After listening to Rogers's story, Ace also laughed.

In fact, Ace was also very confused. Ike was so powerful, but why was he so stupid in learning Haki?

Ace remembered that he learned Haki not long after entering the New World!

After Rogers explained the cause and effect of the matter, Ike took Kakashi back to the Thousand Sunny.

"Rogers, your strength has increased a lot, but you still need to work harder!"

Ike came to Rogers and patted his shoulder.

Kakashi, who saw everything, couldn't help but shook his head. If you look closely, you can see a faint light appearing at Kakashi's finger.

That's right.....Kakashi actually learned Haki, but as a ninja, he knew the importance of intelligence, so he didn't reveal it.......

"Who is this? Isn't this Smoker?"

Ike greeted Smoker in a familiar way.

Smoker was speechless and thought to himself,"Who is this? He is so familiar with me."

""Ike, where are Luffy and the others? Why are only the three of you back?"

Ace asked curiously.

"Oh! They are still adventuring on the island. As for me? I already know the truth about this island, so I want to find you to go with me to catch one of the masterminds on the island."

"Mastermind? Who are you talking about? Is there anyone still living on this island?"

After saying this, Ace looked at the island of ice and fire. This kind of island environment is obviously not suitable for human survival....

Smoker wanted to say what Ike said, what secrets could this island have? And the mastermind?

But Ike's next words made Smoker a little excited.

"This island is currently an experimental base, and the boss is Caesar Courant, a scientist from the former World Government."

"Now Caesar Clown is working with Doflamingo of the Seven Warlords of the Sea to develop artificial devil fruits."

"In addition to Caesar, there are two cadres under Doflamingo on this island, Snow Girl Monet and Vergo."

"In addition, there is another Shichibukai named Trafalgaro.".....

"Hello...."After hearing Vergo's name, Smoker shouted excitedly,"Could the Vergo you are talking about be the base commander of our G5 branch, Onitake Vergo?"

"Oh! That's him! He is actually a spy placed by the Don Quixote family in your navy!"

Smoker heard this and immediately pulled out his ten hands behind his back."Boy, do you know what the consequences of framing a naval officer are?"

Smoker had just arrived at G5, but he knew very well how much the navy soldiers in the G5 branch respected Vergo.

If he told those guys now that the Vergo they respected was actually a pirate........That would definitely make their faith collapse.

Ike shrugged and said,"If you want to know, just come with us to the island and you'll find out!"

Smoker did not refuse Ike's proposal, not only because of Vergo, but also because he remembered who Caesar Kulang was. He was a mad scientist wanted by the World Government, with a bounty of 300 million berries!......

In this way, Smoker also joined Ike's team.

The reason why Ike deliberately dragged Smoker along was actually because the Straw Hat Pirates could not handle the things on the island.

There were also many children on the island who were used as experimental subjects. These children needed to be sent home by the navy.......

After explaining the situation to Nami, Ike took Ace and Smoker to the research institute in the center of Punk Hazard.

When the three flew to the snowy and cold winter peninsula, they saw Luffy and his companions being besieged.

Just when Ace wanted to go down to help, he was stopped by Ike.

"No need, let's just go and catch the mastermind! These few people can't do anything to Luffy and the others."

Ace heard this, looked at the crushing battle situation of Luffy and the others below, and nodded.

Soon, the three flew to the gate of the experimental base.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they were stopped by an acquaintance. The one who stopped the three was Trafalgar Law, one of the current Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Law originally wanted to stop Luffy's team. Although he had not been in contact with Luffy for a long time, he still knew about the Straw Hat Pirates' ability to cause trouble.

Law had his own plan, and Luffy was the one who was not in the plan.....In order to prevent the plan from being ruined, he could only stabilize Luffy first.

But now something strange and unexpected happened.

The dead Ace of the Fire Fist, Vice Admiral Smoker, and a strange young man arrived here first.

Before Law could speak, Ike's voice came to his ears,"Law, cooperate with us, we will help you kill Doflamingo!"

Ike knew that this place was being monitored by Vergo, Caesar and Monet, and Law's heart was in their hands, so he used wind magic to control the sound so that it only sounded in Law's ears.


"I tell you, your plan won't bring down Doflamingo! You don't know Doflamingo's true identity yet, do you? He used to be a Celestial Dragon."


"I know you want to avenge Corazon, but I don't want you to die!"


"Rather than being so reckless, it would be better for you to go to Corazon's godfather, Marshal Zhan Guo!"



Hey! Say something!.....

""Give me a chance to speak!"

Luo thought speechlessly.

At this moment, Luo was shocked by what Ike said.

If Doflamingo was really a Celestial Dragon,...Then all his plans would be in vain!

And what Luo cares about most is....How did this stranger know my plan? And why did he know that the reason I was seeking revenge on Doflamingo was because of Mr. Corazon?

In addition, he even knew that Corazon was the adopted son of Marshal Sengoku..........

"Who are you?"

Luo could only say these few words in the end.

"My name is Ike!"Ike smiled. He didn't expect spoilers to be so cool. However, Law's ability to manage his facial expressions was also very strong. After hearing so many shocking news, he still kept a poker face.

Thinking of Law who would spend a long time with the Straw Hat Pirates in the future, Ike couldn't help but sigh. The curtain was about to fall on a cool and handsome guy!

Law knew that he was still being monitored, so he couldn't talk too much, otherwise it would be easy to reveal flaws. After all, his life was in the hands of others.

At this moment, Ike's voice came to his ears again.

"Speak in the quietest voice possible, I can hear you!"

""Okay!" Luo whispered,"Who are you and why do you know about me?"

"hehe....Don't worry about it. Ace and I will leave to help you get the heart. I'll leave Smoker to you as an explanation to Vergo! Beat him up as hard as you can, as long as it's not that bad!"

If Smoker heard what Ike said, he would definitely praise him for being"shameless"

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