Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 976: Nuo Xing's sharp knife versus Zhu Bajie?

The collision and fight between the two giant beasts shocked the people watching the live broadcast.

For those who have never seen the Titans or watched Ultraman fight monsters, it is very shocking to watch the fighting scenes of such behemoths through a small screen.

To exaggerate, if it moves, the sky will be filled with dust, and if it touches, the ground will shake. If such a scene happened in front of them, I am afraid that many people would be so weak that they could not stand up.

And such a powerful power can only be displayed by the Five Old Stars. I didn't expect that a child who looks like a teenager can also do it.

The original bounty for this little girl was more than 900 million beli. People didn't understand it at first, but now they think it may be too low.

Is there really no weakling in the Amber Tour Group?

"We can win! Maybe we can win if this keeps up!"

The Goodman family mingled with the crowd in the Chambord Islands, watching the live broadcast with many boater friends.

Little Bayer watched the two behemoths fighting and clenched his fists excitedly: "How can that disgusting bug defeat the iron snake? The brown-haired sister will definitely win!"

"Oh, Tatsuya-chan's companions are very powerful. I wonder how his situation is." Mrs. Molly stared nervously at the dark area in the camera, worried about Zhang Tatsuya's situation.

"Don't worry, Tatsuya is a great man. Think about when I was young..."

Goodman originally wanted to brag according to his own habits, but looking at the seemingly devastating scene in the camera, he realized with dismay that when he was young, his imagination might not be as rich as what the other party had done.

Mrs. Molly hugged her husband's arm: "When you were young, no, not just when you were young, you are also a great man now."

There was a burst of cheers from the surrounding workers, which made Mr. and Mrs. Goodman blush a little.


Bang! Rui Mengmeng's sword slashed hard on Feng Xi's head, and the majestic dark energy was squandered by her.

The four legs of the big wild boar seemed to tremble, and its head arched upwards, knocking Rui Mengmeng away.

Immediately afterwards, the strong body actually jumped up, and the fangs turned into large swords and slashed at Rui Mengmeng's body.

"What a hard head!"

This was the idea that Rui Mengmeng and Wu Qiuli had at the same time.

Rui Mengmeng turned over lightly and landed on the ground, staring at the small wound on the head of the big wild boar that was slowly healing:

"It's restored again. If it's the Neptune type, I could win it directly several times just now. This guy is so difficult to beat."

The big wild boar fell heavily, lowered its head, and began to dig the ground with its front hooves in preparation for the next charge.

Seeing Rui Mengmeng's unharmed appearance, especially the black armor with only a scratch, he felt very angry.

"I couldn't hurt her! After being attacked so many times by me, even a mountain would collapse. What kind of physique does this woman have?!"

The two looked at each other, becoming sharp at the same time, and rushed towards each other again.

The big wild boar opened its mouth: "Ouch, roar, roar~~~~"

There was another roar mixed with overbearing color, and the fierce wind blew Rui Mengmeng's ponytail almost unraveling, but this could not stop her steps at all.

Rui Mengmeng continued to charge forward despite the strong wind and sound waves, and slipped and tackled before the big wild boar lowered its head.

After dodging the impact of the pig's head, Rui Mengmeng stood up quickly, raised her sword and let the tip of the sword slide across the belly of the wild boar.

There was a clanking sound of gold and iron, and the tip of the sword finally penetrated the flesh, making a long gash in the belly of the big wild boar.

"Ang~~~" the wild boar screamed, completely unexpected by such a nonsense attack method.

Rui Mengmeng wiped the blood from her face: "The boss said that you can try sliding shovel to deal with ferocious beasts, and it turns out to be true."

This girl completely ignored that with her current physical fitness and reaction ability, she could do many things that ordinary people couldn't do.

Even Zhang Daye's usual jokes can be forcibly realized by her.

After sighing that the boss always likes to tell the truth, Rui Mengmeng chased after the big wild boar, stepped on the air and jumped on the wild boar's back, grabbed its mane with one hand, and stabbed it in the neck with the sword with the other hand.

The big wild boar jumped like a thunderbolt, sometimes shaking its body and sometimes jumping around irregularly, but it failed to throw Rui Mengmeng off.

Feeling the severe pain in his neck, Voquli had no choice but to lie down regardless of dignity and roll on the ground like an ordinary wild boar.

Rui Mengmeng's stubborn temper was aroused by him, and she just grabbed the other man's mane and wouldn't let go even if she was crushed into the ground.

And as long as the opponent's rolling makes her exposed to the ground, she will continue to stab with her sword.

"Bastard!" Vuqiuli yelled angrily, and his body shrank sharply, transforming from a huge wild boar into a pig-headed man holding two knives.

While Rui Mengmeng was still adapting to his changes, Woqiuli slashed Rui Mengmeng away with his sword.

Rui Mengmeng did two somersaults in the air and landed firmly. When she could see the other person's face clearly, she couldn't help but say, "Zhu Bajie?"

She paused: "It's still the ugly version! The pirated version of Zhu Bajie who uses two swords!"

Wu Qiuli didn't know what Zhu Bajie was, but he figured he must be calling him ugly.

He picked up his two knives and rushed forward: "Don't give people weird nicknames without authorization!"

Clang, clang, clang...

Woqiuli, who transformed into a pig-headed man, was still more than four meters taller than Rui Mengmeng, but compared with the previous beast form, he was a little more dexterous. His pair of double swords made him powerful and domineering.

Rui Mengmeng blocked for a while, then finally gave up blocking and concentrated on dodging.

His dexterous body dodged left and right between the two swords. When he found a gap, he quickly rushed forward, jumped hard, and stabbed the opponent's belly with the sword blade.

Waqiuli's seemingly fat and soft belly turned out to be hard and tough. Not only was he not stabbed, but he also took the opportunity to slash Rui Mengmeng's back with a knife.

Rui Mengmeng crashed into the ground with a loud bang, creating a large pit more than one meter deep.

Woqiuli gained the upper hand and flew up and down with a pair of swords. He bent slightly and kept slashing at the ground - as if he was chopping dumpling fillings.

It's just that the hardness of the 'dumpling stuffing' in front of him was a bit too high. When he slashed it with two swords, he could only hear a clanging sound of gold and iron, but there was no feeling of cutting into the human body at all.

Rui Mengmeng felt some pain in the pit, but she was not seriously injured. It was just that the continuous rapid slashes made it difficult for her to get up.

However, he had been slashed so many times without any damage, so Rui Mengmeng just lay in the pit and fell into deep thought:

Although this person's defense power is astonishingly strong, his attack power doesn't seem to be that outstanding in comparison. Do you want to find a way to exchange injuries for injuries?

She tried to turn over in the soil that became softer as the opponent cut her, and used her sword to hold off the next blow.

Then Rui Mengmeng got up with a beautiful Oolong Gallows, made a kite and turned over to get out of the opponent's chopping range, holding the sword in both hands to confront the pig-headed man again.

While Rui Mengmeng was thinking about the next attack method, she also sighed that the basic movements taught by Uncle Long were really useful.

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