After hearing Sabo say that he had evidence of Crocodile's seizure of the country, Smoker smiled and punched Mr. with his fist.

Smoker would not hesitate to do anything after that. He could beat up Crocodile, who didn't take the navy seriously.

If Ike knew what Smoker was thinking, he would be speechless, because in Ike's opinion, after the two met, the one who would be beaten up would be Smoker.....

In the original novel, Smoker never won against Luffy after he used the Nature Fruit in Rogue Town.

Especially two years later, he was beaten by Law, Gvir, and Mingo.....

Smoker can't beat anyone except Luffy, while Luffy can beat anyone except Smoker. The main reason is that Luffy will choose to run away when he sees Smoker. This can be regarded as the fate of the two.....No matter how weak Smoker is, he can easily deal with a small character like Mr. Two-Fingers.....

Her fingers also felt the change in Smoker's eyes. Without saying a word, thorns appeared on all parts of her body, and she rushed towards Smoker.....How could a pair of fingers without domineering power defeat Smoker, who is a natural type?

After Smoker transformed into an element to dodge the attack, he threw a white fist and knocked Two Fingers to his knees.

Two Fingers covered his stomach which was in severe pain, and said in a low voice,"Colonel Smoker, you should know that I am a man of Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. If you attack me, it will be against the rules."

Hearing this, Smoker sneered and said,"Don't worry, you and Crocodile will definitely meet in the Deep Sea Prison!"

As soon as Smoker finished speaking, he smashed the ten hands in his hands towards Two Fingers' neck. Without any mercy, he knocked her unconscious.......

After dealing with the two fingers, several people simultaneously focused their attention on the battle between Mr. 1 and Zoro.

The battle between the two did not last long, but Zoro was already covered with wounds, while Mr. 1 was still calm, without a single knife wound on his body.

Although the various knife wounds on Zoro's body were very hideous, the amount of bleeding was not as large as expected.

Seeing this, Usopp decisively called out the spirit bow to support Zoro.

But before Usopp could draw the spirit bow, Zoro's low voice interrupted him.

"Everyone, don't do anything.....It's mine!"

After saying this, Zoro put away the Sandai Kitetsu and Wado Ichimonji, leaving only Kuina.

Maybe because she saw Zoro injured, Kuina's blade was shaking constantly.

Zoro held the trembling Kuina and said with a smile,"Kuina, watch! I will cut open his steel body!"

Hearing Zoro's words, the trembling Kuina stopped shaking.

Mr. 1 on the opposite side stared at Zoro, who was talking to his sword, with an expressionless face,"You lost too much blood, so are you hallucinating?"

"Then let me see you off for the last time!"

Zoro ignored Mr. 1's words and closed his eyes.

The moment he closed his eyes, the surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet.....A figure appeared in front of him. It was Kuina.

"Zoro, you also feel it! Father said that everything breathes!"

Zoro heard this and smiled."Of course...."

In the original work, Zoro may have entered the last moments of his life due to excessive blood loss, and that’s when he felt the breath of all things.

Now, although Zoro still has many wounds on his body, he is not bleeding much, because Kuina is using her power to help Zoro stop the bleeding.

But even if he didn’t enter that last moment of his life, Zoro still felt the breath of all things.

At this moment, Mr.1 also rushed towards Zoro.

Listening to Mr.1’s steel-like breathing, Zoro slowly put Kuina back into the scabbard, and then made a gesture of drawing the sword and slashing.

"Draw your sword and slash? I've seen it before!"

Mr1 didn't notice any changes in Zoro now, so he still rushed towards him without hesitation, and slashed towards Zoro's neck with his two-handed blades without hesitation. He planned to kill Zoro with this blow.

Just when his hand was about to fall on Zoro, Zoro's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already behind Mr1, making a gesture to sheath his sword.

"Ittoryu, Lion Song..."

Hearing Zoro shouting out the name of the move, Mr. 1 slowly turned around and whispered,"After cutting through steel, what else do you want to cut? Diamond?" As soon as he finished speaking, a deep cut that could be seen to the bone appeared on Mr. 1's chest. Blood spurted out of the wound like water, and the whole person collapsed to the ground!.......

Smoker witnessed a swordsman's transformation and was happy for his friend Zoro.

"I just wonder when Tashigi will be able to join the ranks of the Iron Swordsmen?"

Just as Smoker was criticizing Tashigi, Zoro, who had been standing there posing, collapsed to the ground, and the wound that had not been bleeding much before began to bleed.

Seeing this, Chopper was horrified.

" is the doctor?"

"Oh? That's right....I am the doctor..."

After that, Chopper began to check Zoro's injuries and bandage his wounds.

After the enemies here were dealt with, Smoker planned to continue chasing Crocodile.......

At the same time,

Kosa, who had already determined who his enemy was, finally brought all the revolutionary army to the rainy land.

They planned to attack the rainy land and completely eradicate the Baroque Works in Alabasta.

Behind the revolutionary army, Ike, Sanji, Nami, Vivi and Conan sat together.

"So, I'm really not in my own world anymore....That....Can I still go back? Back to my world?"

Conan already knew that he had come to a cruel world where the strong were respected.

This world was naturally extremely dangerous for an ordinary person like him.......

What Conan doesn't know is that in Ike's opinion, this Conan is the most dangerous existence.....

Ike is considering whether to ask Marshal Sengoku to send Conan to Marijoa..........

"Since I summoned you, there is a chance that I can send you back....."

Ike knew that since he could summon people or animals from another world, that meant that the other world also existed. He just didn't know how to get there. Could the gold-level lottery allow him to break through the limitations of the dimension and travel to another world?

Conan naturally heard the uncertainty in Ike's words, but since he had already traveled through....He can only let things take their course. He just doesn't know if there are any cases in this world for him to solve........

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