Luffy didn't use domineering, but mindfulness.

Nian Qi and domineering are called differently and used differently, but they do have the same end.

If you want to awaken your mind, you need to be strong enough physically and mentally, and similarly, if you want to awaken domineering, you also need to be strong enough to have physical fitness and mental power.

Both abilities belong to the development of their own potential, and they are naturally those who can grasp the ability of natural fruits.

And the ability to read qi and domineering are also similar.

The entanglement in telekinesis is similar to the armed color.

The circle is similar to the color of seeing and hearing.

The hair of mental coercion is similar to that of the overlord.

The most important thing is the way the flowing cherry blossoms are used, which is similar to the condensation in the ability to read.


At this time, Luffy simply mastered the entanglement, that is, wrapping the mental energy around the surface of the body, which can improve the attack power and defense.

It's just that Luffy himself is a rubber man, and he doesn't care about blunt weapon blows at all, but if the other party uses a sharp weapon... That little bit of defense isn't very useful.

Therefore, when fighting, Luffy rarely uses it, to be precise, he always forgets to use it.

But today, he knew that Nian could capture someone like Smoker who couldn't catch it.


Not only was Smoker shocked and Luffy could attack the natural fruit ability, but even Dorag, who was always looking at this side, was also a little shocked.

Dorag was sure that Luffy was absolutely useless just now, because he had been staring at the battle between the two with what he had seen and heard!

At this moment, Dorag had seen and heard from far away and found that Luffy's companions had already boarded the ship.

Thinking of this, he stopped looking, and jumped directly behind Smoker and pressed one hand on Smoker's shoulder.

Originally, Smoker wanted to continue fighting Luffy, but he couldn't move at all when Dorag pressed his body like this.

Smoker tilted his neck to look at the person behind him, and his pupils shrank when he saw who was controlling him.

"The World Government has always wanted your head!Dorag!" Dorag

grinned at Smoker's words, "The world is waiting for our answers. When the

words fell, a strange wind blew.

Luffy saw Dorag and was about to ask who you were when he felt a gust of wind hitting him and blowing him away.

Luffy in mid-air saw Zoro, who had just defeated Dusty.

"Zoro.....", Luffy stretched out his arm and grabbed Zoro's calf.

Zoro still wants to resist, after all.... Every time Luffy is pulled like this, nothing good will happen.

But.... The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and Luffy's strength is also very great, and his whole person is directly dragged into the sky by Luffy.

Because of inertia, Luffy just let go at this time.

In this way, Sauron's whole person flew towards the port at a great speed.

Flew all the way to one of the towers in the harbor and hit the tower with a thud.

Ike saw Zoro for the first time, and when he walked over, he saw Zoro muttering with his mouth wide open, "Idiot Luffy, I'll kill you sooner or later..."

Carrying Sauron, Ike used the healing magic of Sky Magic to heal Sauron's wounded heart as he jumped aboard the Golden Merry.

At this time, Luffy also ran over.

When everyone arrived, Akela lifted the anchor, Sanji lowered the sails, and Usopp controlled the rudder.

When the sails were lowered, the Golden Merry flew out of the waters of Rogue Town with the help of that strange wind.


Dorag looked at the Golden Merry, which was gradually sailing away, opened his arms, and said as if he had sworn an oath, "Go ahead.... If that's the path you've chosen.

Smoker knew that he was not recognized as the most dangerous man's opponent by the world government, and he did not try to continue to provoke, but shouted in confusion "Why did you help that

man, Dorag!" Hearing Smoker's words, Dorag did not say his relationship with Luffy, but said very pretending to be "What reason can prevent a man from setting sail?" When the words fell, Dorag's

figure turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

Seeing Dorag leaving, Smoker said lightly to his subordinates, "Prepare the warship and chase the Straw Hat Boy..... I'm going on a great voyage!"

Hearing Smoker's words, several Navy soldiers were shocked.

"But..... Colonel Smoker, Rogue Town is under your jurisdiction!How will you explain it if you leave the headquarters?"

Hearing this, Smoker said coldly, "Just say, don't try to command me!"

In this way, Smoker also braved the storm and left Rogue Town.

Less than an hour after Smoker left, the Navy branch of Rogue Town received a notice from the Navy Headquarters [Revoking the wanted warrant for Monchi D Luffy.] 】


The other side.

Shortly after the Golden Merry had sailed out of the waters of Rogue Town, everyone saw a tall lighthouse in the distance.

The lighthouse was used to guide ships to the entrance to Upside Down Mountain.

Seeing this tower, Ike and the others knew that they were about to enter the Great Voyage, and they couldn't help but be a little excited.

At this moment, Sanji took out a wooden barrel and said with a smile, "We are about to enter the Great Voyage, so let's hold a ceremony to enter the sea here at the entrance!"


The second Zoro.

"We are here to become the number one swordsman in the world. With that

, Zoro also placed Guina's scabbard on the barrel.

The third is Nami.

"I'm here to make a complete map of the world. "

The fourth Usopp.

Usopp looked a little nervous, in his opinion, he was an ordinary person in all the crew.

Still, he said his goal.

"I, I, I.... It is to become a brave warrior at sea.

Seeing this, Ike also put his foot on the barrel and smiled, "I am here to enforce true justice and change this twisted world." Finally

, everyone looked at Luffy in unison.

Luffy also stroked his straw hat and then put his foot on the barrel.

"I'm going to be the King of the Pirates..... And to become the king of the navy .... I want to be the freest man on the sea!" Luffy glanced at Ike as he spoke.

"We are not only a pirate group, but also a civilian navy. "

Originally, Luffy's target was One Piece.

But after this period of experience, he found that there was nothing wrong with the Navy King, on the contrary, he was more free, and he could even hold a banquet on the Navy warship.

And the important partner Ike dreams of becoming a navy, which Luffy has never forgotten.

If Luffy knew what Ike was thinking, he would definitely say "I'm sorry, I didn't say I wanted to be a navy, just because the system is a righteous navy system!"

After each of them said their goals, everyone headed towards the lighthouse on the Golden Merry.


PS: After entering the Great Voyage, there will indeed be some like-minded people who truly yearn for justice to join the group.

Who do you want to join the private navy?

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