Nami was relieved that Mouse and his navy were captured.

Then she looked at the villagers of Cocosia who were holding various farm tools.

From the villagers' words, Nami knew that everyone in Cocosia Village knew why she joined the Dragon Pirates and everything she had to bear.

After wiping away her tears, Nami decided to find the dragon.

Seeing this, the villagers also took up arms and decided to resist the dragon's rule together.

They didn't want a little girl like Nami to continue to bear such a heavy responsibility.

Nami wanted to stop it, but the people in the village all had determination on their faces, and she knew she couldn't stop it at all.

At the beginning, the villagers were suppressing their emotions, waiting for Nami to complete the 100 million task.

But....Through the incident of Colonel Mouse, they knew....The evil dragon had been deceiving Nami from the beginning to the end, and he had no intention of letting anyone go.

This emotional outburst made them desperate.......

Watching the backs of many villagers leaving, Nami knelt on the ground helplessly.

His hand touched the tattoo of the Dragon Pirates on his shoulder, his eyes filled with hatred.


While gritting her teeth and growling the dragon's name, Nami stabbed the tattoo on her shoulder with a knife.

At this moment, Finbudi, who had successfully controlled Colonel Mouse and his men, came behind Nami and stopped her from continuing to hurt herself.

"Your name is Nami, right? You don't have to do this."

"You can try to trust your friends and believe that they can defeat the dragon!"

"Don't forget, they came here to fight against the powerful Arlong Pirates for you!"

Fembedi's words were very beautiful.

In fact, he also said this to himself.

Fembedi has always relied on self-hypnosis to deceive himself into believing in the strength of the private navy, so he didn't do such a tasteless thing as sneaking away.

After hearing Fembedi's words, Nami stopped hurting herself. Seeing this, Fembedi asked the medic to bandage Nami.

After the bandage was completed, Nami rushed to the Arlong Paradise at the fastest speed.

But when it was still some distance away from the Arlong Paradise, a villager from the Cocosia village was seen holding a broken pirate flag of the Arlong Pirates and running here. Behind him, there were many villagers who were crying with joy.

As they ran, they shouted,"The Arlong Pirates have been defeated!"....."

Hearing that the Dragon Pirates were defeated, Nami's mind suddenly appeared the faces of Luffy, Ike, Zoro, and Usopp.

Thinking of this, Nami's footsteps became even faster.

When she ran to the Dragon Paradise, what came into view was the Dragon Domain that had become a ruin, and Luffy who was thrown into the air by many villagers cheering.

Ike saw Nami, smiled and walked over and said,"The runaway navigator, have you decided to return to our big family?"

After saying that, Ike took out the Private Navy Commission and a pen and handed it to Nami.

Nami did not refuse this time, and directly took the commission and signed her name.

This is like an unspoken rule. Only those who sign the Private Navy Commission can be considered to have truly joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

And Nami agreed to sign, which meant that she officially joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

When Nami signed, others also noticed her arrival.

The first one to rush over was Sanji.

After Sanji rushed over, he immediately knelt on one knee and kissed his hand.

"Dear Miss Nami, I am your flower-guarding knight Sanji."

Nami was also stunned when she saw Sanji.

Then she heard Ike explain,"Sanji is the chef of our group. If you want to eat something in the future, just ask him!"

Sanji nodded and said,"That's right...Miss Nami, tell me what you want to eat in the future. It is my honor to cook for a beautiful lady like you.

Seeing Sanji acting like this, Zoro hugged his shoulders and said sarcastically,"Humph! A dog-licking chef"

"What are you talking about, you green algae head?"

"I'm talking about you licking dog lecherous cook!"

"Humph! It's my honor to be Miss Nami's licker, what do you know, a green algae head?"......

Luffy ignored the quarrel between Zoro and Sanji. As the saying goes, the more they quarrel, the better their relationship will be.

He walked directly to Nami and said with a smile,"Ike told me that as long as we defeat the Arlong Pirates, you can come back."....."

Before Luffy could finish his words, Nami hugged Luffy.

"Thank you Luffy!".......

The Dragon Pirates were completely defeated.

The Cocosia Village and other existences on the island were in a carnival.

Each village took out all the food and started a banquet that lasted for several days to celebrate.

As for the surviving fishmen in the Dragon Pirates, they were all escorted back to the Navy Branch by Finbuddy. Finbuddy still chose to fish and have a banquet with Luffy and others.

The only thing that made Finbuddy depressed was that he finally let the rat run away.

After the rat learned that the dragon was defeated, he tried to escape back to his warship.

Although the rat's strength was not very good, he was quite good at escaping.

As soon as he returned to his base, he directly reported the matter of the Straw Hat Pirates to the Navy Headquarters.

And said that the Straw Hat Pirates were a more vicious pirate group than the Dragon Sea Group in the East China Sea, and Captain Monkey D. Luffy must be wanted.

In addition, Captain Finbuddy of the East China Sea Branch of the Navy had an unspeakable PY transaction with the pirate Monkey D. Luffy, and applied to revoke all of Finbuddy's positions.......

At the Navy Headquarters, the wanted order for Luffy was approved without much discussion.....Luffy is flying the skull and crossbones pirate flag, and he is just a small pirate in the East China Sea. There is no need to know the flag when he is wanted........

The banquet in Kokosia Village finally ended after several days.

After the banquet, Ike began to summarize the justice points he had obtained this time.

The island where Kokosia Village is located is not small in the entire East China Sea. After all, there are several large villages on it.

The size of this island is at least four times larger than that of Xiluobu Village, so the justice points obtained by saving the island residents are naturally not small.

When saving Xiluobu Village, one thousand justice points were obtained.

And when saving the island where Kokosia Village is located, five thousand justice points were directly obtained.

The reason why there are so many is, first, because this island is relatively large and there are more villages, and secondly,....The people of this island have been exploited by the Dragon Pirates for too long.

Compared to these 6,000 Justice Points, defeating the Dragon is a small amount.

The Justice Points gained from defeating the Dragon this time are more than 100. Together with all the fishmen in the Dragon Pirates, there are more than 1,000 Justice Points.

It must be said that a powerful and brutal Dragon is really worth a lot.

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