While Crocus was explaining, Sanji also served the dish he had carefully prepared, and the ingredients were the elephant tuna he won in Rogue Town.

At this time, Nami had no interest in food, and all her thoughts were on the so-called record pointer.

"well...I should have gone to Rogue Town to get information about the Grand Line!"

At this moment, Ike stepped forward, took out two recording pointers, handed them to Nami and said,"This is the recording pointer."

"Hey? Ike, where did you get this record pointer?"

Ike smiled and said,"One fell from Mr. 9 before, and the other one I bought in Rogue Town."

Hearing that Ike had bought the record pointer in Rogue Town a long time ago, Nami hugged him immediately and said,"You are indeed a reliable vice-captain!"

After saying that, Nami also glanced at Luffy.

At this time, Luffy had eaten up all the elephant tuna."Unlike the captain, who only knows how to eat every day..."

Luffy thought Nami was praising him, and even grinned at Nami.

After letting go of Ike, Nami held the two recording pointers and said with a smile,"This way we can continue sailing!"

Just when Nami was about to put away the recording pointers, a loud bang sounded from the side, and then Luffy's figure flew towards Nami at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Ike quickly stretched out his hand to pull Nami away, thus saving the recording pointer in her hand.

The reason why Luffy flew over just now was because Sanji saw that all the elephant tuna he made was eaten by Luffy, and Nami kicked Luffy out in anger before she could eat a bite.

Fortunately, the recording pointer was not damaged, but Nami still released his Nami-colored domineering and beat Luffy and Sanji out.......

After getting the record pointer, the Straw Hat Pirates set out again.

Mr. 9 and Mr. Wednesday, who could not go home without the record pointer, naturally chose to follow the ship.

Nami, Usopp and others naturally disagreed. After all,....These two are the bad guys who tried to kill Lab.

But Luffy said it didn't matter. As for Ike, he naturally agreed. After all, he knew the true identity of Mr. Wednesday.

Saving the entire Alabasta, that justice value is absolutely awesome.......

The entire Straw Hat Pirates were busy during the following voyage.

The climate on the Grand Line was very strange. Nami's knowledge of navigation in the East China Sea was not completely useless, but it was also of limited use.

She had seen the East China Sea, where it rained, snowed, and lost its direction inexplicably due to the ocean currents.

"Nami....The waves got bigger...."

"Nami....It's getting foggy...".......

After personally feeling the changes in the Grand Line's celestial phenomena, Nami once again held her head with both hands and entered Psyduck mode.

At this moment, Psyduck once again ran out of the Poké Ball in the small pocket on her waist.

Although she was troubled by the celestial phenomena in the Grand Line, Nami still did her best to command everyone to operate the Golden Merry and leave this sea area as soon as possible.

"Nami....An iceberg suddenly appeared ahead..."

Usopp suddenly pointed at an iceberg in front of him that was several times larger than the Golden Merry and shouted.

Nami naturally saw the iceberg as well, and she immediately ran to the rudder and controlled the rudder with Sanji to avoid the iceberg.

Just like when they were at the Upside Down Mountain, the strange ocean current below made it difficult to control the rudder.

Upon seeing this, Ike hurried forward and took out the shrinking flashlight again and shone it on the iceberg in front of him, making it smaller than the Merry and avoiding the impact of this iceberg.

After solving the problem of the iceberg, the Golden Merry encountered another strong typhoon. Facing the strong wind, Ike used the wind barrier to extinguish all the wind blowing towards the Golden Merry.

With Ike's wind barrier, everyone had time to breathe. Sanji took advantage of this time to make some rice balls to replenish their energy and distributed them to everyone.......

A few hours later, the sky, which was originally overcast, became clear.

Nami knew that the Golden Merry had already broken through the sea area with strange weather. Although the work was not much, Nami was so tired that she sat on the ground.

At this time, Zoro, who had been sleeping on the deck, finally woke up.

After stretching, Zoro looked at the people lying on the deck and said,"Hey!....Even if the weather is good, you are too lazy, aren't you?"

While speaking, Zoro looked at Nami and said,"I say, the ship is still on the original route, right? Don't get lost, it will cause headaches for everyone!"

Nami, Usopp, and Sanji's expressions became gloomy at the same time.

Zoro, who had no idea what had happened before, walked towards Mr. Wednesday and Mr. 9 and began to question them about their whereabouts.

In the end, Nami, who couldn't bear it anymore, released her Nami-colored domineering and punched Zoro on the head.

At this time, Nami's Nami-colored domineering burst out all over her body, and even the spirit energy appeared around her body.

Seeing this scene, Ike was also shocked.

"What the hell? It's awakened already?"

Nami didn't notice the changes in herself, but glared at Zoro and said

"It's a pity that you can sleep so leisurely until now! No matter how I call you, you are always sleeping soundly, and now you are still making sarcastic remarks."

Zoro was still a little unconvinced and planned to resist, but the Straw Hat Pirates' combat power would be reduced by 99.999% when facing Nami's Haki.

Seeing that Zoro was still trying to resist, Nami punched him on the head several times, leaving several big bumps on his head.

"It really is Nami's domineering aura! Awesome!"

Ike couldn't help but sigh in his heart........

The next voyage was much smoother.

The Golden Merry soon arrived at Whiskey Peak according to the direction indicated by the recording pointer.

This is the town where Mr. 9 and Mr. Wednesday are located, and it is also a bounty hunter's nest under Baroque Walker.

After the two saw Whiskey Peak, they jumped into the sea without hesitation and swam towards Whiskey Peak.

The Straw Hat Pirates naturally chose to enter Whiskey Peak for no other reason, because they needed to record the magnetic force here so that they could go to the next island..........

As soon as we entered Whiskey Peak, we saw a group of townspeople welcoming the pirates.

"Welcome to the Great Route"

"Welcome to our town"

"Welcome Pirate Heroes to Whiskey Peak"

"Welcome to the town of milligrams, whiskey peak"

"Heroes of the Sea....Long live...."........

Nami, Sanji, and Usopp were all very surprised when they saw the group of townspeople welcoming pirates.

However, after being surprised, they became excited. They didn't expect that the first stop on the Grand Line would be a town welcoming pirates.....It is indeed a great route.....

Ike watched this scene expressionlessly. He knew that all the townspeople here were bounty hunters, including children, the elderly, and even women holding babies.

This place felt like a pyramid scheme den.

Seeing this, Zoro fell into deep thought. Luffy laughed loudly. This scene of welcoming pirates made him feel very happy, because if he was right, there would be a feast waiting for him next.

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