The volcano erupted again.

Dongli came to the place where the battle took place before with his weapon and shield.

But what surprised Dongli was that he didn't see Broki.

Just when Dongli was wondering why Broki was late, a voice sounded from under him.

"Donli, look here......Dongli...."

Donli looked down in confusion and saw a smaller version of Broki waving at him.

Behind Broki were several ordinary humans, including Ike, Nami, Smoker, Tashigi, and Ikareem, who had a slightly lower presence.

Donli was surprised to see Broki become the same size as an ordinary human.

"Donli, let's change the way we fight today!"

As he spoke, Broki signaled to Ike that he could start.

Seeing this, Ike smiled and then took out a shrinking flashlight and shone it at Donli.

As the light of the shrinking flashlight shone on Donli, Donli felt that the things around him were gradually getting bigger. To be precise, his body began to shrink, and finally stopped when it became about the same size as an ordinary human.

Seeing that Donli had also become smaller, Broki smiled and said,"Come on! Let's fight like this!"

Hearing this, Donli first looked at his body curiously, then looked at Broki and said,"I have an idea, that is...."

Before Dongli could finish his words, Broki started laughing.

"Woohahahaha.....Dongli, do you want to eat meat and drink wine? I think so too, so...Let's resolve the battle as soon as possible! After that, we can have a drinking contest!"

Dong Li smiled when he heard this, and then he got into a fighting state.......

On the other side,

Luffy and Usopp, who originally wanted to see another giant battle, were confused.

"Hey? Where's Uncle Donli?" Usopp asked curiously.

Luffy was also very curious, but he was a man of action. Since he was curious, he would go over and take a look. Without waiting for Vivi to stop him, Luffy rushed straight to the place where Donli disappeared before.

When Luffy came here, he saw Donli and Broki fighting fiercely.

I don't know if it was because the two giants had become smaller, the battle rhythm of the two became faster, and the speed of their attacks was much faster than before.

Seeing Luffy coming, Ike waved at him.

Seeing the two shrunken giants fighting, Usopp also knew what was going on. The only thing that could do this was the shrinking flashlight in Ike's hand. Just like that, Luffy and Ike and the others came together. Seeing Smoker, the smoking man, Luffy jumped back a small step, then raised his fists, as if he was going to take action.

Seeing this, Ike hurriedly stopped him and said,"Smoker is one of us now, and the previous battle was just a misunderstanding."

Smoker didn't say anything, but just nodded to indicate that Ike was right.

At this time, the battle between Dongli and Broki also came to an end.

Because the two were now about two meters tall, the fighting was not as shocking as before, but....The excitement level has risen several levels.

At this time, both of them were already staring at each other breathlessly.

"hehe....Dongli, it’s time for the final blow!"

"That's right..."Give it your all! Broki." As soon as they finished speaking, their fists were covered with blue and red Armament Haki respectively. Finally

, the two fists collided together, creating a gust of air that uprooted the surrounding trees, clearing a large area of space in the blink of an eye....After this strongest blow, the two men fell to the ground at the same time. It was another draw.......

When Ike saw the two using Armament Haki, his pupils shrank.

The two giants had been using Haki in their previous battles, but their Haki should be colorless like Whitebeard's.

In fact, many One Piece fans have done some research on Haki, and have divided Haki into many colors.

For example, Luffy in Gear Fourth is flashing red, and Vergopica is flashing purple.

In the Battle of Marineford, many people said that Whitebeard never used Haki. In fact, this is not true. If he didn't use Haki, how could he beat Akainu? Whitebeard has been using Haki all the time. It may be because he is too proficient in Haki, so he has practiced Haki to colorless, and it is impossible to tell from the surface that he has used Armament Haki.

It's as if he is using Haki all the time.

In addition, Rayleigh is the same. When Rayleigh explained and demonstrated Armament Haki to Luffy, there was no color covering his arms.

In Ike's opinion....The two giants in front of us are probably very powerful in their mastery of Armament Haki!

As for why they seem to be weaker in the original work?

Probably because of the plot! After all, it is the first half of the Grand Line. If there are too many bugs and too powerful existence, it would be unreasonable. So....Oda directly banned them.

In addition to the two giants, Enelu who flew into space and Shichibukai Kuma were also banned.

Oda is just a comic book artist, he knows nothing about One Piece, even if he knows more, how can a time traveler like me understand?.......

After watching the battle between the two giants after they shrank, Luffy's eyes lit up even more.

The reason was simple, because the special effects were too dazzling, especially the last blow.

At this time, Smoker finally understood why the two captains of the Giant Pirates were called the Red Oni and the Blue Oni.

Broki and Donli just lay on the ground for a while before standing up again.

After standing up, the two looked at each other first, and finally laughed heartily.

"Woohahahaha......Dongli, I haven't had such a good time playing for a long time."

"Hahahaha......Yes, unfortunately....It's another tie."

Hearing what the two said, Ike stepped forward and asked in confusion,"Hey? Didn't you guys have a good time fighting before?"

Hearing Ike's question, Broki explained

"You know, this island is too small for our Elbaf warriors. If we had fought like we did just now with our original sizes, the island would have been destroyed!"

Hearing this, Ike took a quick look at the empty space created by the battle between the two miniature giants. If it were enlarged in proportion, the last blow of the two would indeed be able to sink the small garden.

"hehe....That's why this place is called a small garden! For the warriors of Elbaf, it is indeed a garden."

Just as Ike finished speaking, Luffy rushed over in a hurry.

"Uncle Dongli, fight with me!"

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