More than an hour later, the storm finally stopped and the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates returned to their normal state.

""Huh? I can clearly see the lighthouse, why haven't we reached it yet?"

Usopp said, looking towards the lighthouse through a telescope.

"This means that the guiding lighthouse is quite large, but at our speed, we will reach Upside Down Mountain in a few hours."

Just as Nami finished speaking, Usopp pointed to a sea area not far away and said,"Look over there, why are there so many birds?"

Everyone looked in the direction Usopp pointed and indeed saw a lot of seabirds circling over there.

"There should be a big fish there!"While speaking, Sanji looked at Luffy and said,"Luffy, see if you can catch a big fish!"

Hearing that there was a fish, Luffy immediately became interested.

Luffy stretched out his arms and grabbed the place where the birds were circling.

"Caught...."Luffy felt that he had caught something and immediately retracted his arm.

But when he retracted his arm, it was a little crooked.���

Sanji and Usopp immediately dodged in a hurry.

As Sanji and Usopp dodged, they heard a"bang"....With two loud"whooshes", Zoro, who was sleeping by the side of the boat, was knocked off.

Luffy knew he was in trouble, and without caring whether Zoro could hear him or not, he quickly apologized insincerely.

"Sorry, sorry....Sauron"......

Ike ignored the commotion on the deck because he was performing a ceremony in the cabin.

What was the ceremony? Of course it was the ceremony before the lottery.

Ike had already collected 10,000 points, and he planned to do a golden ten-draw.

Ike first washed his hands, changed his clothes, lit the incense he bought in Rogue Town, and finally sat cross-legged to start the lottery.

After making all the preparations, Ike started the golden ten-draw lottery.

The lottery wheel began to turn as Ike prayed.

Soon, the information of each item appeared in his mind.

【Obtain: Marrow Cleansing Pill] Gold-level item: From the world of cultivation, after using it, you can cleanse your essence and marrow and improve your cultivation qualifications

【Obtain: Sharingan] Silver-level item: From the Naruto world, after using it, you can obtain a one-magatama Sharingan that can be upgraded to the highest level of the Eternal Mangekyō

【Obtained: Monkey Talisman] Gold-level item: From the world of Jackie Chan Adventures, it can transform the target into the animal the holder wants to be, and can also transform it back to its original state

【Obtained: Bamboo Dragonfly X5] Silver-level item: From the Doraemon world, you can fly freely in the sky after wearing it, powered by solar energy

【Obtained: Brutal Suit Set] Silver-level item: From a certain sci-fi world, wearing it will increase the wearer's strength, speed, and defense

【Get: Psyduck] Silver Item: From the Pokémon World, get a Poké Ball with Psyduck on it, Psyduck can evolve into Golduck

【Obtain: Spirit Bow] Gold-level item: From the world of Death, the Spirit Bow is the weapon of the Quincy in the world of Death. When used, it can automatically generate spirit light arrows. If you use physical arrows, the power of the arrows will be increased (Note: The conditions for the use of this item have been modified according to the system of the One Piece world, and the conditions for use have been changed from spiritual power to physical power)

【Obtained: Imperial Tool Ten Thousand Miles Flying] Gold-level item, from the world of Akame no Mi. After using it, you can fly at super high speed, shoot out feathers to attack, and rebound any flying props including shells and bullets....

【Obtain: Shrinking Flashlight] Silver-level item from the Doraemon world. After using it, you can shrink freely, and you can also turn the shrunken person or object back to its original state.

【Obtain: Gourmet Tree Sapling] Silver-level item, from the captive of gourmet food. As the name suggests, it is a magical plant that can grow all kinds of food.......

The draw is complete.

There are four gold-level items in the ten draws.

They are the Marrow Cleansing Pill, the Monkey Talisman, the Spirit Bow, and the Thousand Mile Flying.

These four gold-level items, like the Dragon Slayer Crystal, can also directly improve combat power.

Needless to say, the Marrow Cleansing Pill, after taking it, Ike's own physique will definitely increase dramatically, and the most important thing is that it can also improve his qualifications.

Ike is not greedy, as long as he can enhance his qualifications to be similar to Luffy's.

The Monkey Talisman is a BUG-level item that can directly turn the enemy into a martial artist.

However.....In Ike's opinion, the Monkey Talisman is not very useful against a very strong enemy. After all, Observation Haki is not something that can be easily defeated. It is quite easy to dodge the changing light beams of the Monkey Talisman.

The reason why the Monkey Talisman is gold grade is probably because this item is too strong.

Compared to the Monkey Talisman, Ike would rather get the Ox Talisman or the Rabbit Talisman.

The Spirit Bow increases destructive power, which is not very suitable for Ike's fighting style.

Compared to the Spirit Bow, Ike likes the Thousand Miles Flying too much.

The ability to fly is also extremely rare in the pirate world.

The most important thing is, handsome.....Wanli Feixiang is so damn cool.

Ike directly extracted four gold-level props.

They were a round golden ammunition, an octagonal stone with a monkey pattern, a cross bracelet, and a pair of wings.

Ike first put the monkey charm into the cozy house, and then put the bracelet on his hand.

Just when Ike touched the imperial weapon Wanli Feixiang, Wanli Feixiang turned into a stream of light and drilled into Ike's body.

At the same time, a pair of wing pattern tattoos appeared on Ike's back.

Now as long as Ike thinks about it, he can summon Wanli Feixiang.

Ike did not eat the marrow cleansing pill immediately, but checked which other silver-level items could be used now.

Then, Ike extracted the Sharingan.

After the Sharingan appeared, it floated in front of Ike. It was a pair of eyes that exuded ominousness. When Ike's hand touched it, the pair of eyes drilled into Ike's eyes.

Ike subconsciously covered his eyes, and when he opened them again, they had turned blood red and had a magatama Sharingan.

After opening the Sharingan, Ike felt that he could see things more clearly, and even the legs of a mosquito flying by could be seen clearly.

"The Sharingan is also a good ability! But it still needs to be upgraded. It would be awesome if I could directly obtain the Eternal Mangekyō."

If it is really the Eternal Mangekyō, it is probably not a silver-level item but a gold-level item.

Just like the Asahi, if it is not Asahi but a complete Zanpakutō, it will not be a silver-level item but a gold-level item.......

Ike did not continue to extract the other items he had drawn. As long as these items were not extracted, they would remain in a state of being placed.

Ike planned to eat the Marrow Cleansing Pill now.

But before that, he still had to inform Luffy and the others. After all,...I still don’t know how long it will take for this marrow cleansing pill to cleanse my essence and marrow!......

When Ike arrived on the deck, he found that there was no one there, so he went to the kitchen and dining room.

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