Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 997: Get off work, and have dinner! (Two in one)

"That's about it. What the world will look like in the future depends on your efforts." Zhang Da also thought about it and added,

"Oh, the 'everyone' I am talking about is not just the kings and navy, but also all civilians, and some people who are forced to become pirates. It even includes not only the human race, but also all races."

Jinbei showed a surprised expression: "Mr. Tatsuya, you don't want to..."

Members of the Sun Pirates: "Hey, hey, he seems to be going to say something outrageous!"

Some of the residents on Fish-Man Island widened their eyes and some covered their mouths.

Just listen to Zhang Daye continue: "I know that many people have prejudices against some relatively rare races, but I have traveled to many islands and met many races in the past few years."

"These include various races such as fish people, fur people, giants, small humans, etc. They may have some differences from ordinary people in terms of culture and customs, but in terms of intelligence, emotions, etc., there is no difference at all from ordinary humans."

Zhang Da also silently put a question mark on the deceitful Dongtata clan and continued, "It has even been proven that they can intermarry with humans and give birth to normal children."

What he was embarrassed to mention was that this was thanks to the experiments conducted by the great genetic researcher Ms. Charlotte Lingling. Of course, she also had to mourn for those who were forced by her.

Zhang Daye continued: "So those arguments about superiority and inferiority based solely on race can be stopped. All races have strengths and weaknesses, good and evil. These depend on the growth environment and personal choices. They should not be simply based on draw conclusions based on race.”

"It is precisely because of this that I hope that all races can receive equal treatment. I mean no discrimination, no preferential treatment, true equality where good deeds are rewarded and evil deeds are punished."

Zhang Da became more and more excited as he talked. He changed the text he had memorized and recited it impassionedly:

"As I once heard a great man say: I have a dream. I dream that one day all countries and all races will understand and respect each other."

"I dream that one day, on the towering red earth continent, on the beautiful Fishman Island, in various places in the world, humans can sit at the same table with the fishmen and other races and dance hand in hand."

"I dream that one day, even the Beehive Island, where justice disappears and pirates gather, will become an oasis of equality and justice."

"I dream that one day, all children will be able to determine their future lives based on their character, abilities, and hobbies, rather than race."

"I dream that one day, the Long-Handed Clan and the Long-Legged Clan will be able to stop their millennium-long conflict, go abroad hand in hand, and integrate with the world."

"I dream that one day, the valleys will rise, the mountains will fall, the bumpy and tortuous roads will become smooth, the sun will shine down on the world, and the whole world will be connected!"

After the words fell, the scene was completely silent. Not to mention Jinbei, Daxiong, and the Empress, even his companions didn't know that Zhang Da also had such a dream.

Zhang Da also thought that he had just tampered with a famous speech to show off, but for many people, a few short sentences were enough to shock and inspire.

No one in the world has ever said such words on such an occasion - maybe it has happened in the blank hundred years, but it has been buried in history.

The important thing is that at this moment, it was Zhang Daye who said these words.

Jang Tatsuya, who was called the most dangerous person by the World Government, seemed a bit vindictive at first. It was this person who said such a great thing.

People with more emotions, such as Princess Otohime, are now crying so hard that their tears can't stop rolling down.

Just when Im was defeated, Princess Otohime was happy for Jang Tatsuya and the others, but she was also worried that her efforts over the years would be in vain with this battle.

But with a speech like this, things take a different turn.

This means that Fishman Island can also easily participate in the creation of the New World Government, and will gain the same status and voice as ordinary countries.

Countless people who hear this speech will be affected and will recognize the status of the fish people from now on.

Maybe this ratio is not high, but the world is so big and Mr. Tatsuya's influence is unparalleled now. Fishman Island will definitely gain many friends.

Dorag, who was in the new world, couldn't help but admire Zhang Daye. This man was not satisfied with overthrowing the old order, but wanted to continue to guide the birth of the new order!

"Red Hair, now that things have happened, do you still want to continue to hinder his actions?"

"This..." Shanks was also shocked. Is the person the captain is waiting for really Luffy and not him?

"As expected of Mr. Tatsuya!" Shankaiduo smiled with satisfaction, "Red-haired Shanks, although I don't like fighting, if you still insist on having your own way, I will not let you do whatever you want."


Red-haired Pirates members:...

Is this what Kaido can say? God, you don't like fighting!

Why is it that while we are talking about being the ones who want to influence the stability of the world, Kaido has become the ambassador of peace?


"Get off work, get off work!"

The video phone bug has been closed. Zhang Da also turned around and saw his stunned companions, and said helplessly,

"Don't look at me like that. Didn't I say that those words were not mine, but those of a certain big shot."

Ye Yan suddenly fell to his knees and pounded the ground with one hand: "Why didn't I think of such a good idea just now! And I haven't had time to show off my performance art yet!"

Misaka found a branch from nowhere, squatted next to Ye Yan and poked him gently: "Looking like this, is he being attacked by Perona?"

"No." Perona floated around Misaka and declared her innocence.

Big Bear ignored the children's play and asked: "Who is the big shot?"

"I remember it was Martin Luther King, right? A great leader of the civil rights movement." Uncle Long said, "But Tatsuya changed it a lot, and it feels like it fits here quite well."

Daxiong thought for a while and found that he had no impression at all. Just when he was about to continue asking, the phone bug on his body rang.

Only Dorag and Ginny knew the number, so Big Bear immediately apologized to everyone and answered after leaving for a while.

At the same time, Jinbei's phone also started ringing, so he had to leave temporarily.


Tom's stomach rumbled and he looked at Zhang Tatsuya pitifully.

Zhang Daye was actually hungry too: "Let's eat, let's eat! I've asked Qi Yao to find ingredients, let's eat right away!"

Mariejoia's food reserves are very abundant. Although many buildings were destroyed in the battle just now, it is not difficult to find some food in other buildings.

The flag demons easily found enough food for thousands of people, including high-end ingredients from all over the world.

Tom, Rui Mengmeng, the fishman chef and the nine snake chefs got busy, and a large banquet that could be called a gluttonous feast was quickly prepared.

By the time the Jade Rabbit was hanging high, the Red Heart Expedition, the Cat Head Flag Fleet, and the French family had gathered at Red Harbor.

Zhang Daye and others simply moved the banquet to Honggang.

All kinds of delicacies are delivered like water and disappear like water.

This group of people from all over the world, even from different worlds, gathered together to celebrate and have a feast.

During the dinner, Ye Yan and the flag demon were doing some work, and in the distance there were groups of whale sharks called by Labu and Jinbei playing and jumping over the waves.

The residents of Red Harbor were afraid to approach at first, but later they became bolder and tried to join.

The bonfire was blazing and the figures were swaying. Zhang Da also put down his wine glass in disgust, replaced it with juice, and tasted the sweetness on his lips.

He watched Tom accidentally bumping into the crowd during the performance, causing a scene that was ridiculous.

Watching Arturia taste different delicacies, a happy smile appeared on her face from time to time.

Watching the little girls running around among the various desserts, each wanting to try them but worried about being caught by Uncle Long, they were so cute that they looked entangled.

Watching Shark Chili tasting wine with the fish people, he was embarrassed by everyone asking him to transform, but the transformation failed.

Looking at...

Feeling sleepy, Zhang Da leaned against the wall and felt that everything was unreal.

He suddenly woke up and broke into a cold sweat.

A dissatisfied voice sounded from above: "It is an unforgivable crime to show fear when seeing my beauty."

Zhang Da also raised his head and saw the empress Hancock who was quite bold in clothing.

This woman is beautiful, wealthy, and generous. Zhang Da also politely looked away and stood up: "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now. Is there something wrong?"

Hancock's tone was a little heavy: "Those...Dragon people, what are you going to do?"

"Originally, we planned to publicly execute the execution during the live broadcast." Zhang Daye said, "But after thinking about it, it was a bit too bloody, so I locked it up for now and planned to do a little screening before processing."

"Of course, if you, Big Bear, and the abused fish people want to kill them in advance, or torture them for revenge, etc., if it is reasonable and reasonable, I will not stop you."

The empress closed her eyes, opened them again after a moment, and turned to leave.


The empress stopped and said, "Do you regret it?"

"Ah? It's not that." Zhang Daye said, "I want to ask you and your Nine Snakes Pirates what are your future plans."

The empress turned around: "What do you mean?"

After eliminating the nightmare of the Tianlong people, the next step is of course to continue to protect the Nine Snakes and live a good life. What other plans can there be.

"For the sake of fighting side by side today, I want to remind you that relying on looting to maintain the country is not a long-term solution."

Zhang Da also said, "If there are any supplies that are in short supply, trade will eventually be more convenient and stable than robbing."

"..." The empress turned around and continued walking, stopped after a few steps, turned around and opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything and left quickly.

Zhang Da also laughed: "This person... is quite rude. He is only arrogant but not coquettish. He is not as cute as Perona."

Wendy's excellent ear skills came into play. She stopped sharing the desserts and whispered in Perona's ear: "Perona, Brother Tatsuya just praised you for being cute."

Perona's face turned red: "Who wants him to praise you?"

A few minutes later, Perona awkwardly held a small plate and handed it to Zhang Daye: "This is for you."

Zhang Da also took it and looked at it carefully. It seemed to be just an exquisite dessert, but since it was sent by Perona, it must not be that simple: "Did it add salt or hide mustard? It won't be poisoned, although I I’m not afraid of poison, but I’m afraid it tastes bad.”

Perona stamped her feet and left angrily. Wendy must have heard wrongly. How could this person praise her for being cute?

Zhang Da also felt baffled and thought about whether to ask Tom to come over and test the poison.

As soon as Perona left, Jinbe came over again: "Mr. Tatsuya, I have something to ask your opinion on, but it's really hard to talk about it."

"What's there to be polite to me about? Just tell me if you have any questions." Zhang Daye said, "At worst, I will reject you directly."

Then he saw Jinbei's expression collapse.

"Just kidding, what on earth is going on that requires you to be so serious?"

Jinbei took a breath and said solemnly: "It's about a Celestial Dragon, Saint Donquixote Musgard... he should be called Musgard now."

"A few years ago Musgard once lived in Fish-Man Island. Although he had an arrogant attitude at the beginning, he has changed his ways after being influenced by Princess Otohime, and he has been of great help to Fish-Man Island in the past few years. so……"

"Oh, it's him..." Zhang Daye nodded and whispered, "Can't you just take him away quietly? The life and death of the Tianlong people here is not important to me. The most important thing is that there is no class of Tianlong people."

Jinbei said: "Thank you for your consideration, but I won't take him away quietly."


"I will bring him to meet everyone here and obtain their consent before taking them away."

"No, Jinbei, are you not confused?" Zhang Tatsuya said,

"There are many people here who were once slaves of the Celestial Dragons, including those in your Sun Pirates. I think you know better than me how much they hate the Celestial Dragons. Musgarud will be beaten to death directly when he comes, right?"

"It's precisely because of this that I can't take him away directly." Jinbei insisted,

"I will make him admit his past crimes in public and apologize for them, and he will bear the full amount of everyone's anger. But because I agreed to Princess Otohime's request, I will bear those fatal attacks for him."

"No, you..." Zhang Daye didn't know what to say for a moment, "Don't be impulsive, at least think of a gentle way? Or wait until the other damn Tianlong people are executed, and everyone's anger will subside a little. Say more?"

"I... will think about it carefully." Jinbei thought for a while. If he did it too directly, he might arouse everyone's anger, and it might be difficult to end it.

Jinbei left with a heavy heart. Zhang Daye, whose perception was especially sharp due to the dark night, suddenly noticed someone approaching: "Huh? Isn't this Eagle Eye?"

The fight is over and the food is almost gone. What is this person doing here now?

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