadn't recovered yet.

Without the slightest hesitation, he accelerated directly in the air.

Bang bang bang ~

Bullets flew past the two of them, but there were still a few bullets on his body.

"Snake Queen, hold me tight, I'm going to create chaos for them, or they won't be able to rush through at all.

Eagle knew that the current snake queen had not recovered much, so he directly took out the black knife and slashed out a slash.

"Eagle, I can fight too.

Snake Ji stretched out her left hand, ready to shoot out a golden light.

"No, this trick can't be used now, this may be exposed. Eagle

didn't want to take any chances, he didn't know if Snake Ji's counterattack would be exposed, but for the sake of caution, he still didn't let her make a move.

"Then I can block the bullet for you.

Snake looked at the few wounds on the eagle's body, and her eyes were filled with anger.

"It's okay, as long as they don't use shells, the lethality of these bullets can only cause me abrasions...... Damn, what's the matter?"

Eagle was also startled when he saw the cannonball flying suddenly, but he could still deal with it with the black knife in hand.

"Fortunately, it's just an ordinary cannonball, the flight distance is limited, and it can still be dodged, as long as there is no master, it's still ......"


Two chops flew over.

"I'll wipe it, whatever you say?" the

eagle dodged one slash, then blocked another.


Several shells flew directly in front of him at the moment he paused.

"Oh no!"

there was an explosion in the sky, and the eagle successfully fell to the other side of the sea with the impact of the cannonball.

"Keep shooting!"

But the shelling on the Red Earth Continent did not stop, and continued to make up a few shots on the surface of

the sea, "Snake Queen, go quickly!"

At the last moment, Eagle used the Space Gate to disappear into the sea with Snake Queen.

And their figures appeared above the sea surface of several hundred meters.

At the same time, Eagle took out the Little Shark and asked Snake Ji to prepare to leave.

The Space Ring has also reached its upper limit of uses today.

The reason why they don't have to open the door from a distance is also because they are afraid that the position deviation will make them fall into a dead end.

"Eagle, are you going to die again?" Snake

Ji looked at the bloodied eagle and asked about the situation.

"Can you hope for me to be better?hiss~"

Eagle didn't expect that there were also long-range sniper masters in the navy, and he pierced his shoulder and black feather with one shot.

If he hadn't reacted fast enough, he would have been hit in the heart.

"Ready to go to Chambord. Eagle

reminded and began to stop the bleeding from the wound.

His own blood is red, which also reassures him a lot, at least he is still a human being.

Then he took out a first-aid kit from the space and began to bandage himself.

"Does it hurt?

Snake Ji asked curiously.

"Your pain perception is 80 percent blocked, so you don't know what it's like.

Eagle looked at Snake Ji angrily.

Most of the attacks just now were taken by him, and Snake Ji didn't suffer any damage.

"It's clear that my body is stronger than yours, why are you standing in front of me?"

"It's called love, you know? Don't ask, I'm telling you, you don't understand either. "

Eagle doesn't have time to deal with Snake Ji right now.

At this time, he was checking the situation on the sea.

"What is love?"

said Serpent, curious about this.

"It's up to you to understand it, and you'll see it later, now keep on the left and you'll soon be on the Chambord Islands. The

eagle looked around and found a hidden position.

"Oh. Snake

Ji didn't ask any more questions, and controlled the Little Shark submarine according to the eagle's command.

Underneath the 3 mangrove tree in the Chambord Islands.

Snake Queen and Eagle sneak down to the island.

"Hmm, white-haired imps, what a scarce commodity. At

this moment, several people sitting on the shore suddenly stood up.

There is greed in their eyes.

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