Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 982: Sky-flying Dragon Hoof

Zhang Daye managed to ignore Tom's influence and carefully looked at the enemy in front of him.

Before he crossed over, Yimu didn't appear much, and he only showed an unclear silhouette and one eye.

So in his impression, Yimu was still the image of the boss on the Internet.

But he didn't expect that after seeing Yimu in person, he found that the other party was actually quite handsome.

Among all the Tianlong people Zhang Daye had seen, he should be considered quite outstanding-before being scratched by Tom with three claw marks.

Being looked at wantonly by Zhang Daye and others, Yimu finally said the first sentence after his appearance: "It has been a long time since anyone dared to look directly at Yimu."

"You are not that ugly, right?" Zhang Daye said this to him casually because he had been thinking about the appearance problem just now.

Normally, the Five Elders should scold Zhang Daye for being "rude" and "bold" at this time.

But now two of the five of them were lying down, and three were cowardly, and no one spoke at all.

Zhang Da also added: "I mean, don't you want to introduce yourself? In front of the audience watching the live broadcast all over the world."

Bullshit, does your family's call for people to introduce themselves when they are ugly? The three elders dared not speak.

Im glanced at Jin Erpeng in the distance, who was trembling with the video Den Den Mushi in his hand.

Boss, you can talk, but don't point at me!

What was that just now called the Overlord's Haki? If it weren't for the ability of the big sister Altria, I'm afraid I would have fainted and fallen into the sea with the Den Den Mushi!

Im was surprised that the other party was not shocked by the Overlord's Haki, but he didn't care about such a small role:

"No need to introduce anything, I just came to get rid of you and get the world back on track."

"Oh, then I'll introduce you." Zhang Da also released a flag monster he left behind and let it float in front of Jin Erpeng's camera.

Im opened his mouth and spit out a flame, and the scorching temperature burned the grass under his feet dry.

Rui Mengmeng immediately blocked the flag monster and split the flame with a sword: "It's so hot, just like Kaido's heat breath!"

I said that the ability of the flame system is common, and Zhang Daye mourned for the Flame-Flame Fruit.

Imu waved his hand, and another thick lightning shot out immediately. Misaka turned into lightning and rushed over, receiving all of Im's lightning, and also shot a lightning at Zhang Daye.

"Hiss~" Zhang Daye was shocked, and the fatigue of fighting in the domination mode just now disappeared a lot, "Awesome!"

This Lord Im is so polite, he helped us replenish our physical strength as soon as he came.

It was just that Tom was too close to Zhang Daye, and his blue hair exploded due to static electricity.

"Get rid of them." Im gave a cold order to the three elders, and then he rushed up, one hand stretched out from his sleeve and grabbed Zhang Daye.

The three elders did not dare to neglect, and rushed to their opponents respectively. With Lord Im present, they were more confident.

The three of them transformed one after another, and on the way they also picked up the old Saturn and old Venus who were in the way and threw them to the back, not even caring that they landed on their faces first.

Izuna Tian chose to fight with Altria, and the wild boar rushed towards Wendy.

Both of them chose the human-beast form that was most conducive to fighting a single person, but the sandworm still chose the complete form and opened its mouth wide to swallow Rui Mengmeng.

Imu probably wanted to capture the king first, or he might be angry with Zhang Daye, and one hand formed a claw and grabbed Zhang Daye's cheek.

Imu's hand changed from a human hand to a scaly animal claw, which was coated with black armed color domineering, and was also wrapped with black lightning unique to the domineering color.

Zhang Daye did not dare to be careless, and swung the magic soul-suppressing hammer with all his strength to meet it.

With a rumble, a sound like the collapse of the sky sounded above the holy land, the clouds rolled, and the land cracked.

The raging wind blew up gravel and dry grass everywhere, and the clothes and hair of several people nearby were blown up.

"Ah Wu..." Im's right eye also had three more blood marks, and he couldn't help but scream, but he was concerned about his image and forced himself to hold it back, making his face red and swollen.

What's wrong with this cat?

The first time, I could think it was my carelessness, but this time I was obviously on guard, why was I still hit by him?

And I didn't feel the slightest domineering power on the cat's claws just now, why could he hurt me?

Maybe because he successfully hit the opponent twice, Tom's self-confidence burst, and he felt that the guy in front of him didn't seem to be that powerful - the exaggerated scene of fighting with Zhang Daye just now was selectively ignored by him.

Tom climbed on Zhang Daye, poked his head out from behind Zhang Daye and made a face: "Lululu~~~"

"Aohou~~~" Im's cry of pain turned into a roar, and it was no longer his face that was swollen, but his whole body.

His mouth bulged forward, revealing a mouthful of ferocious teeth, his arms became thicker and longer, and his claws became thicker and sharper.

A tail stretched out from behind him, and just by gently swinging it, it cracked the ground. Two horns grew on his head, and a pair of flesh wings spread out behind him, and the whole person flew into the air.

And where his feet just stood, a pair of footprints were left, which was the symbol of the Tianlong people - the hoof prints of the Tianxiang Dragon.

Zhang Da also looked up at the appearance of Yimu's transformation into a complete form, and then looked at Wendy, with a strange expression: "Dragon?"

The flag demon in the distance has already appeared in front of the camera as a reporter, explaining Im's identity as the 'King of the World' according to the lines given by Zhang Daye through telepathy.

Although it is not detailed enough, the mere fact that he is the owner of the Void Throne is enough to cause an uproar.

In particular, the kings of the participating countries who had sworn an oath in front of the Void Throne were the hardest hit.

They feel that they and their family ancestors are all fools. The throne of the void is a symbol of peace and a sign that the world government will never engage in dictatorship. ’

They have believed this lie for so many years. It turns out that there is always someone on the throne?

They thought that after joining the world government, all countries would have equal status, but it turned out to be empty talk.

The world government has always been in the hands of that person!

Some people also showed envious eyes. It turns out that becoming the Pirate King is just a small goal. Becoming the King of the World is the real dream that should be pursued!

Don't say it's impossible. Didn't the person on the screen do it?

Amid the shocked, angry and envious eyes of everyone, Im completed his transformation into a huge flying dragon.

The back is red, the belly is light-colored, and the body is nearly a hundred meters long. Just by waving a pair of wings, there are gusts of wind.

The huge body, the flames spitting from his mouth, and the thunder wrapped around him made him look very majestic, and the scars on his eyes added to the feeling of cruelty.

No matter who saw him in person or watched in front of the screen, no one could guess what Im was thinking.

——Why is this scar still there?

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