The battle is over.

Except for Captain Buggy, all the others in the Buggy Pirates were tied up by Ike with ropes, and then he used Den Den Mushi to contact the navy in Shields Town to take over.

Ike is not like Luffy, who would just leave after a fight.

Pirates are pirates, and if you don't deal with them after a fight, they may return to this Orange Town to take revenge on the townspeople.

The only pity is that Buggy was not captured together........

Just as Ike was tying up the pirates, an old man wearing homemade armor came with a group of townspeople.

When everyone saw that the Buggy Pirates' base had become a mess and that all the members of the Buggy Pirates were tied up, they were all a little confused.

"you....Who is it? Did you do this?" the mayor asked curiously.

"Oh! We are the sea...."

Seeing that Luffy was about to admit that he was a pirate again, Ike decisively covered his mouth and then said,"We are a private navy dedicated to serving the people!"

"I heard before that there are pirates causing trouble here, and we are here to deal with these pirates."

After saying that, Ike also took out the letter of appointment from the private navy.

Hearing that the other party was a navy and had taken out the certificate, the townspeople cheered immediately.

The townspeople of Orange Town were also exploited by the Buggy Pirates. Not only was it exploited, but Buggy would also fire a few Buggy shells from time to time to destroy the town. Now that they know that the Buggy Pirates have been solved, everyone feels as if the Buggy shells hanging over their heads have disappeared, and they are in a very good mood.

The excited townspeople lit a bonfire and started a banquet directly at the Buggy Pirates' station.

It has to be said that in the world of One Piece, whether it is the navy pirates or civilians, they have no resistance to activities such as banquets.

Seeing the banquet, Luffy also had fun.

Luffy had a good time in Shields Town last time. In Luffy's opinion, this is the free life that pirates should have, and he would hold a banquet wherever he goes.

Little did they know that if it weren't for Ike's identity as a private navy, let alone holding a banquet, he would even be expelled directly

"I am the man who will become the Pirate King."

Maybe the party was too exciting, Luffy shouted out his catchphrase.

It was also this sentence that immediately quieted the noisy party.

Ike knew that something was wrong, and then he shouted

"That's right, Luffy is going to be the Pirate King, the man."

Luffy didn't feel anything strange about Ike's strange punctuation, he was going to be the Pirate King, no problem.

Instead, the townspeople immediately understood the meaning of Ike's words, and then looked at Luffy with strange eyes at the same time.

Zoro, who was drinking on the side, spit out a mouthful of wine when he heard what Ike said, and then began to laugh wildly while holding his stomach.

Seeing this scene, Nami pointed at Zoro and shouted loudly,"This Zoro is going to be the world's number one swordsman, the man."


Just like that, a joyful banquet ended, and Luffy and his crew also embarked on a new journey.

Just like when they left Shields Town, the townspeople of Orange Town also prepared a lot of food for Luffy.

And Luffy was also generous. He directly returned all the money that Buggy had looted in Orange Town to the townspeople.

Luffy didn't have much concept of money. In his opinion, the money should have been returned to the townspeople.

Instead, it was Nami who was indignant about Luffy's behavior. After all, it was a treasure worth millions......

This time, Orange Town defeated Buggy's pirates. Ike thought he would get more Justice Points than Shields Town, but he didn't expect to get only 1,000 points.

Adding the Justice Points gained from defeating the pirates and Buggy, the total Justice Points were only over 1,100 points.

But it was enough for this Silver Ten-Draw.

But Ike didn't plan to draw now. He wanted to save it up and come back for a Gold Ten-Draw.......

On the boat.

Ike took out the things he had won in the previous lottery, the first of which was the sea bike.

As the name suggests, a sea bike is a bicycle that can be ridden on the sea. There are floating boards on both sides of the bicycle, and the rear wheel of the bicycle has become a propeller. Just step on the pedal to drive the propeller to turn.

As for the speed? It's not fast, it can be regarded as a small gadget for leisure and entertainment.

Ike tried riding it, and felt that it felt good to ride a bicycle with the sea breeze blowing. No wonder the admiral Aokiji likes to ride a bicycle on the sea.

When Luffy saw the sea bike, his eyes lit up immediately.

"So cool....Bicycle."

Seeing this, Ike handed the bicycle to Luffy, and he took out the next item.

They were the wooden sword Toyako and a wine gourd.

Hanging the Toyako on his waist, Ike focused all his attention on the wine gourd.

The function of this wine gourd is that as long as you pour liquid into it, it can be turned into wine. Thinking of this, Ike poured some sea water into it, and then shook the wine gourd. After opening it again, a strong aroma of wine wafted out of the wine gourd.

Zoro, who was dozing, suddenly twitched his nose, and then opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Ike.

Ike took a sip of the wine in the wine gourd.

Because Ike doesn't drink, he spit it out after just taking a sip, because the alcohol content of this wine is a bit high.

It is estimated to be at least more than 40 degrees.

At this moment, Zoro's big face came over, and his nose sniffed the mouth of the wine gourd hard.

"What a good wine! Did you make it too?"

"Yes!"Ike nodded and handed the wine gourd to Zoro.

Before taking out the things, Ike had already told a few people that his ability was to create some magical things out of thin air.

"What's the use of the wine gourd? Why don't you turn it into gold?"Nami said while looking at the nautical chart

"Gold...Maybe there is a chance! But it is not impossible to make a fortune with this wine gourd!"

Hearing the word"get rich", Nami turned around and asked curiously,"Is this wine gourd valuable?"

Nami had thought about it early on. She would follow this ship for the time being and leave secretly when she found a chance. She would never become a pirate!

"This wine gourd can make an unlimited amount of delicious drinks!"

While speaking, Ike snatched the wine gourd from Sauron's mouth, and then poured all the wine into the sea.

"Hello...Why pour it out? Why not let me drink it?"

Ike smiled and did not reply to Sauron. Instead, he showed the empty wine gourd, and finally poured another gourd of sea water into the gourd, covered it and shook it. When he opened the lid again, the sea water in the gourd turned directly into wine.

"There is this gourd....This sea can be turned into wine, do you think we can make money with this?"

Ike said with a smile.

Both Nami and Zoro were shocked by the function of the wine gourd.

Nami quickly came to her senses and had the idea of getting the wine gourd in her mind, while Zoro took the wine gourd and took a sip of wine, and his expression became excited.

"That way, there will be endless wine to drink in the future!"

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