"alright....Boy, it's our turn!"

Seeing that the battle between Tori and Luffy was over, Broki looked at Ike.

Ike was still feeding Mr. 5 and Mr. 3 with candy beans.


"Avoid water...."

"Become a fish...."

"Out-of-body experience...."......

Ike fed them all kinds of candy beans with various abilities, which tortured Mr. 3 and Mr. 5.

I don't know if it was because they were too unlucky, but many of the candy beans Ike shook out this time were negative BUFF abilities. They were not as good as the candy beans that Sword God and Sword Master had eaten before, at least they had eaten positive abilities such as flying and burrowing.

After feeding them more than 20 candy beans in a row, Ike finally drew the ideal ability [Super Fast Recovery! ]

This ability is simple and clear, that is, after eating it, you can quickly recover from injuries.

And the price of drawing this candy bean is....Mr5 turned into a chocolate-flavored poop, and most importantly, it was waterproof.

Mr3 turned green all over, and the hair on his head grew extremely thick. The thin 3 on his head turned into a thick 3......

Ignoring them, Ike put the quick recovery candy into his mouth.

The effect of the candy lasts for fifteen minutes, and Ike can recover quickly in these fifteen minutes.

The previous battle between Luffy and Touri lasted less than five minutes, and most importantly, there was time for the two to talk.

In other words, fifteen minutes of ability blessing is enough.......

"alright...Uncle Brocky, I'm ready."

At this moment, Ike suddenly reminded him,"Uncle Brocky, I have the ability to recover quickly in the next fifteen minutes, so...You don't have to be too merciful, just make sure I don't die!"

Hearing this, Broki did the same as Dongli, putting all his weapons aside and getting into a fighting position.

"Good! Boy, I will let you experience what love is!"


Obviously, Broki, like Donli, also confuses dominance with love.......

Luffy frowned when he heard Brocky's words,"So Uncle Brocky also knows the Iron Fist of Love!"

Thinking of this, Luffy shouted to Ike,"Ike, be careful! The Iron Fist of Love hurts!".......

Ike ignored Luffy and assumed the Rock-Breaking Fist stance. He opened his three-magatama Sharingan and began to observe Broki's every move.

Broki smiled when he saw that Ike didn't take any action and then rushed over first.

"Kid....Since you won't move, I'll go first!"

As the words fell, Broki's figure had already arrived in front of Ike.

Ike's Sharingan kept turning, and Broki's figure slowed down in his field of vision. Ike saw Broki's every move clearly.

After seeing Broki's movements clearly, Ike wanted to dodge, but when he dodged, he found that Broki's speed was too fast and he had no time to dodge.

As a last resort, Ike could only raise his arms to resist.

However, while blocking, he still used blessing magic to strengthen his arms.

Ike's arm collided with Broki's fist, making a crisp sound of broken bones, and then Ike flew out.

Broki's punch , directly fracturing Ike's arm.

If Ike hadn't used a layer of protection magic to strengthen his arm, it would probably not be a fracture but a bone.

With the fast-recovering jelly beans, Ike's arm recovered in the blink of an eye, and then Wanli Feixiang unfolded behind him to help him stabilize his body.

Brocky didn't expect Ike to be able to fly.

Brocky thought that his punch just now was enough to end the battle.

He didn't use his full strength in that punch, but within his calculations, it would at least fracture a bone. If a bone was broken, there was no need to continue fighting.

But what Brocky didn't expect was that Ike was actually fine and could actually fly.......

Ike spread his arms in mid-air, and white magic circles gradually appeared.

"Galloping Wind Blessing"

"The power of steel wrist"

"Armor Power Blessing"

"Dragon Slayer Power".......

Various BUFFs were added to Ike, making his body emit colorful light.

In addition, the divine robe he wore was particularly eye-catching, especially the words"In the Name of the People" written on the back of the divine robe, which fluttered in the wind after he stood up......

Seeing such a cool Ike, the Straw Hat Pirates were all surprised.

Especially Luffy and Usopp, their eyes have turned into stars, the reason is that Ike is so handsome with his glowing eyes.

"So handsome....I want it too!"

Luffy raised his hands and shouted.

Dong Li, who was crossing his arms, smiled and said,"You are very imposing, young man, but....If you want to defeat Broki, it's useless to just rely on splendor!"

Smoker was thinking about whether he could defeat Ike in this state.

"hehe...I am a natural type, I am invincible without Haki!"

Just when he had this thought, he saw Luffy who was cheering with his hands raised. Thinking that Luffy, who didn't have Haki, beat him up, he secretly took back his previous words.

Seeing Ike's dazzling appearance, maybe he can also catch a natural type............

The sight returned to Ike.

After all the magic that could be used was applied to him, Ike released the flying magic behind him and fell back to the ground.

"Come on! Uncle Broki, it's round two.

Broki was a little distracted when he saw Ike, who was covered in magic.

The battles of the Elbaf warriors were simple and plain, without any fancy tricks. Even the Elbaf Spear was not as gorgeous as Ike, who was covered in dazzling lights.

"Boy, if I beat you, can you teach me your trick?

�� Hearing Broki's words, Ike was also stunned.

Only then did Ike realize that Broki also wanted special effects.

After all, every man would be moved by cool special effects, even giants.

However....My special effects are all magic, so I can't teach them to Broki. However,...It's just to add some special effects to the plain battle. It's easy for Ike to handle it.

""Okay! As long as you win, I'll give you a set of special effects!"

Ike knew he couldn't beat Broki, so the special effects were completely free.......

After receiving Ike's reply, Broki's initial playfulness turned into anticipation for this battle.

He was already imagining himself returning to Elbaf in all his glory, admired by many female Titans, and feeling inferior to them...........

Just as Brocky was fantasizing, Ike had already rushed in front of him and punched him in the face.

Ike's punch was not only mixed with various buffs, but also with the blessing of the Flowing Rock Fist.

Even though Ike punched with all his strength, it only made Brocky lean back slightly.

Brocky came to his senses and reached out to grab Ike's fist. Seeing this, Ike took a deep breath and then spit out a close-range Dragon Roar. With the push of the dragon's breath, Ike dodged Brocky's hand and kept the distance.

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