The white-clad CP not far away saw everything.

One of them smiled and said,"It seems that these people are probably left here by Roger to protect his wife and children!"

"But it seems that there is a bounty for these two masked men! One hundred million each."

When their men were slaughtered by Ike and Ace, the two did not waver in their tone. Although they regarded human life as worthless, they still chose to take action. After all, they had a mission.

One of the white CPs disappeared instantly, and when he appeared again, he was behind Ike.

"Flying Finger Gun"

He aimed the gun directly at the back of Ike's head, intending to kill him with one shot.

Ike, who had been paying attention to the movements of the two white CPs, naturally would not be hit by this shot. He fluttered his wings behind him and raised his body to avoid the flying finger gun.

"Finally made a move?"

On the other side,

Ace was also attacked by another White CP.

The same flying finger gun, but Ace did not dodge and let the flying finger gun pierce his body that turned into fire.

"Humph! Natural system?"

After discovering that the other party was a natural system fruit ability user, Bai CP crossed his arms and then covered his arms with armed color domineering.

"Only the natural type can be so powerful in the world!"

After saying that, the white CP rushed towards Ace again.

Ace threw his hand, and a ball of slime left his body. Then he covered his arm with armed color domineering and fought with the white CP.........

While Ace and Ike were fighting their respective opponents, Captain America was trying to stop the black-clad CPs alone....He certainly couldn't stop so many people by himself.

At this moment, Kakashi's clones standing in place turned into white smoke and disappeared. A few seconds later, dozens of Kakashis appeared in various places in the town of Batirila Island at the same time, and they would kill the black-clad CP as soon as they saw them.

Kakashi thought that these small fish that could be easily killed by Ike and Ace could also be easily dealt with by his clones, but he didn't expect that....Facing their clones, these men in black were very strong.

Just one encounter, several clones were shattered one after another.....

"Very strong physical skills...."

Kakashi's real body showed pain. After all, it was his own shadow clone that was blown up, and the pain would be transmitted back to the real body.....

"It looks like we can't fight head-on!"

Then Kakashi began to use tactics to contain the actions of these black-clad CP.

As for Captain America, he was putting out fires everywhere. Captain America was quite strong, and the Vibranium Shield had a great restraint on the strong physical fighters. Basically, any black-clad CP he encountered would be taken down........

The white-clothed CP who was fighting Ike was always watching everything with his super wide-range observation Haki.

When he found that his men fell one by one, his expression under the mask was extremely gloomy.

He thought that this mission was an easy one, just killing some powerless pregnant women, so he didn't bring many elites with him. The only strong ones were him and another white-clothed CP.....

But who would have known that such a change would happen

"Kid." After dodging Ike's Rock Crushing Fist, the White-Cloaked CP distanced themselves from him and said,"We are from the World Government. Are you sure you want to be hostile to the World Government?"

"Oh! But I beat up the people of the World Government."

Ike said indifferently.

Hearing this, the white-clothed CP looked even gloomier.

Just when the white-clothed CP was about to go all out, his eyes suddenly focused, and his observation Haki sensed the passing of his companion's life.

Then, with a stiff neck, he looked at the battlefield between Ace and another white-clothed CP.

When he saw his companion being stabbed in the chest by Ace, he felt unwell.

After all...The two white-clad CPs were roughly equal in strength. After only a few minutes, Ace had already eliminated his partner.....

Ike also looked at Ace in disbelief.

Ace and the White-Clothed CP stood still with fists against each other, while the other Ace turned his right hand into a blade and pierced through the chest of the White-Clothed CP.

The heart was pierced and was stirred by Ace intentionally or unintentionally. The White-Clothed CP was definitely not going to survive.

As for why Ace resolved the battle so quickly, it was mainly because the opponent did not understand the ability of his Slime Fruit.

At the beginning of the battle, Ace threw out a ball of slime and then fought with the White-Clothed CP.

When the battle becomes fierce, the White-Clothed CP will focus most of their attention on Ace alone. This time is a good time for a sneak attack.....

Ace, who had absorbed the iron element, had already turned part of his slime body into steel. He pinched his arm into a long sword, then turned it into steel and covered it with a layer of armed color domineering. He killed him with one blow. There was no room for negotiation.......

"Ace....You are so mean!"

After guessing Ace's fighting method, Ace couldn't help but give a thumbs up,"But I like it so much!"


"This is not mean, this is wisdom!"

""Alas! I am also very relieved! I didn't expect that you would use your brain to fight!"

Finally, Ace and Ike both looked at the only remaining CP in white.

At this moment, the dog-headed warship finally arrived at the port.

Seeing this, the CP in white immediately ran to the location of the warship as if they had found a savior.

Garp, who was standing on the deck, saw a white shadow flying towards him and subconsciously raised his fist to hit him.

The CP in white, who had fought with Ike for so many rounds, was not seriously injured. After all, he was CP0, proficient in six styles and two-color domineering.

But after taking Garp's punch, he was not well at all.

This punch directly made him half-paralyzed, and the other half of his body was comminuted fractured.....


The white-clothed CP looked at Garp, who was unable to utter another word for a long time before fainting.

Seeing this, Garp quickly retreated and shouted to the soldiers behind him,"Hey, hey, hey!"....You all saw it, I did it subconsciously, this guy was trying to blackmail me...."

Hearing Garp's words, all the navy shouted in unison,"That's right!"...This guy is trying to seduce Vice Admiral Garp."

Hearing what his men said, Garp nodded in satisfaction and then turned his attention to Ike and Ace.

""Why are you two guys here?"

Ike didn't answer, but asked curiously,"Are you also here to kill pregnant women?"

Ike's question immediately made all the navy lower their heads.

They were too embarrassed to speak.....after all...This kind of mission that can challenge their belief in justice is really....It was too difficult to say.

Instead, Garp smiled and said,"That's right!"


"You can call that wrestling guy out to wrestle me!"

"As for my men, I don't think they are your opponents. After a fight, the mission will probably fail."

After hearing Garp's words, the adjutant who came with Garp this time complained speechlessly,"Vice Admiral Garp, is it really okay for you to give advice to the other party so blatantly?...."

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