"Ike....Solonta....The heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker!"

Usopp said anxiously while bandaging Zoro's wound.

"Damn....How could this happen?"

Ike was also a little anxious. In the original work, Hawkeye also slashed Zoro in this way, but he was fine.

At this time, Hawkeye and Luffy also came to Zoro to take a look.

When Luffy found that Zoro was really about to die, he once again wanted to fight Hawkeye to avenge Zoro.

"etc....."Ike called Luffy again, then raised his hand to check the time.

He found that the battle between Zoro and Hawkeye only lasted about ten minutes. If he really killed Zoro now, he should be able to save him.

Zoro had eaten a candy with a resurrection effect before.

As long as he died within fifteen minutes, he could be resurrected in full condition.

But if it exceeds fifteen minutes, it would be useless.

Thinking of this, Ike took Zoro's Wado Ichimonji and wanted to give Zoro another knife to kill him directly.

Seeing this scene, Luffy immediately rushed���

"Hello....Ike, what are you doing?"

Hawkeye was lost in thought the whole time, thinking,"Could it be that my control has weakened?"

"No! I just shaved with a black razor this morning, and there was no problem at all!"

"Or....Zoro's vitality is too weak....".......

On the other side.

Ike also explained to Luffy about the resurrection candy.

After learning about the effect of the resurrection candy, Luffy no longer stopped him.

Ike raised the knife again, and then stabbed it towards Zoro's heart without hesitation. With his heart pierced, Zoro's vitality immediately began to dissipate, and within ten seconds, Zoro was gone.

When Zoro completely lost his vitality, the wounds on his body began to heal slowly, and his heart gradually resumed beating.

Usopp, who had been paying attention to Zoro's pulse, felt Zoro's heartbeat and suddenly became excited.

Then....Zoro's eyelids began to twitch

"woke up....Sure enough, he woke up..."

Usopp shouted excitedly

"Ike, you are so awesome, this is a resurrection from the dead!"

"I didn't expect that killing people could also save lives!"......

Hearing the noise around him, Zoro finally opened his eyes.

"Guina....There is danger!"

While speaking, Zoro looked at Ike

"Ike....What happened to the knife you gave me? I saw Kuina, and I entered the world of knives! There is also a monster with three heads and six arms...Now Kuina is in danger, tell me how to enter that world again?"

Zoro's words stunned Ike.

Ike knew what the knife he gave Zoro was, but Kuina and the three-headed monster were both.......

For a while, Ike was really confused.

Seeing that Ike was a little confused, Zoro told him about Kuina's appearance and his entry into the Zanpakuto world.

After listening to Zoro's story, Hawkeye, who had been silent, was also surprised.

He knew that Zoro's sword had a spirit, but....I didn't expect it to be like this.

Hawkeye has seen many spiritual swords, the most classic of which may be the demon sword.

And spiritual swords will choose their own masters, but I have never heard of a sword with a soul, and it can come out and chat with the sword holder.

Thinking of this, Hawkeye thought of his own black sword night

"What would it be like if Black Blade Night had a soul?".....

After Zoro's narration, Ike was also a little confused. After all, he was not a god of death, and he only had a vague understanding of Zanpakuto.

"that....Sauron, I don’t know what’s going on with you!"

"But I think Kuina shouldn't be in danger. If she is in danger, the knife in your hand will probably be useless!"

"If you want to know what's going on, you still need to study it yourself!"......

Unable to get the answer from Ike, Zoro did not ask any more questions, but looked at Hawkeye.

At the same time, Hawkeye also looked at Zoro.

Originally, Hawkeye planned to take advantage of Zoro's soberness to make another passionate speech, but....After thinking carefully, so many people here just heard it, if I say it again, it would be a bit stupid.

In the end, Hawkeye just said"Don't let your knife down!" and left here in his coffin-like boat.......

Zoro recovered, and Crick surrendered. The battle was completely over. The only embarrassing thing was that Ike did not gain any justice points in this battle.

The reason was that the Crick Pirates were destroyed by Hawkeye, and Crick was also killed by Hawkeye.....

He was almost a bystander throughout the battle.

The biggest beneficiary of the whole battle was Captain Cotton Fist Finbudi.

He captured Akin, took Crick's head in exchange for merit, and captured all the pirates of the Crick Pirates who were still alive and had become weaklings.

Most importantly, Finbudi also gained great reputation in this battle.

It can be said that he gained both fame and benefits........

"Sanji..."Come on my ship!"

After the battle, Luffy pestered Sanji again.

And Sanji still said,"I won't leave Barati!"

Since Luffy has determined Sanji, he will definitely not give up, so he used the tactic of pestering.

Ike found Zeff, hoping that Zeff could help him think of a solution.

Zeff also knew Sanji's idea. He didn't want to drag Sanji down to fulfill his dream, so he readily agreed.

Next, Zeff and a group of Barati chefs began to act together, saying that Sanji's cooking was unpalatable and brought trouble to the restaurant every day. Barati would be better without Sanji.

These words naturally angered Sanji.

After the anger, Sanji overheard the real thoughts of Zeff and the chefs. In fact, he didn't want himself and Barati to drag Sanji down. Going out to sea to find ALL BLUE was what Sanji should do, and that was also Sanji's real dream.

After knowing everything, Sanji also decided to join Luffy's pirate group and become a chef on the ship.

Just like this....Sanji successfully joined the group.....

Just as Sanji made the decision, two strange-looking fish jumped onto the deck. It was the first time that the chefs had seen a fish that was so brave that it dared to jump into the sea restaurant.

The chefs naturally caught the two big fish.

"Luffy Boss, Ike Boss, Zoro Boss, Usopp Boss....."Help!"

At this time, the two fish screamed.

Everyone looked over and was stunned when they saw the two fish.

"Hey? Johnny, Joseph? Why haven't you changed back yet?"

Ike was confused. It had been an hour or two since they ate the candy, but they still hadn't changed back.

But it was normal when he thought about it. After all,....They ate dozens of them at once. Maybe the effects can be accumulated, but they don't know when they can change back!

After learning that the two talking fish were friends of Ike and his friends, Paddy and the other chefs let them go.

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