Roger's execution was just like in the original novel.

At the last moment of the execution, someone asked,"Where did you hide the treasure you found? Was it in the Grand Line?""

"Did you get it? The legendary great treasure....."

At this point, the person who asked the question stopped talking because the navy had already taken control of him.....

Although this passerby A was controlled, there were many passersby A around who also wanted to know this question.....That is the legendary great secret treasure. Does it exist? And where did Roger hide it?...They all wanted to know.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Roger, hoping that Roger would tell them the location of his great treasure before he died.

Seeing this, Roger smiled.

"Do you want my treasure? If you want it, I'll give it to you. Go find it! I've put all the wealth in the world there!".....

Ike clearly saw that when Roger said this, the senior navy officials wanted to step forward to stop him, but....However, no one was able to react immediately to Roger's domineering aura.

The only one who could react was Garp, but he did not stop him. He also stood there like the people around him.

When everyone came to their senses, the two executioners had already stabbed the executioner's knife into Roger's body.


Zhan Guo cursed inwardly, and then shouted to the surrounding navy,"Immediately blockade Rogue Town, and never let the pirates here have the possibility to leave!"

"it's useless...This news cannot be blocked!"

He shook his head and said,"When Roger surrendered, we should have expected it...."

Zhan Guo clenched his fists. In fact, he did not agree to execute Roger in public, because he always suspected that Roger's surrender was definitely not that simple.....The World Government bastards wanted to publicly execute Roger in his hometown in order to shock the sea.... it's good now....Directly counterproductive

"The Age of Pirate Riots....coming soon!"....

Although they knew that it was futile to do anything now, the navy was still trying to capture the pirates in Rogue Town.

Seeing the chaos, Ike knew it was time to leave.

He pulled Ace and said,"Let's go!"...Ace, if you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave."

Ike still remembered that there was a Garp who was thinking about him! Although Garp said that he would not make enemies, he might still want to capture him back.

At this time, Ace's expression under the mask was very complicated.

Seeing his biological father, who was also the man he hated the most, die in front of him, he thought he would be calm or relieved.

But....A bit overwhelmed, why?

When Ike grabbed him, Ace came back to his senses.

Seeing the chaotic scene around him, Ace knew he had to leave.

It was very easy for Ike and the other two to leave, as they just had to take off and accelerate, but it would be troublesome for the other pirates, after all, they still had to set sail.

Ninety percent of the pirates who came to watch the fun today were captured, and the only ones who could escape were the future heroes......

After leaving Rogue Town, Ike subconsciously looked back, fearing that the chief of the Novice Village would catch up with him again.

Ike was relieved to find that Garp was still catching other pirates and ignored them. He turned around and flew towards the South China Sea.

The execution of the Pirate King and his words at the execution directly shocked the world, and the Great Pirate Era began.

As a result, the Pirate King was also called the evil man who opened the Great Pirate Era.......

After the execution of the Pirate King, the matter did not end.

The World Government knew that they had made a mistake by letting Roger say those words in public. Naturally, they would not admit that it was their own fault and put all the blame on the Navy.

Just as the World Government was pushing the blame, their intelligence organization CP0 finally found out where Roger went after completing his voyage.......

World Government, in the meeting hall of the Five Elders.

After the five Elders learned that Roger had lived on Baterila Island for a year, they all thought that Roger might have left his own seed there.

Logically speaking, Roger only left a child, which didn't matter to the World Government at all.

The so-called sinful bloodline was just a label the World Government put on Roger. As for the so-called bloodline theory?

Just look at those snotty-nosed idiots of the Celestial Dragons and you will know that the so-called bloodline theory is nonsense.

But even so, the Five Elders still decided to find the pirate and kill him without any hesitation.....

As for the reason, it was of course because of face. Roger had caused them such a big trouble before he died, so it was normal for him to have no children or grandchildren!

"Send the CP and the navy to Batirila Island and execute all pregnant women. It is better to kill the wrong ones than to let them go!"

The CP who received the order quickly set out, but the navy was indignant about the order and said they did not want to bear the sin.

In the end, it was Zhan Guo who stood up.

"Since no one is going, I will go!"

In fact, Zhan Guo's idea is to save as many people as possible.....CP will definitely follow the World Government's orders 100%, but the Navy....Fishing in troubled waters, we should be able to save some.

As soon as Zhan Guo finished speaking, Garp stood up.

""Zhan Guo, forget it! You're going to take over as the marshal soon! You're not suitable to be involved in this kind of thing!"

Zhan Guo heard this and knew that Garp wanted to go by himself.

Zhan Guo originally didn't want to agree, but....Seeing that Garp had been winking at him, he had no choice but to agree....

Garp has the same idea as Sengoku, except that...That is to protect Roger's orphan....This is what he promised Roger......

After everyone left, Garp handed a bag of senbei to Zhan Guo and said,"If this time....I made a mistake....."

Before Garp could finish his words, Sengoku interrupted him and said,"Don't be silly, we will advance and retreat together!"......

On the other side,

Ike and Ace returned to Bartelila Island and continued to run their oyster business.

However, this time, it was not just the two of them, there was also a captain with a big butt who liked to wear tights.....ah...No, it's Captain America Steve Rogers.

And a guy named Hatake Kakashi who likes to read pornographic books with his eyes wide open all day.......

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