Captain Kuro's words immediately alerted Luffy and Zoro.

Ike smiled and said,"Are you angry because of shame?"

"No...You guys are not enough to make me angry!"

After saying that, Kuro stomped his feet on the ground continuously, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, Zoro and Luffy were a little confused. They didn't know why this guy suddenly ran away when he was ready to fight.

Just when everyone was confused, Kuro appeared again.

Kuro who appeared again showed his fighting posture.

At this time, Kuro was wearing gloves with long blades on his ten fingers.

"alright...You can go to hell!"......

Ke Ya, who was standing by the window upstairs, looked at Crabateur in disbelief.

In her impression, Crabateur was a big brother who cared about her very much, even though he was serious......But now Krabat...No, to be precise, it was Cloe. His murderous look made her feel a little overwhelmed. After all, that was her very important family.

Cloe didn't care about Keya's thoughts at all. The only thing he wanted to do now was to kill everyone at the scene, and then use Zangao's ability to disguise this place as a robbery and murder.

He had played enough drama!........

Seeing Kuro rushing over, Zoro drew his sword, while Luffy subconsciously released his own telepathic ability to cover his whole body.

"Zoro and Luffy, you just protect the others, I'll take care of this guy!"

Ike said to the two people behind him, and then he faced Crow's attack.

Crow is also a well-known pirate in the East China Sea, not only because of his cunning, but also because he is absolutely strong enough.

The silent step he created has a similar effect to the shave in the Navy's six styles.

The only difference from shave may be that Crow's own strength is not enough to exert the full power of this skill.

As long as he uses all his strength, he will not be able to control the speed of his sudden runaway, and will fall into a state of randomly swinging the knife and killing people randomly. This state is called a spoon.

However, Crow did not use the spoon at this time. In his opinion, it was not necessary......

Kro slashed at Ike with his finger blades, trying to take him out with one move.

Seeing this, Ike leaned over to dodge. Just as Kro wanted to slash at Ike vertically, Ike saw the air flow from his hands hit Kro's knees.

Most of Kro's fighting power lies in his speed. As long as he loses his legs, he will basically be useless.

""Hmph!" Cloe snorted coldly, and took two steps back to avoid Ike's attack, but his own hands did not stop attacking, and the ten finger blades continued to chop at Ike's body.

But at this moment, a messy wind suddenly appeared on the surface of Ike's body, which bounced Cloe's ten finger blades away. At the same time, there was a sound of bone breaking from his knee.

The severe pain made Cloe fall backwards.

At this time, Cloe's legs were broken, and it was impossible for him to stand up again.

"you....How did you hit me?...."Cloe gritted his teeth and asked, enduring the pain in his knees.

It was then that Cloe noticed that Ike had a wooden sword in his hand. It was the Toyako sword.

Because Ike was wearing ordinary shorts and short-sleeved shirts, the wooden sword stuck in his waist looked a bit out of place, so he put it directly into the cozy hut and took it out when he needed it.

"Wooden sword....How could a wooden sword break my legs?..."

Hearing what Cloe said, Ike wrapped the wind around Lake Toya, and then smashed it hard, smashing a half-meter-diameter stone into pieces.

Seeing the wind wrapped around the wooden sword, Cloe knew that the other party was likely the legendary devil fruit ability user.

Only then did Cloe realize that the airflow that bounced his ten finger blades away was not an illusion, but a real..........

Just after Clo was knocked down, Kaya was also supported by the servant Meili and came to the yard.

Seeing Clo with blood still flowing from his knees, Kaya's eyes turned red.

Seeing Kaya, Clo smiled bitterly and said,"Kaya,....I'm sorry I lied to you....But I can't help it."

"You later...You must take medicine on time. If possible, don't come into contact with pirate children like Usopp. As a pirate, I know the nature of pirates best."

"I can't take care of you anymore....Take care of yourself!"

Kuro's words immediately made Kaya burst into tears, and then she said to Ike and Luffy,"....Can you let me deal with Krabatel?"

Hearing Kaya's words, Clo, who was lying on the ground, was delighted. He knew that with Kaya's kind character, as long as he said something to move her, he would definitely protect himself.

When his former crew members arrived, Captain Clo could still turn the tables and kill all the people who knew about it.

Hearing Kaya's words, Ike was speechless.

Kaya must be a complete naive person, who is so easy to fool.

"Miss Kaya, your kindness is misplaced!"

Ike pointed at Clo and said,"If I'm not mistaken, he should have contacted his former crew members. It won't be long before a large number of pirates will break into the village of Xiluobu to burn, kill and loot."

Kaya's face turned pale at Ike's words.

Clo was cursing Zangao, the waste, in his heart. In his opinion, the reason why Ike knew his plan so well was because Zangao had revealed it.

In the end, Kaya handed Clo over to Ike, who was a private navy.

Clo knew that he was completely useless and didn't want to resist anymore.......

The next day,

Ike interrogated Zango and knew which entrance the Black Cat Pirates would invade from, so he brought Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp to stop them.

"I say Usopp, you actually dare to join us in stopping the pirates. I really look at you with new eyes!"

Zoro smiled as he drank and looked at Usopp whose legs were shaking.

"Hehehe....."Usopp smiled awkwardly and said,"I am...How could the great Captain Usopp be afraid of the Black Cat Pirates?"

After saying this, Usopp turned around and looked back.

At this time, his sweetheart Kaya was standing in the woods behind him, looking at him with a worried look on her face........

Time passed by minute by minute.

A huge pirate ship finally appeared in everyone's sight.

"coming..."As he spoke, Zoro hung the gourd on his waist and pulled out three swords, saying to Ike behind him,"Ike, you've dealt with Crow, leave the rest of the pirates to me!"

"Well! I leave it to you!"

Zoro and Luffy are both members of the private navy. Whoever performs a just act will gain justice points.

Just as Ike finished speaking, bursts of shouts and screams came from not far away.

And Zoro and Luffy also rushed down.

What followed was a one-sided crushing battle. The pirate minions of the Black Cat Pirates were no match for Zoro and Luffy at all, and they were all knocked to the ground in a short while.

Of course, Usopp did not do nothing during this period. He also used the traps set up in advance and the slingshot in his hand to knock down several enemies.

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