After Luffy returned to the restaurant, he told his other friends everything he had just seen.

"You said that the curly-browed guy made fried rice for that ghost Ajin?"

Fenbudi looked incredulous.

Ajin was already hard to catch, and it would be even harder to catch a full Ajin. At this time, Fenbudi looked at Ike again with a hint of resentment.

Seeing this, Ike smiled and said,"Didn't I tell you! There are big fish behind."

"Are you talking about Klick?" Fenbudi asked with a horrified expression.

"yes...If you catch Krik

, you will definitely get promoted and make a fortune."Ike's words petrified Fenbudi.

What kind of person is Krik? He is the overlord of the East China Sea. The East China Sea Navy has sent troops to encircle and suppress him many times but failed to capture him. Moreover, his fleet has become larger and larger.

Just when Fenbudi wanted to leave this dangerous place immediately, the door of the Barati Restaurant was opened again from the outside.

Two people came in this time. One was Ajin who had met before, and the other was the pirate admiral Krik, who was wearing a coat lined with golden armor.

Krik looked extremely weak at this time, not as domineering as rumored. He was shaky when he walked, and he felt like he would fall down if pushed.

"hug......Feel sorry....."Klick, who was supported by Ajin, said weakly,"I haven't eaten for a long time. Please give me some water and food....."

After saying this, Klick collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, the people around him began to discuss Klick's affairs.

"Is this the pirate admiral Krik? He looks so embarrassed."

"I heard they just escaped from the Grand Line, the Pirate Cemetery!"

"Really? No wonder, after experiencing the baptism of the Grand Line, I guess I don’t want to be a pirate anymore!"......

"Huh? Did this guy come back from the Grand Line?"

Luffy is very interested in the Grand Line.

"Humph! He just escaped back. He didn't even have the determination to die after entering the Grand Line. He's just a small character!"

The speaker was Zoro.

Zoro is that kind of person. Since he has set a goal, he will have no regrets if he really dies on the way to achieve the goal. But it is absolutely impossible for him to turn back, so he looks down on Click.

While everyone was talking about it, Sanji came out with a pot of fried rice and placed it in front of Click.

Click smelled the fragrance of the food and immediately wanted to reach out to take it, but it was snatched away by Ike in advance.

Seeing this, Akin on the side was very angry.

"Boy, what are you doing? This is Mr. Sanji's food for the captain....."

Sanji also frowned and looked at Ike.

Ike smiled and said,"You have to pay for your meal! I think Mr. Click is wearing a nice golden armor, it should be worth a lot of money!""

"Hello....This is the meal I cooked!" Sanji said unhappily.

"Hmm? I know, but you are the chef on our ship, and I am the deputy captain, so I can use your food to do business!"


"That's right...Sanji is the chef on our ship!"

Luffy also agreed with a smile

"asshole....Who wants to be a cook on your ship?"

Ike ignored Sanji and handed Sanji to Luffy to deal with, while he looked at Cleek lying on the ground.

Ike knew that Cleek would not recognize anyone when he was full, so in order to avoid trouble, Ike had to prepare in advance.

Without the golden armor on his body, Cleek would be no different from an ordinary pirate with brute force.

As for why not kill Cleek now?

Of course, it was to leave a good impression on Sanji.

Sanji and Zeff were the kind of people who could not help hungry people.

If he really beat up Cleek, who was fainted from hunger, it would definitely leave a bad impression on Sanji, so it would be more reliable to prepare in advance and let Sanji see the true face of this guy.

After all, don't offend a chef if you want to offend anyone, especially a chef who can make super delicious food.......

Click only thought about it for a moment before agreeing to Ike's request to take off his golden armor.

He used his last bit of strength to look around the restaurant and discovered that the biggest threat to him might be Iron Fist Finbudi.

Having been in the East China Sea for so many years, he naturally had heard of Iron Fist.

As long as Iron Fist was in the waters, he would not provoke him, because all the pirates that Iron Fist had touched would be destroyed, especially near the Goa Kingdom, which was a complete pirate restricted area.

As long as you set foot in the Goa Kingdom waters and encounter Iron Fist, you are basically GG.

However.....Click felt that the iron fist in front of him was not as strong as he thought. As long as he was full, he should be able to handle it.

After thinking everything through, Click asked Ajin to help him take off all the golden armor.

All of Click's golden armor was forged with real gold. In addition, there was a pair of diamond gloves. These were very valuable. It was definitely not a problem to sell them for millions of Baileys.

After putting all the golden armor into his cozy little house, Ike handed the fried rice in his hand to Click.

After Click took the fried rice, he didn't need a spoon, but directly grabbed it with his hands and put it into his mouth.

In less than five minutes, a portion of fried rice was eaten up by Click.

The people in the pirate world are all very strong, just like Joseph before. After just a little bit of fullness, Click regained all his strength, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality!"

Crick bowed his head and thanked Sanji. Just when Sanji was about to light a cigarette, Crick kicked him in the chest, sending Sanji flying several meters away.

Seeing this, Luffy frowned.

"It turns out that this guy is really a despicable villain!"

Hearing Luffy's words, Ike nodded and said,"Yes....Or why do you think he couldn't stay in the Grand Line for long? It's because he's too mean and has such a bad character."

"Maybe you'll disturb people's rest wherever you go and get chopped to death!"

"Oh! So despicable people can't enter the Grand Line?"Luffy also heard this for the first time.

Ike nodded solemnly and said,"That's right, so don't learn from him!".....

Ike and Luffy's conversation was not quiet, so Click could hear it clearly.

He was very angry. He didn't expect that he would be criticized by two little brats, especially the bastard who stripped his golden armor......

Klick pointed at Ike and said,"Boy, give me my equipment back."

Hearing this, Ike pretended to be terrified and hid behind Fenbudi.

Fenbudi thought that these private navy would choose to deal with Klick, but who would have thought that this bastard who wanted to fish would hide behind him.....

Some of the overwhelmed Fenbudi looked at Luffy. Before, Luffy was so weak that he should be a strong man. But he had n't waited for him to speak. Luffy Sauron Usopp, Swordsman and others stood behind him. Let Fenpudi have to stand up. He has sorted out the neckline a little, and then said loudly,"Clek , I am Captain Fantbudi of the Navy Branch. I want to ask you to ask my fist first.

"Lord Finbudi, quickly capture this despicable pirate!"

"That's right...."

"Lord Finbudi is so handsome!"........

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