Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 988 All Five Elders are offline

If he couldn't even seize this opportunity, Zhang Da felt that he could just let the wild boar hit him.

So when Pit wanted to transform into a sandworm and escape quickly, a dark green mushroom cloud rose above his head.

One of the five old stars, Shepard Ten Peter, the agricultural god representing Jupiter, was defeated!

After dealing with Old Jupiter, Zhang Daye and Misaka turned their attention to others.

Izu Shinten was no match for Artoria and Wendy, and was beaten to the point where he was completely unable to fight back.

On the other hand, Yi Mu and Rui Mengmeng fought very fiercely, and both of them were already injured. This is the rare person who can hurt Rui Mengmeng.

As for the wild boar, let him play with Tom a little longer.

Zhang Da thought so too, but a huge beast rumbled over from the other side, and there was also a person on its back: "Chaos beast? Ye Yan?"

The round Chaos Beast swung its small wings, moved its four thick short legs, and hit the big wild boar without hesitation.

There was only a muffled sound as the wild boar's sharp fangs pierced the Chaos Beast's body...it was of no use at all.

The Chaos Beast was neither injured nor in pain. It just stood there silently, absorbing all the impact from the opposite side. It was as solid as a rock, and even Ye Yan on its back was not affected at all.

However, the fast running of the big wild boar was stopped immediately and Tom was thrown away.

Ye Yan was about to strike a handsome pose to announce his appearance when a cat stuck him in his face.

One person and one cat rolled on the back of the Chaos Beast, causing Ye Yan to fall upside down.

Zhang Da also crossed himself on his chest: "I hope someone is okay!"

"I heard it!" Ye Yan jumped up and took Tom off his head, "I can't get through this matter today without a hundred gold coins!"

Zhang Da didn't care and said, "I'll give you two hundred. How about you throw it again and show me?"

Ye Yan suddenly realized that he seemed to be short of one or two hundred gold coins, and said sternly: "Wait until the battle is over!"

"Why are you here? Everything is over over there?" Zhang Da didn't understand the Knights of God, so he thought it was just that CP0 was more troublesome, and there were a lot of miscellaneous soldiers who wasted time.

"Not yet. I just took care of Shiliu who came from the prison. Shark Pepper dealt with a poisonous man. Then Uncle Yixiao, Big Bear and Jinbei surrounded and beat a very tough man. It was too cruel."

Ye Yan briefly summarized the battle situation, threw Tom to Zhang Daye, and then said,

"There are a lot of poisoned people over there, but the battle situation is not a big problem. Jin Erpeng said that the power of the Lord can be of great use here, so I came over to take a look."

"Is Big Bear here too?" Zhang Daye suddenly felt a lot more at ease. Not only was that man very powerful, he was also a top lifeguard.

With him on his side, the casualties wouldn't be too heavy.

He caught Tom and put him down gently: "Let's kill a pig to celebrate."

The big wild boar stopped competing with the chaos beast and transformed into the wild boar man form - he found that the power he was proud of could not do anything to this chubby guy.

But he didn't know that as long as he attacked a few more times, Ye Yan would have to consider letting the Chaos Beast shrink in size to save energy.

"Mountain Tai is overwhelming!" Ye Yan shouted, and the Chaos Beast jumped up and jumped on top of the wild boar man.

The wild boar had already experienced the tough skin of the Chaos Beast, and did not want to try it with his own knife again, so he decisively chose to escape from the Chaos Beast's falling range.

A projectile with electric light was shot at the head of the wild boar man, and the wild boar man faced it with crossed swords.

The huge force almost shattered the blade of his sword.

Zhang Da also exchanged glances with Ye Yan and rushed towards the wild boar man together.

The wild boar man moved his feet and rushed towards Ye Yan decisively - this one seemed weaker.

Although Ye Yan was unhappy, he obviously thought of this and entered the night domination mode in an instant. The pressure fell on the wild boar man's head, and the soul-suppressing hammer took decisive action.

The pressure from Zhang Daye's side also came over his head, leaving him with no chance to dodge. He had to concentrate his domineering energy on his two swords and attack the Soul-Suppressing Hammer with all his strength.

There was a loud roar, and a mushroom cloud rose in front of the wild boar man, but he did not feel the slightest joy of successfully intercepting it, because this move was so familiar, and he knew that Zhang Da could do it too.

Sure enough, another soul-suppressing hammer flew from the side, and at the same time Misaka summoned a thunderbolt to help control it briefly.

The wild boar man hurriedly waved his sword to resist the paralysis caused by the thunder and lightning, and with another bang, he was blown away.

Tom was holding a shotgun and had just finished loading the ammunition. Before he could take aim, he found that the enemy had already flown away, so he had to aim the gun at the strange bird in the sky.

Hunting birds with a shotgun seemed more interesting. Tom took off his cowboy clothes and put on a red peaked cap.

Bang bang bang... Tom fired seven shots in a row, and all the bullets missed Izu Shinten, successfully knocking down seven feathers.

Misaka approached Tom and couldn't understand how this old-fashioned shotgun could fire seven shots in a row.

Although none of the shots hit accurately, Tom's shot was not in vain. The seven feathers that were shot off seemed to subtly affect the balance of Izu Masten's wings, causing his next movement to be slightly deformed.

As a result, Itsu was hit by Wendy's breath. Arturia seized the opportunity and cut off the wings with two swords and the bird's head with one sword.

"Gah..." Yijin Zhentian's strange scream was suppressed in his throat and could not come out.

Zhang Daye and Ye Yan had just picked up the Soul-Suppressing Hammer, and threw it out again without bothering to finish off the wild boar man.

Boom! Boom!

The two violent explosions not only resounded over Mary Geoise, but also resounded in the minds of all the viewers watching the live broadcast.

The God of Law, Saint Topman Vochuli, who represented Mercury, and the God of Environment, Saint Marcus Maz, who represented Mars, were also defeated one after another!

So far, the Five Elders of the highest authority of the World Government have all been defeated, leaving only Saint Im, who is said to be the king of the world!

The Amber Travel Group had no casualties at all, and from their looks, it seemed that their combat effectiveness had not decreased at all.

Everyone looked at the scene where Im was surrounded by the Amber Travel Group, and came to a horrifying conclusion:

The World Government that has ruled the world for 800 years, and the Celestial Dragons who have been dominating for 800 years, are all going to be finished!

Countless people who were once oppressed and the people who were forced to become non-member countries were rejoicing, and there would be no more world nobles in the future!

Many citizens of the member states are also worried. Without the protection of the World Government and the Navy, what will happen if there are pirate attacks in the future?

As for the kings who sent troops to help suppress the Amber Tour Group in order to gain the status of the Celestial Dragons, they are full of fear.

I heard that the captain of the Amber Tour Group doesn't seem to have a big temper...

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