The matter of Luffy being wanted was left unresolved in the Straw Hat Pirates.

On the contrary, there was quite a stir in other places about Luffy being wanted. The ones that were most shocked were the Shields Town Navy Branch, which was on good terms with the Straw Hat Pirates, and the Navy Branch where Finbuddy was.

After all, they all knew that Luffy and the others were very good people, and they were also officially certified private navy, so they shouldn't be wanted.

After learning the news, the two branches contacted the Vice Admiral of the East China Sea Navy Headquarters and reported everything they knew about the private navy and Luffy. The Vice Admiral of the East China Sea Navy was just going to investigate in Cocosia Village, and arrested Finbuddy to inquire about the situation.

After receiving the report from Shields Town, he knew that he might have been deceived by the rat colonel.

Monkey D. Luffy should not be wanted at all, but rather the rising star of the East China Sea Navy, although he didn't know why it was a private navy.

But even if it was a private navy, it was still their East China Sea navy.

That's it.....The investigation of this branch vice admiral is faster. He needs to prove it to Luffy and then cancel the wanted order........

At the same time, on an unknown island somewhere in the Grand Line, the one-armed Shanks held Luffy's bounty and said with a smile,"Luffy....Are you finally here? Start your own pirate journey...."......

Ace, who had just decided to leave the Whitebeard Pirates to hunt down Blackbeard, also saw the wanted poster for his younger brother Luffy, so he decided to go see his brother whom he hadn't seen for two years........

One day later.

The investigation into the Dragon Pirates incident in Cocosia Village was finally over.

The East Sea branch vice admiral who was originally going to capture Finbuddy was changed to capture Colonel Mouse, and Finbuddy was successfully promoted to replace Colonel Mouse and became the colonel of the Navy branch.

Naturally...The investigation report on the East China Sea was also sent to Marshal Sengoku.

Sengoku was relieved when he knew that Garp's grandson had not done anything illegal.

As for the issue of Luffy using the skull and crossbones flag, he no longer intended to pursue it.

The main reason was that the internal regulations of the Navy did not say that the Navy could not fly the skull and crossbones flag. The most important thing was that many naval ships had recently hung skull and crossbones flags.

However, these skull and crossbones flags were also designed.

The most common one was a flag with a skull pierced through a long sword.

Most of the ships hanging these flags were Eagle Navy.

Because of this incident, Sengoku called Garp to the office again and had a nagging.

Garp's identity was too special. He was a hero of the Navy and had a great influence on other Navy ships. Whatever he did, other Navy ships would definitely imitate him. The

Navy's hanging of the skull and crossbones flag this time was the best example.

However, no matter what was said about Garp, the rolling meat, he responded with an indifferent attitude. In the end, he even took a warship back to the East China Sea...........

A few dozen miles away from Rogue Town, a pirate ship flying a pirate flag was screaming.

The reason for this was that Ike was making a judgment of justice on the ship.

This was the third pirate ship Ike had attacked.

Since arriving near Rogue Town, Ike had started to let the Golden Merry sail around here.

Many pirates who wanted to enter the Grand Line would rest in Rogue Town, so....This is also the place where pirates are most likely to be encountered.

Ike would naturally not give up such a good place, as these are all huge amounts of Justice Points.

However, the Justice Points earned by directly solving pirate groups one by one are really not that much.

On average, each pirate ship can only earn three to five hundred Justice Points at most.

This is also thanks to the fact that this is the entrance to the Grand Line, and generally only pirate groups with some strength will choose to come here.

If it is a rookie pirate group, let alone three to five hundred Justice Points for a ship, even if they can get more than a hundred Justice Points, that would be good.

Zoro, who had just solved the pirates with Ike and was riding a small boat back, asked curiously,"So what we are doing is really what the navy should do, right?"

"Of course, we are a righteous civilian navy!"

Zoro didn't care about the camp or anything like that. The main reason he came with Ike was to gain combat experience.

But....After dealing with the three ships, Zoro found that these pirates were basically weaklings, and few of them could withstand his demon slash......

After returning to the Golden Merry, Ike said that he would no longer hunt pirates, mainly because the efficiency was too low!

It would be more convenient to go directly to Rogue Town and then block the port of Rogue Town. He was only a little over a thousand points short of the Golden Ten Draws. No matter what, he had to complete the Ten Draws before entering the Grand Line.

After learning that Ike would no longer accumulate merits, under the command of Nami, the Golden Merry sailed to the town of beginning and end, Rogue Town.

The reason why Rogue Town is called the town of beginning and end is because the Pirate King was born on this island, and at the same time, he was executed on this island.......

When they were still a few miles away from Rogue Town, everyone had already seen the general outline of Rogue Town.

"This town is really big! There should be a market selling fresh food!"

Sanji said he wanted to go to the food market to take a look.

Luffy was also eager to try.

"I want to go see it with my own eyes....Take a look at the execution platform of the Pirate King."

Zoro looked at the two swords on his waist and thought to himself,"I should also buy a new sword here; !"

Zoro now has two swords in his hand, Kuina and Wado Ichimonji.

When he fought Hachi in the Dragon Domain before, he always used two swords.

When Nami heard Zoro said he wanted to buy a sword, she immediately came over and said,"Do you have money to buy a sword? Do you need me to lend you some? My interest rate is very reasonable!"

Zoro refused to borrow money.

He and Ike had swept three pirate ships before, which did not improve his strength, but....I did manage to collect quite a bit of money.

It was definitely enough to buy a nice knife......

Ike ignored his companions' discussions, and at this moment, his eyes were all on the several pirate ships docked at the port of Rogue Town.

If I remember correctly, the current boss of Rogue Town is Colonel Smoker, who ate the Nature-type Smoke Fruit.

As a natural ability user, Smoker can be called invincible in the Four Seas and the first half of the Grand Line without domineering.

So since Smoker took over Rogue Town, there have been very few pirates who can walk out of here.

Knowing this, Ike planned to take the initiative and get rid of those pirates who came to Rogue Town to prepare supplies even though they knew Smoker was here.

"Luffy, I'm going ashore first!" After saying this, Ike rushed to the port of Rogue Town first, fearing that Smoker would come to take his head.

Every time Ike stepped on the sea, it would bring up a wave and a hurricane. The wind allowed Ike to fly on the sea, and his speed was not slow.

Seeing Ike stepping on the whirlwind and rushing straight to the pirate ship at the port, Usopp couldn't help but ask curiously,"Does Ike have a deep hatred for pirates? Every time he sees a pirate, he rushes over!"

Luffy smiled and said,"Didn't I say it before! Ike's dream is to be a navy."

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