Seeing the commotion in Dressrosa, Doflamingo knew that something had happened to Sugar.

As a last resort, he released the birdcage and surrounded the entire Dressrosa.

He could be released by the World Government this time, but if the scandal in Dressrosa was exposed, he would never be released a second time.

Because Dressrosa is also a member of the World Government. If a member country is invaded by pirates and the World Government remains indifferent, it will greatly reduce the trust of the World Government in other member countries........

In the bullfighting arena.

Pica, who was in the monitoring room, saw the Flame-Flame Fruit being snatched away by Ace, and he took action decisively, but before he could rush out, the riot had already begun, and the toys in the arena returned to their original appearance.

"Damn....Something happened to Sucrose!"

After cursing inwardly, Pica shouted to Diamante who was still trying to snatch the Flame-Flame Fruit,"Diamante, go to the underground port immediately." After saying that, Pica planned to go to the underground port first. The situation was out of control now. If Dressrosa wanted to return to its original state, Sucrose's ability would definitely be needed.

Seeing that Diamante and Pica were about to leave, Ace immediately threw the box containing the Flame-Flame Fruit to Sabo in the audience, and then chased after them.

Seeing this, Luffy also followed......

On the other side.

Doflamingo had the same idea as Pica. After he released the birdcage, he rushed to the underground port as soon as possible.

When Doflamingo arrived at the underground port, the scene in front of him made him even more angry.

The little loli Sugar fainted on her bed.

Trebol, the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family, lay on the ground and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

Senior stood there with his arms folded. It was obvious that he had fainted due to serious injuries.

There was a big hole in Lao G's chest, and he was deader than dead.

Derringer was electrocuted into charcoal, and his outside was crispy and his inside was tender.

Finally, there was Gladius of the Explosion Fruit.....It was destroyed by self-explosion......

Seeing the miserable state of his family members, Doflamingo's anger could no longer be suppressed.

Ike also noticed Doflamingo's arrival. Behind him was Monet, who looked worried, Buffalo, who was crying, and Jack, who looked disdainful.

"Yo....Doflamingo came pretty fast!"

""Did you do all this?"

Doflamingo asked in a deep voice.

Ike shrugged and smiled,"Isn't it obvious?"

Doflamingo didn't say anything more. He disappeared from the spot and appeared next to Ike. He kicked Ike's head with an Akihabara.

Ike's arm was covered with armed color domineering. He blocked the Akihabara with his bare hands, and then swung Thor's hammer in his right hand towards Doflamingo.

Doflamingo, who knew the power of Thor's hammer, naturally didn't dare to take it head-on, but he didn't want to give up and continue to attack Ike. In the end, he had to awaken his fruit and turned everything around him into white lines to block Thor's hammer, and his other hand swung five-colored lines at Ike.

"Roar of the Dragon....."

Just when the five-colored thread was about to cut Ike, he used his dragon breath to distance the two.

This brief teaching made Doflamingo realize that after just a few days of not seeing him, the person in front of him was much stronger than before.

At least before....Ike didn't know how to use domineering, and his reaction time wasn't as fast as it is now.

"Jack, help me kill this man!"

Although Doflamingo is conceited, he is not stupid. Why should he fight to the death when there are free thugs?

Jack did not take action immediately, but looked at Ike and asked,"Are you from the Straw Hat Boy? Where is the Straw Hat Boy?"

Hearing Jack's question, Ike thought to himself,"Could it be that Kaido wants to find Luffy?"

The Straw Hat Pirates are quite famous on the sea.

Besides, Luffy is the most famous and has the biggest background among the newcomers......It's not surprising that Kaido could recognize him.

""What do you want to do with Luffy?" Ike asked curiously.

Ike did not answer Jack's question directly, but asked a question in return, which made Jack, who had a bad temper, impatient. Without saying a word, he rushed forward with a knife.

In Jack's opinion, before asking others questions, it is better to beat them up first, otherwise they will talk too much nonsense!

Jack rushed towards Ike with two strange scimitars in his hands, and had no intention of cooperating with Doflamingo.

Ike threw the Thor's hammer in his hand towards Jack.

Seeing this, Jack raised the two scimitars in his hands without hesitation. He chopped at Thor's hammer.

There was a buzzing sound, and then both of Jack's scimitars broke, and Thor's hammer hit Jack's chest without any hindrance.

It must be said that Jack's physical strength and domineering are indeed much stronger than Doflamingo. He only felt chest tightness and shortness of breath after being hit by Thor's hammer, but he did not vomit blood.

Ike summoned Thor's hammer back. This time he planned to use a combination of wind and thunder to directly break Jack's armed color domineering.

Seeing that his weapons were broken, Jack was also ready to use his fruit ability.

Jack is an ancient animal-type mammoth fruit ability user, and he is also a fruit awakener.

Although the animal-type fruit awakener has no special abilities, his physical strength and recovery ability will be greatly improved.

After Jack transformed into a giant mammoth, he swung his nose at Ike, and his nose was wrapped with armed color domineering.

Seeing this, Ike's armed color-covered Thor collided with Jack's nose, and he just wanted to test the strength of his domineering.

After all, he can be regarded as a student of Teacher Kaido, and then After receiving the teachings of Master Kaido, wouldn't it be a disgrace to Master Kaido if he couldn't even beat his little brother?

When Thor's hammer hit Jack's nose, it directly bounced his nose off. Then Ike threw Thor's hammer towards Jack again. At the same time, he took a deep breath and blew the roar of the dragon towards Thor's hammer.

When the dragon's breath blew on Thor's hammer, it immediately accelerated Thor's hammer. Because of the lightning released by Thor's hammer, thunder also appeared in the dragon's breath, making the power of this dragon's breath even more powerful.

"Let's call this move"Wind and Thunder Roar!""

Wind and Thunder Roar" quickly engulfed Jack, and the lightning and strong wind continued to cause damage to Jack. Thor's hammer also instantly shattered Jack's ivory worth 900 million.

Ike knew that this blow was not enough to defeat Jack, and then he spread his wings, with a rabbit talisman in his left hand and a cow talisman in his right hand, and then his whole body was covered with armed color domineering.

While Ike was getting ready, the wind and thunder around Jack also dissipated.

Just as Jack was gasping for breath and felt sorry for his ivory worth 900 million, a figure hit him directly.

Ike's blow hit Jack's chest directly, breaking his sternum instantly, and the broken chest even pierced his heart.

However, as an awakener of the ancient middle fruit of the animal system, just a broken heart could not kill him at all. As long as he rested, Jack could still be alive and kicking......

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