Zoro quickly killed all the twenty or so fishmen on the bottom of the ship.

At this time, Luffy and Usopp came out of the cabin with big bellies.

"Is there an enemy attack?"

Luffy shook his shoulders and said.

Ike pointed to the more than 20 fish-man corpses floating on the sea.

"The enemy has been annihilated!"

"Oh! Never mind.".......

The navy men on the deck and Finbudi were all shocked when they saw the fishman corpse floating on the sea.

"Pirate Hunter Zoro, so strong...."

"yes...Those were fishmen, and Mr. Zoro could actually kill them underwater!"

"With Mr. Zoro and his men, we might be able to take down the Arlong Pirates this time!"......

After seeing Zoro's strength, many navy soldiers began to fantasize about the scene where their branch navy captured the strongest dragon pirate group in the East China Sea. Even

Finbudi had such a fantasy.....If he really captured all the Dragon Pirates this time when he came to the Dragon Realm, and then made some arrangements by sending gifts, he could become a colonel in the branch navy.....

Thinking of this, Finbudi couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

What no one noticed was that at this moment, a huge figure was swimming towards the warship on the seabed.......

After dealing with the patrolling fishmen outside the evil dragon's territory, the rest of the journey was not much to say, and they went straight to the island where the Cocosia Village was located.

There were several fishmen on the edge of the island looking at this side, but they had no intention of taking action.

The reason was simple. In their opinion, the navy could not break through the outer patrol line at all, and the fact that they could come in meant that these navy were their own people.

The warship quickly approached, and as soon as it arrived at the dock, Zoro and Sanji jumped off the warship and killed all the fishmen on the island.

Just when the navy, Ike, and Luffy were about to land on the island, a wave of moderate size suddenly appeared behind the warship.

When everyone looked back, they saw a huge sea beast with a bull's head staring at everyone on the deck of the warship.

This sea beast was the pet of the evil dragon pirates, [Moo Moo].

Moo Moo's size was not big in the Grand Line, but....If it were in the East Sea, it would definitely be the number one beast under the King of the Sea.

The King of the Sea was captured by Garp from the Grand Line for his two grandsons.

The purpose was to prevent his grandsons from going out to sea before they could defeat the King of the Sea. This was a kind of protection for his two grandsons.......

Moo Moo is also intelligent. He knows that those killed fishmen are his companions. When his companions are killed, he will naturally come for revenge.

After Moo Moo surfaced, he smashed his body into the warship without saying a word, trying to sink the warship directly.

But how could Ike and Luffy let it succeed.

Luffy stretched out his arms and grabbed Moo Moo's two horns, and then used the elastic force to smash his whole body on Moo Moo's head like a cannonball.

This blow directly knocked Moo Moo backwards.

At the same time, Ike also took action. A magic circle appeared in his right hand, and then he made an uppercut motion.

"Tianlong's Wave Wind....."

This punch directly created a tornado comparable to Moo Moo's size, which swept up Moo Moo's huge body and flew far away.

When it fell into the sea again, it had lost consciousness.

""Ike, why did you hit it away? I wanted to catch it and let Sanji make sea monster meat for me!"

Ike was a little helpless when he heard Luffy's words.

Originally, Ike planned to kill Moo directly. As a pet of the evil dragon, he probably did a lot of bad things in Cocosia Village.

From the original book, we can know that Moo destroyed many houses in the village and was called the monster of the Grand Line by the islanders of Cocosia Village.

When it comes to Moo, every villager hates it.

It is estimated that killing it will also have some justice value.

But....Although the dragon-killing magic is very powerful, it requires a strong enough physical fitness.

So the previous attack did not kill Moo directly.

As for how to improve physical fitness? That depends on the Flowing Water Rock-Smashing Fist.

The basics of the Flowing Water Rock-Smashing Fist are physical training.......

After getting rid of Moo, Ike and Luffy also got off the ship.

Originally, Finbuddy wanted to stay on the warship, but after careful consideration, he thought that after Luffy and the others got off the warship, the most dangerous place might be the warship, so he also got off the warship......

After everyone landed, they headed straight for the Dragon Paradise, the base of the Dragon Pirates.

As for Nami? There was no need to look for her. As long as the Dragon Pirates were destroyed, the shackles that bound Nami's mind and body would be broken.

After all,...Nami is already a companion of the Straw Hat Pirates.

As for the navy who also disembarked from the warship, they were directly sent to the Cocosia Village to protect Nami. By the way, they could appease the civilians and change the image of the navy in the hearts of the villagers of Cocosia Village.

After all,...They can't just do nothing.......

Just as Ike and his men left the port, a warship several times larger than Finbudi's came over.

Standing on the deck of the warship was the mouse colonel who had colluded with the dragon.

"Hahaha.....This deal is really good! As long as I take away 100 million berries from the orange orchard, I can get 50 million!"

The mouse was very happy at this time. Although he had been cooperating with the dragon, it was the first time that he could make a net profit of 50 million without doing anything.

The 100 million berries that the mouse mentioned were naturally the 100 million berries that Nami had accumulated.

When the dragon discovered Nami's ability to draw nautical charts, he forced her to join the dragon pirates and promised her that as long as Nami could come up with 100 million berries, he could buy back her Cocosia Village.

At first, the dragon did not think that Nami could come up with 100 million.

But today, a few years later, Nami actually gathered 100 million, which surprised the dragon.

However, the dragon said, I am a man of my word. As long as you give me 100 million, I will hand over the Cocosia Village to you.

But....If someone else got the 100 million first, it would not be his fault.

So, the dragon contacted Colonel Mouse and said that as long as he took away Nami's 100 million, he could give Mouse half of it........

When the mouse's warship entered the dragon's territory, he became confused.

""Hey? Why aren't there any patrolling fishmen today?"

Although he was confused, the mouse didn't think much about it and still came to the port as he was familiar with it.

As soon as he arrived at the port, the mouse saw a warship.

Seeing this warship, the mouse frowned immediately.

"Could it be....Did the dragon find someone else to make this deal?"

The rat never thought that there was actually a navy attacking the dragon pirates, because in his opinion, no one in the East China Sea could take down the dragon pirates.

Not only because the dragon pirates were so powerful, but also because the background of this pirate group was so deep that even the major generals of the headquarters had to give face to them.

"no...It seems I have to speed up. If someone gets there first, my 50 million will be gone....."

Muttering something, the mouse ordered his men to speed up.

If the treasure was really stolen, he would take it back.....

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