Ike brought Luffy, Sanji, Usopp and Vivi into the cozy little room.

He was the only one needed to fly to Magnetic Drum Mountain. Ike put on the ultra-thin and ultra-warm cotton coat he won in the lottery and flew to Magnetic Drum Mountain.

The cold wind in the air of Magnetic Drum Island was nothing to Ike. He just added a wind barrier around his body to solve all the problems.

Just when Ike was still a thousand meters away from Magnetic Drum Mountain, a sound of breaking through the air that was different from the cold wind suddenly came from below.

When Ike looked down, he found that it was a bare tree trunk flying straight towards him.

Seeing this, Ike controlled the storm in the wind barrier to block the tree.

After blocking the tree trunk, Ike looked in the direction where the tree trunk was flying, and saw a strong man with a naked upper body and muscular body looking up at him.

The burly man with a wrestler's mask, long purple hair and a gold belt around his waist was recognized by Ike at first sight. It was none other than the Blackbeard Pirates' helmsman, Gizas Badgers.

"Damn? Why is this guy here?"

Although I know that this guy will be my enemy in the future,...Ike doesn't intend to get entangled with him here now, because....Nami is still in critical condition. The earlier she is sent to the doctor, the less danger she will face.

Just when Ike was about to leave, Gizas Badgers looked at Ike with his teeth bared, then chopped off the tree with his palm knife and threw the tree in his hand towards Ike again.

Ike spread his wings and easily bounced off the trees, and then planned to fly to Magnetic Drum Mountain.

Gizas Badgers saw that the person in the air was about to run, and he wanted to chase him, but....In this vast expanse of snow, it was almost impossible to catch up with a flying target.

Seeing this, Gizas Bajes had no choice but to give up.......

As for why Gizas Bages is here? The reason is very simple, he stayed here to train.

Gizas Bages is known as the world champion. He is not only very warlike, but also very hardworking in his own training.

After coming to the Drum Kingdom with Blackbeard and others some time ago, he stayed and decided to train here for a period of time. Training projects like this one that fight against nature are very testing of willpower, and awakening domineering willpower is also a very important part. That's right.....The current Gizas Bugles doesn't know how to be domineering. He also learned it after becoming Blackbeard's subordinate.

And Blackbeard didn't make him his subordinate because he was very strong. After all, he was recruited from all over the world. How strong could he be?

The real reason is that Gizas Bugles and others are extremely talented. Blackbeard himself is not very famous. People who are strong and famous will not join Blackbeard, and Blackbeard doesn't like those who are not strong.

It is because of this that Blackbeard decided to find some talented players to be his companions, and he will train those who are not strong.

In fact, this routine is somewhat similar to the Straw Hat Pirates.

All the partners recruited by Luffy were not strong at the beginning, and they gradually became stronger after battles and adventures.

And it is even easier for Blackbeard to make his partners stronger, after all,....He already has domineering power, so it is not difficult for him to find a few talented people to teach him.

Gizas Bajes wanted to master domineering power as soon as possible, so he began to practice hard in various extreme environments........

After Ike flew away, Gizas Bajes did not stay there any longer. He had a feeling that he would meet that person again.......

On the other side,

Ike flew to the top of the Drum Mountain at a very fast speed.

There was a huge castle here. Ike walked into the castle and found that there was no one here.

"No one's home?"

Just as Ike finished speaking, a sudden voice sounded behind him.

"Breaking into a house is not a good behavior!"

Hearing this voice, Ike immediately turned around and saw an old woman holding a bottle of wine and wearing very sexy and fashionable clothes standing behind him.

"old....Beauty....that...I didn't mean to break into the house."

Kureha didn't care about the word"old". When she heard the beautiful woman address her, her favorability towards the handsome guy Ike suddenly increased.

""You have good taste, kid!"

As he spoke, Kuleha pushed his sunglasses to his forehead and said with a smile,"Tell me! What do you want to see me for?"

"that...."Miss Kuleha, my friend is sick, I hope you can treat her!"

As he spoke, Ike opened the cozy hut, and then Luffy and Usopp rushed out, fighting and making noises.

Seeing this, Kuleha frowned.

"Do you want to treat one of their brains?"



At this moment, Sanji came out carrying the unconscious Nami on his back. Seeing this, Ike pointed at Nami and said,"It's her!"

Hearing the conversation between Ike and Kuleha, Luffy pointed at Kuleha and looked at Ike and said,"Ike, is this old woman the doctor?"

Without waiting for Ike to answer, Kuleha kicked Luffy away.

"I am still young and beautiful at over 130 years old! What a rude boy."

Seeing Kuleha kicking Luffy away, Vivi and Sanji finally understood why this doctor was called a witch.

Kuleha asked Sanji to put Nami on the bed, and then gently pressed her fingers on Nami's forehead.

"It's already 43 degrees!"

Vivi's face turned pale when she heard that Nami's temperature had risen again. Sanji started to cry. He knew what 42 degrees meant. If it was Luffy and Zoro, 42 degrees might not be a problem, but Nami was a weak woman.

To be precise,....Luffy, Zoro, and even Sanji himself really don't know what it means to be sick....

Just when the two were about to ask Kuleha to save Nami, Kuleha shouted behind them,"Chopper, come and help!"

Everyone followed Kuleha's gaze and saw a petite creature half-exposed looking at them.

It wore a red hat, had a blue nose, and a pair of antlers.

If the antlers were removed, it would look like a raccoon cat. Yes, he is Chopper, the next member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Is this? A raccoon cat?"

Sanji asked curiously.

"asshole....I am a reindeer!"

Chopper angrily defended himself.

At this moment, Kuleha's voice came again,"If you don't want this little girl to die, get out of here, and...Chopper, don't just stand there, come and help!"

After hearing what Kuleha said, Ike planned to take the Straw Hat Pirates out of the ward.

But as the captain, Luffy naturally had to be more polite. After all,...My friend has to rely on others for treatment.

Luffy came to Kuleha and bowed deeply.

"Granny....Nami, please...."

Before Luffy could finish his words, Kuleha kicked him out of the ward.

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