Nico Robin's purpose of coming here was simple, just to see the excitement.

He wanted to know who would win the fight between the cadres of the Revolutionary Army and Crocodile.

Robin already had a hunch that it was time for her to change her boss again. If she didn't change her boss as soon as possible, when Crocodile completed his plan, it would be almost her death.

The reason why Crocodile accepted Robin as his subordinate was naturally not out of kindness.

Who is Nico Robin? She is a person who can interpret the historical text, and is an existence that the World Government specifically wants to eliminate.

Crocodile also took a fancy to Nico Robin's ability to interpret the historical text. With Nico Robin, he can find the legendary Pluto.

And is Robin really looking for Pluto for Crocodile? Of course not, he also wants to use Crocodile to find the real historical text and explore the blank 100 years of history.

The two can be regarded as using each other.

When the two saw the historical text of Alabasta, it was time to part ways.

If the historical text of Alabasta really records the location of Pluto, Robin will never tell Crocodile.

Naturally....This also foreshadows that the angry Crocodile will kill Robin directly. Although Robin regrets his own death,....Not nostalgic, after all....In this world, she has no relatives, friends or companions, and no one will shed tears for her death.

If the historical text of Alabasta is the historical text that truly records the blank history of the hundred years,.....Robin died without regrets. This was the historical truth that O'Hara had studied for countless years. She was able to see it at the last moment, so she died without regrets.....All this is going according to normal development, but now there is an unexpected situation, that is the Revolutionary Army.

If the Revolutionary Army can kill Crocodile now.....Then she can think of a way to change the boss, such as...Joining the Revolutionary Army is a good choice.....

When Sabo saw Nico Robin in the distance, he wanted to take her away.

Nico Robin was the one that the World Government wanted to arrest, and the Revolutionary Army was against the World Government. In addition, Nico Robin was the only survivor of O'Hara and the only one who could interpret the truth of history, so the Revolutionary Army naturally wanted to protect her. The Revolutionary Army also wanted to know what the historical truth was that the World Government was trying so hard to hide.

However....Now with Crocodile watching closely, he couldn't take Nico Robin away immediately, so he could only leave here temporarily.

Crocodile, who was blending into the sand below, saw Sabo was about to leave, and without saying a word, he directly created a sandstorm to stop Sabo.

But when the desert storm took shape, Sabo had already disappeared......

After Sabo left, Crocodile reappeared in the desert.

Just then, a huge banana crocodile came in front of Crocodile, and sitting on the crocodile's back was Nico Robin.

"Why didn't Mr. Crocodile keep the revolutionary army?"

Crocodile, who was already angry, became even angrier when he heard Nico Robin's words.

"Nico Robin, send the photo of Sabo to all Baroque Works members in Alabasta and tell them.....As long as you kill Sabo, you can become a high-level agent directly!"

"Even if he can't be killed, he can't be allowed to move around easily in Alabasta......"

After hearing what Crocodile said, Robin knew that this negotiation, or more precisely, a battle, Crocodile had suffered a loss.

If he could suffer a loss in the desert, wouldn't Crocodile be defeated directly if he was not at home?....

Thinking of this, Nico Robin also had a new idea, which was to take the initiative to contact Sabo, the Revolutionary Army, and then reveal some information.....Nico Robin can be said to be familiar with the road.......

At the same time, on the Golden Merry,

Zoro became more passionate about his training after getting the gravity bracelet.

Usopp began to use the spirit bow to train his control over the spirit bow.

As for the Last Stand Treadmill? Now the users have become Nami and Vivi.

The reason for this is that Ike has drawn something good again, and it is something they can use. They are the Great River of Stars, a weapon from Lucy in Fairy Tail, and a seven-element staff.

Although the Great River of Stars is just a long whip, it is very powerful and can communicate with the holder's mind. As long as there is enough physical strength, it can even be extended indefinitely. With the seven-element staff, the holder can manipulate the seven elements of fire, water, wind, thunder, earth, darkness, and light.

Nature...The condition for using the Seven Elements Staff is still physical strength, which is converted into magic power and then released.

As for what kind of magic to use, it depends entirely on the user's imagination. After all,...Magic itself is a kind of power full of imagination, so the upper limit of the Seven Elements Staff can be said to be very high.

Ike was very lucky this time. He drew these two equipments that are more suitable for the two of them after four gold single draws.

The Star River is a silver-level item, while the Seven Elements Staff is a gold-level item.

In order for the two of them to use these two equipments, Usopp took the initiative to give up the Last Stand Treadmill.....

Usopp said, I am very sad.....

It's even more fun to watch two girls being locked in the desperate treadmill...wrong...It hurts!.....

Luffy is now very relaxed, because he has already figured out how to develop his mind ability. As the saying goes, work and rest are the best, so he is teaching Chopper, who has just been out to sea, how to fish.

As for Ike, he is also combining work and rest. He puts out a bottle of fat house happy water on one side and a lot of snacks on the other. Ike is just enjoying the sea breeze while playing PSP and eating and drinking.

���In addition to the Seven Elements Staff, Ike also drew a pill for increasing strength and a pill for increasing enlightenment.

Ike ate both pills.

After taking the pill for increasing strength, Ike's strength increased by one tenth.

Although one tenth is not much, it is one tenth of Ike's limit strength, and it is increased directly without doing anything.

As for the enlightenment pill? Ike also ate it directly. After taking it, he began to try to practice mind again, and then....He awakened his mind through the enlightenment pill.

In fact, he wanted to awaken his domineering power more than his mind, but....I still don't know enough about Haki. If I have the ability to understand but don't understand it, I can't awaken it.

But Nen is different. At least I have an authentic Nen ability training manual.......

Just when Ike was about to fight the boss, the Golden Merry suddenly rushed into a thick fog.

And the thick fog was full of sulfur smell, which was very choking.

Feeling the choking fog, Ike had to pause the game, and then came to the back of the Merry and used the Dragon's Roar to accelerate the Golden Merry to leave the thick fog area as soon as possible.

""Hey? Who are you?"

Just after the Golden Merry left the dense fog, Chopper and Luffy looked at the man they hooked with their fishing hooks in confusion.

The man was wearing a swan suit and had heavy makeup on his face. Just one look at him could leave a deep impression on people.

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