When Ace arrived at the beach, he saw Luffy, whom he was worried about, eating heartily, while Zoro and Sabo were toasting with a navy captain.

Seeing Ace coming, Sabo immediately waved and said,"Ace,....Let's drink together!"

Ace is a celebrity, the captain of the second division of the world's strongest Whitebeard Pirates. It is natural that Moa knows him.

But after seeing Ace, Moa did not show any hostility.

The reason is simple, thanks to Sabo, the new wisdom of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Just now when they were chatting, Sabo gave Moa a shot of prevention.

Although many people know Sabo, the rising star of the Revolutionary Army, many people know Ace, who has a bounty of 550 million.

As for what kind of vaccination? Of course, it is the recruitment authority given by the Navy Marshal Sengoku.

With this authority, it is not surprising that Ace became a member of the private navy.

It has always been the navy who became pirates after mutiny, but now a well-known pirate has become a navy. Although it is a private navy, it is also a good start.......

"Ace brother, come on...Let's have a drink together."

Moya waved and said with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Ace knew...Luffy was caught or something?...It was a complete misunderstanding.

Ace was also a person who liked to be in a lively atmosphere, even when facing the navy. He thought that if he didn't join in the fun, he would be a bastard. He completely forgot that there were still a few people on the mountain waiting for his news. Without saying a word, he stepped forward, raised his wine bowl and drank a glass.

""Ah, ah? How can we only have meat and wine? Don't you have any other programs in the navy?"

Ace asked curiously.

Moya is a serious person, so how could his subordinates have any performances?

At this time, we have to rely on Xiao Fengfeng, the warm-up king.

Xiao Fengfeng began to show his ability to imitate the Mimicry Fruit, and even turned into a beautiful girl to give out some benefits.

After a few waves of benefits, Xiao Fengfeng instantly became the savior of this large group of single marines.

After all...These marines are always out in the field, and every day they can only rely on magazines and their hands to relieve their lust.

Now that they can see the real performance, many people are in tears............

The other side.

On the mountain

"It's been so long.....Why hasn't Ace come back yet? Has he been captured as well?"

Chopper said with some concern.

Hearing Chopper's words, Nami shook her head and said,"Maybe...Maybe they were having too much fun and forgot about us."

At this moment, Chaney, with a serious look on his face, stood up and said to the flock of sheep surrounding him,"Guys, let's go! Let's go out to sea....."

Luffy is the one who ignited Qiani's inner dream. He will never sit idly by when Luffy is in trouble. He can take this opportunity to go out to sea.

Seeing this, Weiwei immediately stood in front of him and said,"Uncle Qiani, you don't have to do this. Luffy is a private navy, and the navy will not arrest him!"

"Yes!" Nami also agreed,"Although they are not very good, they are all very powerful!"

After hearing what the two said, Qianni did not mean to stop.

At this time, Robin walked over with a smile and said,"Since Mr. Qianni wants to find a reason to go out to sea, why should we stop him!"

Robin's words made Vivi, Nami and Chopper stunned, and then they all realized it.

Although Qianni's dream of becoming a pirate was ignited by Luffy again,...

After all , he is old and in poor health. Even if he makes up his mind, can he really go to sea?...Luffy and his crew were captured by the navy, which became his reason for going out to sea.......

In this way, under the witness of Nami, Vivi, Robin, and Chopper, the Chani successfully entered the sea under the moonlight.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of Luffy and others.

""Hey? Isn't that Mr. Qiani's ship? Has he made up his mind?"

Usopp said, pointing at the ship rushing towards the warship.

When Ace saw Qiani, he also slapped his forehead.

"Oh, I forgot, Nami and the others are still waiting for news from me!"

Hearing this, Ike asked,"What's wrong?"

Then, Ace told him what had happened before.

After listening to Ace's story, Luffy smiled and said,"That's not bad, the old man is finally going out to sea!"

"Hahaha....The old man is really amazing....."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luffy bit off a bone. Now there were many more bones and empty plates in front of him.

Sitting opposite Luffy was Colonel Moya, who was crying but had no tears.

At this moment, Moya really regretted saying the words"enough meat".

Just now, Luffy alone ate 90% of the food on his warship.....

"Uncle Grind, thank you for the food. Although I am not very full and the taste is not as good as Sanji's,....Thank you for your hospitality!"


In this way, Luffy and others who had eaten on the Moya warship got off the ship.

Many marines were reluctant to see Xiao Fengfeng leave.

"Lord Fengkelei...."

"Lord Fengkelei, please come visit our naval branch when you have time!"

"Lord Fengkelei, you...You are our God!"

"Lord Fengkelei, I am grateful to have met you....or...Otherwise I'll become a troublemaker!".......

"Xiao Fengfeng, you are really popular!"

Usopp said with a smile

"Hahaha....Bringing happiness to single people is my way as a shemale!"....

While the men were chatting, Chaney's ship finally approached. A large flock of sheep rushed aboard the warship under his command.

"Straw Hat Boy, I'm here to save you!"

Chani said with a big laugh, holding an abacus.

"Hahaha....Uncle, congratulations on fulfilling your dream!"

"Also, we don't need to be saved, we are just guests here."........

In this way, Ike and others boarded Qiani's boat and returned to the island.

Nami and others were already waiting for everyone by the island.

Seeing the tipsy Zoro and Ace and others, Nami's forehead suddenly showed a cross, and then Nami activated her domineering aura and punched everyone directly. Even Ace, who was a natural type, was hit and had a bump on his head.

Qiani smiled at the joyful atmosphere of the Straw Hat Pirates, and he collapsed to the ground with his hands on his chest.

Seeing this, Chopper hurried forward to check on his physical condition.

"I...I'm fine. I've accomplished my dream, so I have no regrets even if I die!"

As he spoke, Qiani looked at Luffy and continued,"I can't take risks as a pirate anymore, Straw Hat Boy, I'll wait for you....When you come back from your adventure, can you tell me all the stories of your adventures over the years in front of my grave?"

This way of speaking, like a last will and testament, immediately made Chopper's eyes well up with tears.

Luffy also wiped his tears and said,"Grandpa Sheep, I promise you!"

"That....That's good...."

After saying this, Chaney closed his eyes.......

"that....Now we should discuss whether to cremate the body or not?"

Zoro raised a very constructive question.

Just as Zoro finished speaking, Qiani suddenly opened his eyes and said,"Wait a minute.....I...I’m not dead yet!"

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