Late at night.

The sea is very quiet at night, and the only light source is the moon and stars in the sky.

"Hello....Boy Ike, does the method you said really work?"

"that..."Grandpa Garp, didn't I say before, let's give it a try! It won't be a big deal."

Hearing Ike's words, Garp pointed at the pirates who were captured alive and said,"You asked me to capture so many pirates alive, and you still say it's not a big deal?"

At this time, Bogart walked over and said,"We have already talked to the islanders of Yami Island, and they are willing to cooperate with us......"

Seeing that Bogart was a little speechless, Ike immediately reminded him,"Exercise..."

"Right! Exercise."

Garp nodded, then waved his hand and said,"Everything will be commanded by this kid, I will go catch Luffy."

After saying that, Garp took advantage of the moonlight and flew towards a small boat in the distance.

That boat was the boat that Luffy was on.

At this time, Luffy didn't know that his grandfather had already rushed over, and he was still sleeping soundly........

In mid-air.

Garp was lost in thought while stepping on the Moon Step.

Garp has two grandsons, Ace and Luffy, and both of them aspire to be pirates.

Ace was adopted, and his identity was sensitive. When Ace went out to sea, Garp was also nearby.

The reason why he didn't stop him was because he knew that Ace's identity was too sensitive, and he had hatred in his heart.

As for Luffy? That kid is stubborn, and he was poisoned by Red Hair's free pirate ideology.

As long as Red Hair's poison can be cured, Garp will definitely bring Luffy into the navy.

Even if Luffy doesn't want to be a navy, he will never let him be a pirate. It's enough to have a son of the Revolutionary Army who causes trouble to him every day. If he has a pirate grandson, Sengoku will nag him to death.

That's right....For Karp, the so-called trouble is being nagged by his friends.............

Soon, Garp came to Luffy's boat.

Luffy was still sleeping soundly at this time. Seeing that his grandson dared to sleep alone in the sea, Garp went up and hit him with a loving iron fist to wake him up.

Luffy woke up with his head covered, and when he saw Garp, he quickly lay down again.

"It was just a dream.....I actually dreamed about my grandfather...."


"Wake up! You bastard!"

Garp threw two more love punches at Luffy, and Luffy's head turned into a candied haws.

Only then did Luffy realize that he was not dreaming, and the grandfather in front of him was a real grandfather.

Seeing his grandfather, Luffy's first reaction was to run, but in this vast ocean he was a devil fruit user, where could he run? He could only accept being captured.......

Garp carried Luffy back to the ship.

Although he was caught, Luffy was still struggling frantically, but no matter how he struggled, it was in vain!

Ignoring the noisy Luffy, Garp looked at Bogart and asked,"How are the preparations going?"

Hearing this, Bogart first glanced at Ike beside him, and then replied,"Everything is ready."

Just as Bogart finished speaking, bursts of shouting and desperate cries came from the island not far away.

Luffy stopped making trouble after hearing the sound, and Garp let him go. Luffy turned his head and saw fire, pirates, massacres, and looting.....

Seeing all this, Luffy stretched out his arms and wanted to fly over to save people, but was stopped by Garp.

Garp did not say anything, but gave the right to speak to Ike.

"Hello...Grandpa, the villagers over there have been robbed, we have to go and help them quickly!"

""You can go and help! But what identity do you want to go with?"

Ike's words stunned Luffy.

Seeing Luffy stunned, Ike continued to point to the fire not far away and said,"See, Luffy, this is the pirate you long for! They burn, kill, rob and commit all kinds of evil."

"No....They are not pirates!!"Luffy denied decisively.

In Luffy's mind, pirates yearn for freedom and are definitely not the kind of bastards who only know how to burn, kill and rob.

"hehe..."Ike smiled and said,"Since you said they are not pirates? Then what are they?"

Ike's question immediately made Luffy not know how to answer.

Seeing this, Ike continued,"I know you yearn for freedom, Luffy, but....Is it true that only by being a pirate can you be free?"

Then, Ike winked at Garp.

"look....Vice Admiral Garp is very free!"

Garp did not see Ike's expression, he picked his nose and answered directly,"Don't talk to me about freedom, the old man Zhan Guo just called me and asked me to go back!"



Garp's words made the two speechless. Luffy, on the other hand, looked at Ike like a fool and said,"Is this the freedom you mentioned?"

Ike knew that he could not rely on Garp anymore and could only rely on his ability to talk.......

While they were talking, a large number of navy troops had already landed on the island and started to capture the pirates who were wantonly burning, killing and looting.....This so-called burning, killing and looting was just a drill, and the acting skills of these pirates and the islanders were really poor.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was dark now, they might have been exposed.........

Without looking at the situation on the island, Ike looked at Luffy and said with emotion and reason

"Luffy, if you want to have freedom, you don't have to fly the pirate flag! You can also fly a commercial flag and go out to sea for adventure!"

In fact, Ike's persuasion is also reasonable.

The Straw Hat Pirates in the original work are completely flying the pirate flag and doing nothing serious.

There are several countries saved by the Straw Hat Pirates alone, and there are countless islands.....

Are these things that pirates should do? They did good things, but in the end they were wanted. It was totally unnecessary.

In fact, if they changed the pirate flag to another flag, and had a relationship with the navy hero Garp, they would not be wanted at all, and they might even get a reward......

Luffy fell into deep thought about what Ike said.

Then he took the straw hat in his hand, first looked at the burning village in the distance, and then looked at the straw hat in his hand.

Luffy was tangled at this time. He felt that the person in front of him had some truth.

But...I promised Shanks that I would become the Pirate King....He can't be a man who doesn't keep his word.

In the end, Luffy put the straw hat on his head and said,"No.....I promised Shanks that I would become the Pirate King.

Seeing that Luffy was still so stubborn, Ike was a little helpless.

"I said....One Piece is just a title. As long as you go out to sea and find ONE PIECE, no matter you are a pirate, a navy, or even an adventurer, everyone will recognize your achievement! Then you can fulfill your promise with Shanks!"

"Your agreement is just to find ONE PIECE, right? It doesn't mean you have to be a pirate!"

Ike's words stunned Luffy again.

At this moment.....Garp, who had been silent all this time, suddenly shouted,"Luffy, since you don't want to be a marine and you want freedom, I'll give you a new job......"

"How about a private navy? You can recruit all the marines yourself, and I will cover all the activities for you!"

After hearing what Garp said, Ike was speechless.

It would be strange if Luffy would agree to this, didn't he see that he had been talking for a long time!

"good....I agree! But my goal is still ONE PIECE. I want to become the king of the navy!"


"You said you didn't want to join the navy?....Want to be the navy king?"

"Ha ha ha ha...."Hearing his grandson say he wanted to be the Navy King, Garp burst into laughter.

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