Rogue Town.

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates were all wandering around.

After much searching, Luffy finally got lost again.

Zoro found a weapon shop, bought his third sword [Sandaike Kitetsu] and met Dashiki, who looked very similar to Kuina.

Maybe because he had seen Kuina appear as a sword spirit before, when Zoro saw Dashiki, who looked very similar to Kuina, he did not get excited and crush her glasses.

But even so, Dashiki still entangled Zoro, for no other reason than the Wado Ichimonji on Zoro's waist and Kuina.

In fact, Dashiki is more curious about Kuina than the Wado Ichimonji.

Because with her knowledge, she had never heard of Kuina, which was comparable to the supreme great sword 12gong.

But judging from the quality, Kuina is definitely a great sword 12gong, and the ranking is definitely not low.

Dashiki is also a little curious about Zoro who can hang two famous swords.

"that...What do you do?"

"me...."Zoro thought for a moment and replied,"I am a civilian navy!"

"Navy? Civilian Navy? Which branch of the Navy is that?"

Tashiki asked curiously.

Knowing that the other party was a navy, Tashiki was relieved.

In her opinion, if such a famous sword fell into the hands of lawless people, they might cry. Even if the sword didn't cry, she, a sword fanatic, would cry.

"Civilian Navy....It is the navy that fights for the rights of the people!"

After hearing Zoro's explanation of the private navy, Dashiki was silent.

Although Dashiki is young,...He also worked in the Navy Headquarters. He also had his own understanding of what kind of organization the Navy was.

The Navy must have its own meaning of existence. Without the Navy, the sea would become very chaotic, but....Some of the chaos originated from the navy, or more precisely, the World Government.

Thinking of this, Tashigi also knew what the private navy was. They were probably righteous people who did not want to be restricted by the World Government.

"Private navy! That's great, but don't forget to take the right path. If you become a pirate, I will take back the famous sword in your hand even if I risk my life!"

Zoro smiled and said,"Then it will depend on your strength!".......

At the same time,

Sanji also participated in an East China Sea chef competition. He originally didn't want to participate, but....Because the final prize of this chef competition is an elephant tuna from the South China Sea.

For this fish, Sanji must win the championship.

Because this fish has an extraordinary meaning for his dream.

Sanji's dream is to find the Blue Sea AllBlue. The legend of the Blue Sea is that it has all the marine ingredients of the four oceans.

And in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea, you can catch elephant tuna from the South China Sea. Doesn't this feel like the blue sea?

Sanji plans to use this elephant tuna as the starting point of his dream, so he is determined to get it......

The cooking competition is said to be a cooking competition for the entire East China Sea, but in fact, most of the chefs are from Rogue Town.

With Sanji's level, he won the championship of the cooking competition without much effort and won the elephant tuna.

Just when Sanji, Usopp and the others wanted to take a walk, Nami asked everyone to return to the ship early.

Because she felt the change in the weather, it was estimated that there would be a storm soon.

Just when several people were planning to return to the Golden Merry first, there was a big commotion in the distance.

"There are pirates fighting on the execution platform!"

"Is it...Let’s go and see the fun!"

"Don't go, it seems dangerous.....".......

After hearing the conversation between several passers-by, the first person they thought of was Luffy.....

"Nami, Usopp, you guys go back to the ship first, I'll go find Ike, Luffy, Green Algae Head and the others!"

Hearing that Luffy might be in trouble, Sanji and Ajing handed the elephant tuna to the two of them and ran towards the commotion.......

In the execution square.

Luffy stood on the execution platform, and below him were Buggy, Alrita, and the pirates they brought with them.

When Buggy saw Luffy, he began to tell him about his sad journey after Orange Town, and how he rescued his friends from the navy.

When Luffy saw Buggy, he was a little confused.

"you....What's your name?"

"Porgy? Boogie? Bessie....Not called nose?"

"oh...I remember, your name is Jiba!"

Seeing that Luffy actually forgot his name, Buggy became even more angry.

"What is Kiba?....Stop playing dumb, I'm Bucky.....It's Buggy!"

The crowd watching the brains around them got excited when they heard Buggy's name.

"ah....He is Bucky..."

"Run! It's the Buggy Pirates"

"Notify the Navy!....".....

At this time, Luffy also suddenly realized

"oh..."It's you! Buggy!"

Just as Luffy finished speaking, Kabaji from Buggy's pirate group fell from the sky and handcuffed Luffy's hands and head.

"Straw Hat Boy, you want to see the execution platform! Today I will let you experience an execution....."

As soon as he finished speaking, Buggy the Clown climbed onto the execution platform with a knife in his hand.

Seeing that there was something exciting to watch, the spectators who had originally left stopped one after another.......

When Buggy climbed onto the execution platform, many navy soldiers were hiding in the darkness around him.

These navy soldiers were arranged by Smoker in advance.

Ike and Smoker were also hiding among them.

Seeing that Luffy was about to be executed, Ike naturally couldn't stand by and watch.

Although he knew that Luffy's father Dragon might be nearby and Luffy would be saved this time,....If I don't come, Luffy will be dead.

Seeing Ike rushing over, Smoker grabbed his wrist.

"What are you going to do?"

"Hmm? Of course it's to save people!"Ike said as a matter of course

"You mean saving that straw hat boy?"

"He is my captain and also the Admiral of the Civilian Navy. Of course I have to save him!"

After saying that, Ike shook off Smoker's hand and rushed towards the execution platform.

"Civilian Navy....Marshal?"

Smoker was also confused.

"Damn....It turns out this guy is also a pirate!".....

At the same time.

Sanji and Zoro also came to the execution platform, and they were a little anxious when they saw Luffy was going to be executed.

However, they were blocked by the minions of Buggy's pirate group, and they couldn't rescue Luffy immediately.

Buggy had already raised his machete, ready to chop off Luffy's head with one blow to avenge his previous shame.

Luffy struggled hard for a few times, and when he found that he could not move at all, he smiled and shouted to the bottom,"Ike, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp!.....Sorry, I'm dying....."

Smoker, who was not far away, was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Straw Hat Kid....he...Laughed?".......

Just as the long sword in Buggy's hand fell, a"roar of the dragon" was heard in the air......"

Ike released the Dragon's Roar in reverse, and crashed into Buggy like an arrow from a bow.

At the same time, the sky suddenly changed, and a sudden lightning struck the execution platform, which also electrocuted Ike and Buggy who collided with each other, and the entire execution platform collapsed due to this strange lightning strike.

PS: Please give it a five-star rating, only twenty-five points away from breaking through fifty! Please everyone.

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