As the legendary god of Bucky, he has long been familiar with this kind of fishing in troubled waters.

And at the front of the battlefield, the confrontational Yellow Ape and Ember also looked at the wrist snake Quinn who flew out at the same time.


Barrett didn't have no reaction, and he didn't think about it when he flew towards Quinn, and directly gave him a big mouth.

In an instant, Quinn was slapped away and began to change the landing point.

But Quinn stretched out his tail in the air and instantly wrapped it around Barrett.

And at this moment, a figure flew over.

He wore the cloak of justice and rode on Quinn's head at once.

Directly interrupts cast.

Bumper ~

"Still want to run?" Karp

punched Quinn's head twice.



Before Quinn could react, he was directly used as a weapon by Old Man Karp and dumped on Barrett.

Barrett was knocked to the ground.

"Uh-huh, is this soft?"

Barrett just wanted to get up, but found that he was stuck in the soft ground and couldn't move at all.

"This place is Mommy's!"

Katakuri tied Barrett with flowing glutinous rice and wanted to take it away.

"He won't give it to you!" Jack

, one of the three plagues, suddenly flicked his nose and threw Barrett, who Katakuri was holding in his hand, into the air.

Jack knew that there were few people present who could fly, and the embers were in the air, basically the absolute overlord.

Ember also saw the opportunity, and instantly shook the yellow ape away, flying into the air.

"Yo~ Can you be faster than the light?" The

yellow ape gathered the eight-foot mirror and grabbed the controlled Barrett before the ash.


"Let him go!" Ember

slashed directly.

The yellow ape didn't hesitate, and kicked Barrett in the waist.


Barrett's landing point is none other than the Warring States.

"He can't give it to the Navy!" Just

as Barrett was about to fall into the Warring States in the form of the Great Buddha.

A huge chopping wave forced Sengoku back, and Barrett fell into the hands of the long-legged man.

"Damn! I'm not

a ball!" Barrett was kicked around as a ball, and he was naturally very angry and wanted to break free.

"Be honest!"

Smuji suddenly activated his fruit ability, squeezing his body dry.

In an instant, Barrett's skin became a little shriveled.

Before Smuji could take him away, countless hairs suddenly wrapped around Barrett and snatched him away in an instant.

"Hot Punch!"

Owen suddenly slammed in, punching at the ghost spider.


The ghost spider can only abandon Barrett and block with a backhand.

At the same time, Barrett also flew out.

"Cookie Soldier, catch him!"

Crane continued to summon countless Cookie Soldiers, trying to catch Barrett in the air.


I don't know who fired a shot and directly blasted Barrett away.

The fastest Yellow Ape and Ember shot at the same time, trying to grab Barrett in his hands.

"De Solo, it's almost, you go and get ready, let's take over. The

Hawk looked at Barrett, who was being kicked around like a ball on the big screen, and knew it was time to play.

This endless grab will only get more and more chaotic, which is not what the eagle wants to see.

Eagle and everyone boarded the golden cruise ship and quickly arrived at the battlefield.

He had already figured out how to deal with it, and wait, everyone who participated in the battle of these people could get a discount coupon and a free quota for depositing 10 million Baileys.

As for who ends up in the hands, Eagle doesn't matter, but he prefers the navy, which not only blocks the navy's mouth, but also makes him easy to operate.

The Golden Cruise arrived on site in no time.

At this time, the yellow ape and Ember were fighting for the ownership of Barrett in the air, and they didn't see the arrival of Eagle and the others at all.

"Everyone, you can get ready to stop, now, as long as the person who catches Barrett is the winner, even if it is the winner, I will give ...... Huh, Bucky?"

Just as the eagle held a loudspeaker to announce the end of the game.

Barrett, who was originally in the hands of the yellow ape, was kicked out by him, and it hit where Bucky was.

As soon as Hawk's words fell, Bucky grabbed Barrett and was about to throw him out.

This dramatic scene silenced everyone on the battlefield.

"I ......"

The eagle was also very speechless, you said that the yellow ape is a good guy who grabbed Barrett, why should he kick it away, the eagle seized this opportunity.

But the yellow ape kicked it out, which Eagle never expected.

The scene was very awkward at one point.

"Hahahaha~ The quota is my Captain Bucky......" Bucky

didn't react at first, but this pie fell directly from the sky, and happiness came too suddenly......

"Ahem~ Congratulations to Captain Bucky for winning this spot, however, in order to thank everyone for their help, we will add another spot to show the fairness of this matter.

Eagle replayed the battle footage and pulled out another gold card.

"Congratulations to General Yellow Ape for becoming one of the shareholders of our Gold Bank!" Eagle

hurriedly made a round, put down the golden ladder, and motioned for the two to come up.

"Captain Bucky!Captain Bucky~"

A group of Bucky's minions surrounded Bucky and boarded the Golden Cruise Ship.

And the yellow ape did not rush to get on the boat, but glanced at Sengoku and Karp.

The two old men nodded, and the yellow ape no longer hesitated, and directly appeared on the golden cruise ship.

"De Solo, you come and settle them, and I'll say a few more words. The

eagle glanced at De Solo and motioned for him to take the men in.

"Pirates, don't be angry, the Gold Bank will personally negotiate cooperation with the Four Emperors, so stay tuned......

" "Thank you very much for your help, in order to express my gratitude, I will give everyone here a discount coupon for the Gold Entertainment City, as well as a procedure reduction service of 10 million Bailey per person......"

The eagle was dressed in a black robe, covering his face, and at the same time gagged everyone's mouths with money.

This also adds a sense of mystery to the gold bank.

"The second batch of golden cruise ships is about to arrive, please board the ship one after another......"

Eagle arranged everything and retreated into the background.

Gold Casino, in the reception hall.

De Solo led Bucky and Yellow Ape to the table and sat down.

The eagle was still dressed in black robes and sat in the first place.

Both put a contract in front of them.

"Captain Bucky, due to personal strength, this time you can only give 1% of the gold bank shares, you will have the right to dividends, no voting rights, do you think it's okay?"

Eagle took off his hat, revealing his silver hair and his face that somewhat resembled Hawkeye.


Bucky wanted to have a seizure as soon as he saw it.

"The 1% dividend, about 1-1 billion Baileys, moreover, we will arrange a venue for you to be responsible for our logistics projects, which also has a good profit.

Eagle explained with a smile, and at the same time, gave Bucky a position.

"What? billions, so good......"

Bucky couldn't wait to sign his name, this kind of money for nothing, the fool didn't agree.

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