Wilton's arrogant expression gradually froze, and he sat down on the ground.

Philips was not much better, his face was full of despair, he knew that Ike was not here just to collect taxes.

He still remembered what Ike said,"The tax for pirates to turn good is not small!"

What tax do pirates who have done bad things have to pay? Of course, blood debts must be paid with blood.....

Although Philips has never been a pirate, his wealth and glory over the past thirty years were all earned by his father......And he did a lot of bad things on Lulujia Island....

Only Rick was still confused, not knowing what was going on.

A few kind-hearted pirates came to pay taxes, but now it had turned into a fight?.....

"Can you please forgive me for my age?"

Wilton suddenly knelt in front of Ike and the others, with a pleading look on his face.

Ike smiled, then looked at Wilton and said,"Old man, I still like your rebellious look!"

"Hey! Boy....What are you doing? You are not here to pay taxes, are you?"

It was only then that Rick realized that Ike and his gang were here to cause trouble.

"Hey! Didn't I say from the beginning that I was here to collect taxes?"

Ike said speechlessly.

Philip stepped forward and pushed his son to the ground."My lords, I'm sorry, my son's brain is not working very well!"

Ike didn't look at Philip and Rick, but looked at Witton and said,"I said that all your property would be regarded as taxes! Do you have any objections?"

Witton gritted his teeth and nodded.

"All my money is taxed, but...Please let Philip and Rick go! They haven't done anything bad except oppressing innocent people."

Ike was speechless. Isn't oppressing innocent people a bad thing?....

"Don't worry! There are others who will deal with you. I'm just here to collect taxes!"

As Ike said, it was not Ike who was really going to deal with the three of them.......

Next came Nami's favorite part, which was to count all of Witton's property.....

Although the money will eventually be returned to the islanders of Lulujia Island,...Nami was very happy to be able to take over so much money.

The most important thing is....The gold that Ike had given to Philips before was now in Nami's hands.

After locking the three of Witton and his grandson into a cage, Ike planned to take everyone to the Rainbow Mist to take a look.

"Rainbow mist? What is that?"

Nami, who was looking at the account book, asked curiously.

Weiwei smiled and explained,"According to the book, many pirate ships were lost in the rainbow mist, so the rainbow mist is also one of the most mysterious treasures in the world, with a lot of gold and treasures!"

Hearing about gold and treasure, Nami immediately put down the account book.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go in and take a look! The accounts here can be settled at any time. If the rainbow mist disappears, I will lose a lot of money!"

Nami directly regarded the treasure in the rainbow mist as her own....This left everyone present speechless.

"Well then! Let's go to the Rainbow Mist!"

The second person who is looking forward to entering the Rainbow Mist is Luffy.

Luffy's favorite thing is to go on adventures to places he has never been to!......

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates handed over the affairs here to the islanders of Luluga Island, and they went to the port.

The islanders of Luluga Island were very happy that the Witton family was captured, and they almost set off two firecrackers to celebrate......

As soon as he arrived at the port, Ike heard many islanders talking about the rainbow fog.

"Is it okay for old man Henzo to go into the fog?"

"Humph! No one would sympathize with him even if he died in there!"

"Yes! Didn't Witton ask him to study the rainbow mist? Even if he died in it, it was his own fault...."

"Say....Don't any of you want to go in and see what the rainbow fog is?"

"Hey! You must be kidding! Legend has it that no one who enters the fog will come out alive....."......

Listening to everyone's discussion, Usopp suddenly became a little scared.

"that....Luffy, let's not go in!"

After saying that, Usopp looked at Luffy, and saw Luffy's face full of expectation.

Seeing this scene, Usopp knew that it was useless to say anything, Luffy must go in.....

If Luffy's expectation for the rainbow mist was only 5 before, then after hearing the islanders' comments, it directly became the full value of 10.

The reason is simple, only adventures in dangerous and unknown places can be called adventures!......

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates boarded the Merry and entered the fog.

After a period of haziness, the Merry arrived at a foggy sea.

Here, shipwrecks, dilapidated merchant ships or pirate ships can be seen everywhere. It is simply a ship graveyard.

"here...Is it the rainbow-colored fog? It feels like I have come to another world!"

Weiwei sighed as she looked at the surrounding sea.

Her eyes were fixed on the wreckage of the ships.

"Is the gold hidden in these wreckages?"

Just as Nami finished speaking, a wave began to surge, and then everyone saw a single-person boat running desperately. The person on the boat was Henzo, and behind Henzo was a chubby-looking child. As for behind them, there was a huge yellow fish chasing them.

The huge yellow fish had a mouth full of sharp teeth, a huge forehead, and the silhouette looked like it could smash a sailboat with a headbutt.....

Seeing that the yellow fish was about to swallow the boat, Luffy took action at this time.

A rubber gun directly knocked over the fish and saved Henzo and the child behind him.

Henzo didn't expect Luffy and his friends to dare to enter the rainbow fog.....

Henzo himself had a reason to enter the rainbow mist.....His former companions.

When he entered the rainbow fog just now, he saw his former companions, Laboni, Longo, Iso, Akibi, and Bukao.

Seeing the young people, Henzo was excited and a little painful.

Because the speed of time in the rainbow fog is different from that in the outside world, Henzo is already an old man, but his former companions are still the same as before entering the rainbow fog....

At first, Henzo didn't want to recognize his companions, but...Raven, the leader of the Pumpkin Pirates, guessed his identity.

Because Henzo entered the rainbow mist alone, without the presence of the Straw Hat Pirates, Ravenzo was not very wary of his former partner, and was happy to see that Henzo was still alive.

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