Another night of partying.

The next day after the party, the Straw Hat Pirates were ready to set off.

When Sabo saw the Golden Merry parked at the port with the Straw Hat Skull and Crossbones flag flying, he asked doubtfully,"Is this ship okay for people like us?" The

Golden Merry was indeed a small to medium-sized sailing ship, several times smaller than the smallest warship in the navy.

The original crew consisted of only Luffy, Ike, Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Chopper, Vivi, Kalu and Psyduck.

But now it's different, with Ace, Sabo, Vinny and Robin joining in.

Adding four people at a time, the Merry is really a bit overwhelmed......

Hearing Sabo's words, Ike smiled and said,"Don't worry! Not to mention us, even if there are hundreds more, the Merry can accommodate them!"

After he finished speaking, Ike and Luffy boarded the ship first.

Luffy sat on his captain's seat without hesitation, which was the sheep's head of the Merry.

And Ike took out a door that he had ordered in Alabasta from his space ring and embedded it on the wall of the cabin.

Sabo looked at Ike's actions with a puzzled look on his face, but when Ike opened the door, Sabo was stunned.

There was actually a room at the door, and the layout looked even better than the environment in the cabin......It's just a little too pink....

At this time, Ike also noticed that his cozy house had turned back to pink.

Ike was confused. He had recharged and changed the pink color.....

Thinking of this, Ike entered the cozy cabin and opened the TX system panel.

When he saw the words [Decoration Expiration], Ike was also confused.

The decorations I recharged and bought were not permanent? Thinking of this, Ike opened the mall again, and only then did he see that....Everything sold in the mall has a time limit.

If you want permanent decorations, it is also simple, that is, continue to recharge, and then draw a lottery, you will get various furniture fragments, decoration fragments.....Gathering 100 fragments will unlock a permanent decoration.

Just as Ike was looking at the TX system panel with gritted teeth, Sabo also walked into the cozy hut and said with a shocked smile,"This....How did you do that?"

After saying that, he went in and out and touched the door frame, and found that the door was just an ordinary door, but this ordinary door could lead to another space, which was magical.

At this moment, Ace also walked in and said,"Is this your room, Ike! You are quite girly!"

"This reminds me of Dadan......

Ike thought of the scene when Luffy first came here. It must be said that these two guys are really brothers.

If Sabo hadn't lost his memory, he would have said something like this,"Ike, I didn't expect that you, like Dadan, also have a girl's heart!"

Sabo frowned when he heard the familiar but unfamiliar name"Dadan". He wanted to recall what this name meant to him, but....No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remember it, he just felt like there was a huge figure standing in front of him…

Seeing Sabo’s look, Ace patted him on the shoulder and explained,"Dadan was the bandit who took care of the three of us, and she was also our adoptive mother!"

"What is Dadan?....When I regain my memory, I will go see her!"

"Okay!" Ace smiled."Then the three of us will go back together!"

After the two brothers finished talking about Dadan's problem, Ike pointed to the cozy cabin and said,"At least seven or eight people can live here! With the space on the Merry, it won't be a problem to bring a few more crew members!"

Sabo nodded and said,"That's true, but....Why did you say before that it would be no problem if another hundred people came?"

In fact, this is what Sabo cares about.

Since Ike can create such a small space, can he create a bigger space?

Sabo has become more and more interested in Ike's various magics. He wants to know how many magical and mysterious things Ike can come up with.

"If there really are a hundred people...You're going to rely on this!"

As he finished speaking, Ike took out the shrinking flashlight from the space ring.

After taking out the flashlight, Ike didn't explain, but pointed the flashlight at Ace and Sabo and pressed the shrinking switch, shrinking them to the size of ants.

Seeing this, Sabo also knew why the Merry could accommodate a few hundred more people.....It's not just a few hundred people. If thousands or tens of thousands of people were shrunk down, the Merry would be able to accommodate them!.....

Ike asked Sabo and Ace to go out first, while he continued to recharge and change the pink room to other colors first. He didn't want to be accused of having a girly heart again.

Ike took out some treasures to recharge, and then changed the skin of the cozy house, and then left here.......

At the same time.

On an unknown island, Blackbeard Teach put down the newspaper in his hand and said,"Thief, hahahaha...."He laughed wildly

"Thief hahahaha....Crocodile has fallen, right? It’s just in time!"

"Oh? Captain, are you going to be the new Shichibukai?" Lafitte, wearing a top hat and holding a cane, asked with a smile.

"Thief hahaha...That's right, the position of Shichibukai is perfect for us who are short of manpower!"

Blackbeard has planned to become Shichibukai, and then find a way to enter Impel Down and make a scene, and take out the people he has already recruited......

It is difficult to enter Impel Down, but if you have the identity of Shichibukai, you will have room for maneuver, and....As long as they successfully enter the bottom layer and release the demons in hell, it will be easy to escape from Impel Down!

After thinking everything through, Teach said to Lafitte,"Lafitte, go to the Navy Headquarters. I want the position of Shichibukai! Naturally...As a gift for becoming one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, I will prepare a great gift for the World Government!"

Upon hearing this, Lafitte bowed to Blackbeard and said,"I promise to complete the mission!"

After Lafitte left, Blackbeard looked at Poison Q again and said,"Poison Q, how is Badges?"

"The injury is healed now, Captain, are we leaving here?"

"Thief hahahaha...."

Blackbeard stood up with a wild laugh and said,"That's right, we are going to prepare the chips! We still need to think about what kind of chips we can prepare to be foolproof on the way....."

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