Just like that, Ike jumped onto the opposite ship while chatting with Garp.

At this time, Finbudi had been beaten into a pig head, and as for his navy, with Zoro in them, they dared not move at all.

"you....You are openly opposing the Navy!...I'm going to report this to the Navy Headquarters.....None of you can escape, all of you will be imprisoned......."

Before Finbudi could finish his words, Ike came over and handed the Den Den Mushi to him.

"Captain Iron Fist, the Vice Admiral Iron Fist on the other side wants to talk to you!"

Hearing Ike's words, Finbudi was also stunned, and then the Den Den Mushi sent to him emitted a familiar voice.

"Oh? Your nickname is also Iron Fist! What a coincidence!"

Finnbuddy has heard this voice before. It was a year ago when Vice Admiral Garp went to inspect their branch (strolling around), and he was fortunate enough to hear the voice of the Navy hero Iron Fist Garp.

"you....Are you Vice Admiral Garp?...I'm sorry I used your name....I will change it right away. From now on, my name will be Cotton Fist Fenbudi!"

"Oh! That's not necessary. After all, the name of Iron Fist is not unique to me. But you should let these civilian navy go! After all, they are my direct navy."

How could Fenbudi dare to refuse after hearing what Garp said?

"Vice Admiral Garp, don't worry, I was just joking with them before! I didn't do anything to them at all!"

The pig-headed Finbudi said this, and the red-dressed beauty who was attracted by Finbudi also laughed.......

Just as Finbuddy was complimenting Garp, Luffy put his arm around Ike's shoulders and said,"Ike, why are you contacting my grandfather again? I get a little creepy when I hear his voice. I always feel like he's coming back to catch me."

Hearing Luffy's words, Ike shrugged and threatened,"Hey!"...Why do you think your grandfather hasn't come to arrest you yet? It's because I used the identity of a private navy to help you get away with it! If I suddenly lose contact with your grandfather, he will definitely come to arrest you personally, and then you will really have no freedom!"

Ike's words immediately made Luffy give up the idea of throwing away the Den Den Mushi.

Seeing this, Luffy smiled and continued to ask,"There is one more thing. Let me ask you a key question. Do you have money?"

Luffy answered without any consideration,"No money!"

"That's it! We don't have money, but the navy does! With your grandfather's relationship, we can eat for free here."

After listening to Ike's explanation, Luffy tapped his hands in sudden realization and said,"I see, let's go eat!"

At this time, Finbuddy carefully returned the Den Den Mushi to Ike.

"Captain Fenbudi! You know, you will feel hungry after strenuous exercise! Barati is just across the street, let's go eat together!"

Fenbudi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said,"No problem....Today, the private navy can eat whatever they want. I will take care of it all."

Luffy stepped forward and patted Finbuddy on the shoulder, smiling,"You are still a very good guy!"

Zoro also put away his sword, came to Finbuddy, patted his shoulder and said,"Thank you!"


At this time, Finbuddy was a little bit in tears.

Although he didn't know who these so-called private navy were, he could tell from Garp's tone that these guys were definitely closely related to Vice Admiral Garp. What

Finbuddy was most afraid of now was that Vice Admiral Garp would use his title of Iron Fist to dismiss him as a branch captain if he was unhappy.

So....He must serve these gentlemen well.

Fenbudi glanced at the beautiful lady in red dress who was invited with great difficulty today, and finally gritted his teeth and said,"Miss Emina, you don't mind that the meal for two becomes a meal for many people, right?"

The beautiful lady in red dress Emina smiled and said,"I don't mind!".......

Entering Barati, the person who greeted everyone happened to be Sanji, who was wearing a black suit, had blonde hair and circle eyebrows.

When Sanji saw the two beauties, Nami and Emina, he immediately turned into a little tornado-brand bootlicker, and helped the two ladies to open the chairs in a very gentlemanly manner.

Seeing this scene, Zoro, who was drinking, pouted unhappily. For some reason, Zoro was very unhappy when he saw this guy for the first time.

After serving Nami and Emina, Sanji looked at Ike and the others with an expressionless face.

"Order what you want"

"Hello...."Your service attitude is too different!" Usopp stood up and shouted.

Luffy, on the other hand, sat there and started laughing"hahaha", thinking that this waiter was really funny.

""Waiter, are you the chef?" Luffy asked with a smile.

Sanji glanced at Luffy and replied lightly,"Yes!"

"Then why do you work as a waiter? Is the food bad?"Luffy asked again.

This question made Sanji frown.

"The food I cook is the most delicious!....What are you eating? Order now."

"Oh? In that case, come to my ship and be a cook! My pirate group needs an interesting cook like you!"

Luffy's invitation was so strange.

Instead, Finbudi, who had been silent and acted like an ostrich, became a little upset when he heard Luffy's words.

"Pirates? Aren't they a private navy?"

Seeing this, Ike hurried to Finbudi's side and whispered,"You know, we are a private navy directly under Vice Admiral Garp. When we go out on a mission, we can't say we are a private navy. The identity of a pirate is just to cover up our tracks."

"oh....."Finbuddy also had a look of realization on his face, thinking that this made sense. If Zoro, Nami, Luffy and the others heard what Ike said, they would definitely sneer at him, because no matter Ike was facing pirates, navy or civilians, his first step was to take out his private navy commission to prove his identity....

Ike didn't want to do that either. He was afraid that if he didn't do that , the system would no longer identify his private navy as a navy. If he lost this identity, the system would be paralyzed......Wherever he goes, Ike must first report his identity and registration number.

Maybe in the end, he will really have to form a private navy!......

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