Looking at the bounty order handed over by Zhan Guo, Ike smiled and said,"No problem!"

Ike agreed to Zhan Guo's request without hesitation.

First of all, Ike also likes the character of Law.

He is not only loyal and righteous, but also very smart.

Although his style has changed a bit because he stayed with the Straw Hat Pirates for too long,...

His clever brain was able to take over the high ground and he was not led astray by the Straw Hat Pirates.

As for how to get Luo to join the group ? That was easy.

He just had to agree to help him kill his lifelong enemy, Doflamingo.....

Even if you tell him directly that you and others can help kill Doflamingo, he won't believe it, so you have to show enough strength or potential at that time!......

After Ike got the new private navy appointment letter and agreed to Sengoku's request, the main purpose of coming to the Navy Headquarters this time was achieved.

As for the secondary purpose, it was to take Luffy to the Navy cafeteria to eat a lot, and let Zoro fight with the Navy Swordsman.

After learning about Luffy and Zoro's purpose, Sengoku directly called the flying squirrel over, and then asked the flying squirrel to take Zoro to the training ground of the Navy admirals.

Then he asked the lazy admiral Aokiji to take Luffy to the Navy cafeteria in person.

Aokiji said it didn't matter, he would go to the cafeteria to eat next anyway......

Just when Ike was about to leave Sengoku's office, he suddenly seemed to remember something, turned around and said,"Marshal Sengoku, Luffy may eat more than you can, you don't mind, do you?"

Sengoku heard this and smiled kindly like an old grandfather,"If you can eat, eat more, why would I mind!"

Sengoku knew that the stock of their Navy Headquarters cafeteria was amazing, after all, they had to feed the generals and soldiers of the entire headquarters.....

No matter how much Luffy eats, how much can he eat?

""Okay!" Ike responded and left the office......

In this way, Ike and Luffy went to the cafeteria under the leadership of Aokiji, while Zoro and Conan went to the training ground under the leadership of Flying Squirrel.

Conan also wanted to try whether he, a person from another world, was suitable for the path of becoming stronger.

After all, this world is a world where the strong are respected, and becoming stronger is still necessary.....There are many experienced instructors in the Navy. It is estimated that each instructor is no worse than the instructors in Hawaii. It should be no problem to help Conan check his qualifications.........

Soon, under the leadership of Aokiji, Ike and Luffy came to the No. 1 dining hall of the navy.

The No. 1 dining hall is where the generals eat. Because the generals are monster-level beings, they naturally have a huge appetite, so even the cooks and the helpers who help serve the food are all strong in physical skills.

If you are too weak, you can't work in this dining hall........

Along the way, Aokiji would chat with Luffy and Ike from time to time.

The most frequently asked question was about Alabasta, and he even mentioned the name Nico Robin without any hesitation.

Ike knew that Aokiji was actually caring about Robin in disguise. It can be said that Robin grew up under Aokiji's watch. Aokiji knew everything Robin did in the sea, and naturally he also knew that Robin worked under Crocodile.

This time Crocodile was arrested, and in Aokiji's opinion, Robin might have to look for a new boss again.

Ike knew Aokiji's character, so he did not hide the matter of Nico Robin, and directly told him about her joining the Straw Hat Pirates.

Ever since he knew that Robin had joined the Straw Hat Pirates, Aokiji stopped talking and fell into deep thought.......

Arriving at the cafeteria, Luffy took a plate and got a lot of food and started to eat.

Ike took two plates, one was the second portion prepared for Luffy, but one portion was not enough for Luffy to eat, and the other portion that was not sticking out was for Ike himself.

Looking at the sticking out portion of food, Ike suddenly thought of the gourmet cells he had drawn.

If you want to make your gourmet cells stronger, you have to eat and eat, and you have to eat delicious food. The more delicious it is, the stronger the gourmet cells will be.

Naturally....Ike also likes food, but...I don't want to become a big eater.

Luffy is a big eater himself, so it shouldn't be a big deal if his appetite becomes bigger.

Thinking of this, Ike mixed the gourmet cells into the rice and handed it to Luffy, who finished the first meal at a very fast speed.

Luffy took the rice from Ike and poured it into his mouth without hesitation.

"Hmm! The food here really tastes good, but I feel that it is still a little different from Sanji's!"

Luffy's voice was not small. Hearing Luffy say that his cooking skills were not as good as that so-called Sanji's.....The chefs frowned, and then they started to make their own specialties and put them in front of Luffy.

"Humph! Our food is worse than Sanji's?...Who is Sanji?"

"woo woo woo woo......"Luffy, with his mouth full of food, mumbled for a while, and the chefs couldn't hear clearly.

Finally, Ike explained,"Sanji is the chef on our ship!"

Hearing this, the chefs pointed to the dishes on the table and said,"Try what we made, isn't it?"...."

Before the chef could finish his words, he noticed something was wrong.....The dishes that were originally placed on the table disappeared, leaving only the empty plates.

Finally, the chefs looked at Luffy, and saw that his body was losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Ike knew....The gourmet cells are working. Now I have to eat while the gourmet cells are just becoming active. Otherwise,....Luffy might go into a state of self-eating and die on the spot.

Ike shouted to the chef and several staff members,"Hurry up and serve the food," while pouring the food in front of him into Luffy's mouth.

Of course, the food Ike had was just a drop in the bucket.

But soon, the canteen workers who felt something was wrong also started to help Luffy with his food, and the chefs began to stir the spoons non-stop........

Aokiji, who was eating in deep thought not far away, and other admirals soon noticed the commotion on Luffy's side.

Even Smoker and Tina were among them.、

"What happened over there?" Smoker asked curiously.

"Tina doesn't know, and Tina isn't interested either!"

After saying that, Tina wiped her mouth with a pink handkerchief, then stood up and wanted to leave. Smoker walked over curiously, and just happened to see Aokiji walking over there, so he greeted Aokiji.

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