"Right rudder .... Right rudder...."

Luffy, who was standing in front, commanded frantically.

And Zoro and Sanji, who controlled the rudder, broke the rudder hard.

The turbulent sea water seemed to be playing a game of tug-of-war with the two, and it didn't allow Zoro and Sanji to complete the rudder at all.

In a fit of rage, Zoro directly broke the rudder with a force.

Seeing that the rudder of the ship was broken, everyone was terrified.

Ike looked ahead, and seeing that the Golden Merry was about to collide with the Red Earth Continent, he immediately unfolded the thousands of miles behind him, flew to the side of the Golden Merry, and began to push violently.

Seeing this scene, Luffy was not slow to react, he wrapped one hand around the mast of the Golden Merry, and the other hand wrapped around the pillar at the entrance to the Upside-Down Mountain, and the same force was used to break the Merry over.

With the simultaneous efforts of the two captains and the second lieutenant, the Golden Merry narrowly entered the Upside Down Mountain.

When the Golden Merry entered the Upside Down Mountain, the speed soared, and the whole ship was like a roller coaster.

Luffy chose to sit on the head of the Golden Merry's sheep despite the wind brought up by the speed.

Nami stood on the second deck and hugged the duck, which made it difficult for the duck to breathe, but it didn't dare to flutter, because it knew that if Nami let go, it might fall out and die in the current.


The Golden Merry sped for a few minutes before breaking through the clouds, and everyone finally saw the view of the summit of the Red Earth Continent.

Just when everyone thought that this tribulation was about to end, they saw that in another rising current, there was also a pirate ship rushing to the top at full speed.

There are four such upwellings, and the connected seas are the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the West China Sea, and the North China Sea.

And when the four seas converge at the top, they will take the only descending current into the great route.

If the two boats continue, it can be said that they will collide 100 percent.

If they collide together, it's a shipwreck.


"How coincidentally, there are boats from other seas that also ride the upwelling current. Nami said as she clutched her head, a little overwhelmed.

In this way, it is as if you have been infected by a duck.

Ike narrowed his eyes, then took out the bamboo dragonfly, handed it to Luffy, and said, "Luffy, let's deal with that pirate ship together." "

In the same way, the pirate ship also saw the Golden Merry, and the captain of this pirate ship chose to take out the other ship.

It's just that they have no means of air supremacy, so they can only choose to take out their cannons and attack with cannons.

But before they could open fire, Ike and Luffy had already arrived above the ship.

Luffy stretched one foot into the sky fiercely, and then a rubber tomahawk slammed into the pirate ship.

This blow directly shattered the pirate ship.

And that's not all, Ike knows that even if the wreckage of these pirate ships continues to ride the updraft to the top, it will still pose a danger to the Golden Merry.

So he took a deep breath and a roar of the Celestial Dragon directly blew all the pirate ship wrecks away.

In this regard.... This sudden crisis was successfully resolved by Ike and Luffy.

By the time Ike and Luffy returned to the ship, it just so happened that the Golden Merry had also rushed out of the updraft.

Then there's the still exciting downstream.

As the ship descended into the middle of the Red Earth, Ike took the shrinking flashlight in his hand.

He knows.... Next is to face a whale named Rab blocking the way, so he has to be prepared in advance.

As soon as Ike took out his shrunken flashlight, everyone saw a black wall in front of them, and it was Rab with his head upright.

"It's really a disaster for us to enter the great voyage!" Seeing

this scene, Zoro couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey.... I don't have time for you to sigh, hurry up and find a way!"

Usopp shouted in horror.

"Stop shouting.

Sanji patted Usopp on the shoulder and pointed to Ike and Luffy who were standing at the front.

When he saw the shrunken flashlight in Ike's hand, Usopp was also stunned for a moment.

"I see, shrink the wall in front of you with a shrinking flashlight...."

"Wait... Can the Red Earth Continent be so big that it can be reduced?"

asked Usopp with a look of disbelief.

"Although I don't know if the Red Earth Continent can shrink, but... This whale blocking the way should be okay!" The

members of the Straw Hats above had already seen what the object blocking the way was, it was a huge whale.


Ike, who was standing in front, turned on the shrinking flashlight when he saw the full picture of Rab.

As the light shone on Rab, Rab's figure began to grow smaller, smaller, and smaller again, until it became a lap smaller than the Golden Merry, and then stopped.

At this time, Rab was also a little confused.

Rab is a whale with a lot of affection and intelligence, and his head is full of dense scars, which are left by hitting the Red Earth Continent with his head for many years.

The reason for this is that it once had a group of pirate companions who promised it to come back and pick it up after a detour of the Great Voyage.

But decades passed, and those pirates did not fulfill their promise, he did not want to believe that he was deceived by his companions, nor did he want to believe that his companions were dead, so he desperately rammed the Red Earth Continent.


After the Golden Merry successfully entered the Great Voyage, Ike activated the shrinking flashlight again and turned Rab back.

After a lot of hardships, the Straw Hats finally succeeded in entering the great voyage.

At this moment, Rab, who came to his senses, turned to look at the Golden Merry, and swallowed the Golden Merry without caring about 3721.

Ike didn't expect that he would avoid colliding with Rab and Luffy attacking Rab's eyes, but Rab still swallowed the Merry.

The swallowed Golden Merry was not shipwrecked, but in a new sea.

There are blue skies, turquoise oceans, and a small island.

"I thought we were swallowed by a whale! It was all an illusion!" said

Usopp, wiping the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

Hearing Usopp's words, Ike pointed to the sky and said, "Usopp, take a closer look at the clouds and seagulls in the sky, those are all paintings, not real!" Hearing Ike's words, the others looked up and found that as Ike said, the clouds and seagulls in the sky

were all paintings.

Just when everyone was confused, an oversized king squid suddenly appeared and wanted to sink the Golden Merry.

Seeing this scene, Luffy Yamaji Sauron was ready to do it.

But before the three of them could make a move, there were three thuds on the lonely island, and then three harpoons pierced the king squid.

When they looked at the island, they saw an old man with a flower-like headdress on his head walking out of the house in the island.

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