Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 993: The brain collapse that announces the end of the old world

A sharp reporter quickly captured the precious scene on the screen where Tom's head banged and knocked down Im, and secretly named it in his heart as the 'head bang that announced the end of the old world'.

But this doesn't seem solemn enough. Maybe the head bang should be replaced with a bell? It feels better this way.

While thinking about this, the reporter captured some reactions of the audience watching the live broadcast with him.

Some people were excited, some were terrified, and some were confused. Everyone was waiting for the next move of the Amber Travel Group to defeat the Navy, the World Government, the Five Elders, and the King of the World.

Should they sit on the throne of the King of the World and announce the birth of the new king, or simply destroy the Holy Land and announce the arrival of the chaotic world?

Jin Erpeng pushed the camera forward, giving a close-up of everyone present, and then sensibly fixed it on Ye Yan.

Ye Yan brushed his hair and straightened his collar. He didn't wear those performance art costumes for the battle today, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Clearing his throat, Ye Yan said, "Hello, friends and fans from all over the world! I am Ye Yan, the night watchman, and a member of the Amber Travel Group."

Cavendish, who was watching the live broadcast somewhere, almost gritted his teeth. This was a live broadcast that attracted worldwide attention. How happy it would be to be under the eyes of the whole world!

Ye Yan boasted about his achievements for a while, and introduced the contributions of the three Shichibukai by the way, without mentioning other companions.

Mainly, Zhang Daye and others were performing autopsies and finishing blows on the Five Elders and Im, and the scene was a bit cruel and not suitable for the camera.

Wendy, Xia Lulu and Misaka had all gathered here, and on the other side, Uncle Long, Perona and Brook also rushed over here after receiving the message from the flag demon.

As for the cleaning of the battlefield over there, it was left to Aladdin to take care of the fishmen, female warriors and flag demons.

The Red Heart Expedition Team, Franky's family and the Cat Head Flag Fleet that stayed near the Navy Headquarters were also rushing towards Mary Geoise, ready to help treat the wounded.

Lab followed them.

After Zhang Da Ye had dealt with Yi Mu and the Five Elders, Ye Yan changed the subject:

"I will take some time to change clothes later, and then please enjoy my performance art. During this time, please invite our general - the captain of the Amber Travel Group to speak!"

"What speech, I'm almost starving, hurry up and get off work and have dinner, aren't you tired after watching the live broadcast for a long time? Get off work, get off work!"

Tired is for himself, hungry is for others, Zhang Da Ye really wants to rest now, what world people are waiting for him to speak, he is not familiar with the world people.

Jinbei laughed heartily: "Hahaha, brother is still so casual at this time."

Yixiao advised: "Brother, you'd better say something, I think if you just turn off the live broadcast, the world will be in chaos."

Uncle Yixiao's worries are right, some brainless reckless men, seeing that Yi Mu fell and the world government was completely finished, have already begun to gather their companions to do whatever they want.

Those who are a little more rational know to wait a little longer to see if there will be any new changes in the situation.

So what Zhang Daye is going to say and do next can really affect the whole world.

Although the world was in chaos once when they defeated the navy, the world government's magical operation led to the transfer of contradictions, and it was not completely rotten.

And today, the attitude of the Amber Travel Group and its allies who defeated the world government is particularly important.

"Uncle, don't add such a significant meaning to world peace to my speech, it's very stressful."

"But we did do something that had a significant impact on the world." Altria said, "So Tatsuya, think about what to say, or talk about our next plan."

The audience was shocked. Sure enough, the Amber Travel Group had a major plan. Are they going to start conquering the world? Is it too late to join them now?

Plan? Zhang Daye looked at Altria strangely. Isn't our plan to deal with them and then travel with peace of mind? Now we can go to the Boeing Islands and pursue the secret of ALL-BLUE steadily.

Oh~ Under the gaze of the people of the world, a light bulb lit up in Zhang Daye's head. Wouldn't it be convenient if he took this opportunity to ask the world where the Boeing Islands are?

When Altria saw Zhang Daye's Tom-like expression and performance, she knew that he must have thought of something strange.

Altria stuffed Tom into Zhang Daye's arms, hoping that he could return to his normal style.

"Okay, let me think about it." Zhang Daye touched Tom's cat head and had some ideas.

"First of all, about our identity, the Amber Travel Group, I know that in the eyes of many people, we are extremely dangerous criminals, and the kind with a high bounty.

But in fact, we just wanted to travel around from the beginning, and even went through legal procedures according to the rules before going to sea."

At the Shampoo Naval Base, Major General Kadaru escaped because he was not taken seriously. At this time, his hands were shaking a little.

He remembered that he was the one who handled the procedures for the Amber Travel Group to go to sea, and he also enthusiastically told them many precautions.

If the World Government knew about this, I wonder if they would hold me accountable... Oh, the World Government is gone, and the Navy is not doing well...

Kadaru's hands were shaking even more.

"At the beginning of the journey, we just caught small pirates to earn some bounties for travel expenses and food expenses, and occasionally fought against legendary pirates like Golden Lion, and cooperated with the navy to save small villages like Melville."

Ye Yan, who had retreated behind Zhang Daye, curled his lips. He was not inferior to me in showing off his achievements.

The audiences from all over the world nodded and smiled, and then turned to astonishment. What does it mean to fight legendary pirates?

At this time, Melville is located next to the town of Shields where the 153rd branch of the East China Sea Navy is located. Yixiao helped put it there, and the Amber Travel Group once visited there.

The villagers of Melville were very surprised to see Yixiao standing with the Amber Travel Group. The benefactor who saved them ran to save the world again this time. It was really amazing.

But the recent situation of the 153rd branch made them very worried. To be fair, the navy here usually treats them well and is very brave in fighting pirates.

Especially Major Monka, who was a captain at the time, fought to the end to protect the town despite being stabbed eight times and shot once.

It is said that because of his outstanding military exploits recently, Major Monka may be promoted to lieutenant colonel, but at this critical moment, he encountered such a thing, and it is unclear what will happen to the navy in the future.

The villagers have mixed feelings. For them, on one side is a benefactor, and on the other side is a friend who desperately protects them. They are both flesh and blood.

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