Because he had to answer the phone, Ike didn't stuff the phone bug into the cozy cabin.

Hearing the sound of the phone bug "puff puff", Ike held Lake Toya in one hand and took the phone bug out of his pocket with the other.

"Hey, Ike?"

the phone bug picked up, and Karp's familiar voice rang out.

"Lieutenant General Karp, do you have anything to do with me?"


Before Karp could finish speaking, the phone bug was snatched away by Sengoku.

"Kid Ike, I'm Admiral Sengoku, and I have a mission here that needs your private navy to perform. "

Ike didn't expect that his irregular army would be able to receive a mission...

"Okay! As long as it doesn't go against the righteous purpose of our Straw Hats, we can help!"

For Ike's words, Sengoku was very unhappy in his heart.

"Could it be that our navy will violate the purpose of justice?"

But thinking of this, Sengoku thought of the world nobles Draconian, the world government, the Seven Martial Seas... Thinking of this, Sengoku can only sigh in his heart, why is he not a free private navy.

Sengoku feels that this private navy made by Karp is really good, and if there is something that is clamped down by the world government, it can be handed over to the private navy, and then the regular navy will wipe its ass, which is good.

If any more naval officer is dissatisfied with the world government's judgment of the navy, he can let them go directly to the private navy!

Just as Ike answered the phone, Mr. Valentine, who was pulled away by Ike, stood up again, and then lowered his weight and floated into the air, intending to crush Ike to death with a wave of pressure.

But Ike didn't care about Mr. Valentine's Day move.

Instead, it was Vivi, who looked at Ike with a shocked expression, as well as the phone bug in his hand.

"I.... What did I hear? This pirate is talking to the naval hero Karp and the admiral Sengoku?"

"Are the pirates and the navy so close now....."

"No wonder... No wonder Klockdahl is making waves in Alabastan and no one cares, this .... This is simply a collusion between officials and bandits!"

At this time, Weiwei's brain was already blank, and he didn't hear the conversation between Ike and Sengoku at all.

As for Mr. Valentine's Day, when she smashed it down, Ike just dodged it sideways.

Mr Valentine's Day is basically a threat to Ike now.


"Kid Ike, what's going on over there?"

Sengoku asked with some curiosity when he heard the noise coming from the other side of the phone bug.

"Nothing.... Tell me, what mission do you want us to do?"

"I want you to go to Alabastan to investigate the cause of the rebellion in Alabastan and who is behind it!"

"Remember.... The so-called investigation must have sufficient evidence!"

Finally, Sengoku added.

This sentence can be said to be important, and if there is no sufficient evidence, it is impossible to take down Klokdal, who has the name of the Seven Martial Seas.

At this time, the Warring States had already put the mastermind behind the scenes on Klockdahl's head.


After hearing the mission that Sengoku said, Ike casually glanced at the sluggish Princess Vivi, and then said, "Don't worry! We can complete this task! Now Princess Vivi from Alabastan is here with us!"

"Did you say Neferutary Vivi, the only daughter of the King of Alabastan? Give her the phone bug!"

Hearing that Vivi was actually next to Ike, Sengoku was also overjoyed.

With Vivi here, as long as the mastermind behind the rebellion in Alabastan is successfully investigated, even if something happens to Kobra, Vivi can come to the rescue of the Navy as the royal family of Neferutali.

When Wei Wei took the phone bug, she asked cautiously, "Are you really Marshal Sengoku?"

I am Sengoku. "

That.... Then why did you cooperate with

pirates?" Weiwei's question made Sengoku stunned for a moment, and then quickly thought that the pirates she was talking about should be the Straw Hats.

"Don't get me wrong, Luffy and Ike are wearing pirate flags, but they are the navy, the private navy. "

Vivi: ....

Vivi felt that something was wrong with these words coming out of the mouth of a serious admiral.

Sengoku also felt that something was wrong, and by the way, he also glanced at Karp, who was stealing his senbei.

This Nima, isn't that what Karp said before....

However, at this point, the Warring States had to admit that the Straw Hats were a private navy with skull flags.

"Vivi.... I'll leave the rest of your safety to the Straw Hats! I've sent them to investigate who is behind the rebellion in Alabastan.

"Marshal of the Warring States, although I have no evidence, I can be sure that the culprit behind the rebellion in Alabastan is none other than the Seven Martial Seas Klokdal, and his purpose should be to seize our Alabastan as a hero. "

Please also ask the Marshal of the Warring States to immediately send troops to arrest Klokdal!"

Wei Wei's expression was very serious at this time.

Without Mr. Wednesday's funny look, and without the horror of being found out before, now her mind is full of her own country, her own people.

"Princess Weiwei, we must have enough evidence to send troops, you also know the cunning of the pirates, if you rush to send troops, not only will you not take down Klockdahl, but it may also be self-defeating, and now Klockdahl is a hero in Alabastan!"

Hearing Sengoku say this, Princess Weiwei also knew that this matter could not be rushed.

In the end, after negotiation between the two, Vivi still followed the Straw Hats to investigate the evidence of Klockdahl's crime, and by the way, Sengoku also informed Ike of Smoker's fake pursuit of the Straw Hats.


After hanging up the phone, Vivi and Ike looked at each other.

Vivi smiled, stretched out a hand and said, "I'll leave it to you, Vice Captain Ike!"

"Hehe...."Ike reached out and shook Weiwei gently, "It's not me, it's us.... Rest assured, our Straw Hats are reliable.

As soon as Ike finished speaking, there was the sound of a house collapsing not far away.

When the two of them turned their heads, they saw Luffy and Zoro confronting each other.

Seeing this scene, Ike smiled awkwardly and said, "It's common sense to exercise when you're full...."

Weiwei: ....

Vivi wanted to say, "I know when I'm full, but as for drawing the knife, as for the knife and the knife, is the fist critical?"

Ike also didn't expect that Luffy and Zoro would still fight.

Just when Ike wanted to step forward to stop it, Nami took the lead in unleashing his Nami's domineering spirit and directly blasted the two out of the air.


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