Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 1000 Whitebeard Pirates, disbanded

"What is that, an island?"

"Why is there an island flying over here?"

"Look carefully, isn't that island whale the pet of the Amber Tour Group?"

"So that's it, it's from the Amber Tour Group, it's all right."

"What do you mean it's all right! Something big happened! In that case, Franky should come back with them!"

"Go find Tom's studio!"

On the coast of the Seven Waters City, people were telling each other that the Amber Tour Group was coming here, and they were coming on an island.

Not long after, the whole city was in an uproar.

In fact, Tom's studio got the news earlier than ordinary citizens.

Franky had already informed Tom and Icebag of the huge order in advance.

Several people have already taken action and are actively preparing for it.

Especially Icebag, who has integrated several shipyards in the past two years, and his reputation among the citizens is getting higher and higher, and he is about to participate in the mayoral election.

The current mayor wants to run for re-election, but he knows that the situation is not good and has almost given up.

The sudden arrival of the Amber Tour Group gave the mayor hope. If he could get their support...

The mayor beat his chest and stamped his feet. Why didn't I treat them to a good meal? !

Tom laughed heartily: "Hahahaha... Although I heard Franky say it, it's really hard to believe that this is a ship."

Kokoro smiled and said, "Now we'll be busy."

"It doesn't matter. We have enough manpower now." Espagu folded his arms. Behind him stood several stunned boatmen - they were all foremen from various docks, who were invited to do the project cost assessment together.

"Gi-Lo~" The big frog Yokozuna jumped into the water and swam to Amber Island with his best freestyle.

Amber Island stopped not far from the Seven Water Capital, landed gently in the water, and floated steadily. The super-large anchor was controlled by Yixiao and thrown down.

That's right, this island actually has an anchor, and Zhang Da also doubted the necessity of the anchor.

The gate in front of the island opened, and the fleet of Franky's family filed out.

Franky raised his glasses and grinned: "Isn't this Yokozuna? Super~ spirited!"

"Gi-Lo~" Yokozuna greeted Franky happily.

"Mr. Tom, Granny Kokoro!" Franky greeted with a smile, but when he saw Icebagger, he had another attitude, "Hey, Stupid Bago is here too!"

"What did you say, Stupid Chi!" Icebagger, who was always calm in front of the public, immediately broke down when he saw Franky. If it was usual, he might have fought.

But today was different. Icebagger took a deep breath and put on a smile on his face: "Welcome back!"

"Hee~ I'm back!"

Zhang Da and the others didn't rush to follow, but waited for a while before going ashore on the Amber.

Tom jumped on Tom's head without any hesitation. Tom greeted Tom with a smile, and Tom waved in response.

Zhang Daye greeted several people from Tom's studio and handed a box more than one meter long to Acebagu.

Acebagu felt heavy in his hand and almost fell down: "It's so heavy! Mr. Tatsuya, this is..."

Zhang Daye said: "This is the advance payment. Please hurry up to inspect and start the work. Quality is the first."

"Advance payment?" Acebagu was a little stunned. Even if it was a full box of Bailey, it wouldn't be so heavy, right?

He carefully opened the suitcase, took a look, and snapped it shut, "Gold, gold..."

A full box of gold bricks almost blinded his eyes.

"Yeah." Zhang Daye nodded, and the feeling of successfully installing the fork was very good.

However, Ye Yan snatched the line behind him: "It's just a little money, don't worry, tell us if it's not enough."

Zhang Daye glared.

Acebagu nodded: "Okay, let's start now!"

The foremen followed closely. Although it was only a moment, they also saw the golden light. The Amber Tour Group was very particular! This deal can't lose money!

Zhang Da Ye got angrier and angrier as he thought about it. He simply picked up the Den Den Mushi and connected to the loudspeaker on Amber Island:

"Everyone, pay attention! The boatmen will take care of the island's affairs. Everyone has a holiday! Also, all the expenses in the Seven Waters Capital today will be paid by Master Ye!"

A cheer came from the island.

Ye Yan covered his chest with one hand and pointed at Zhang Da Ye with the other: "I haven't agreed yet! Kill me!"

Zhang Da Ye understood.

Everyone went to the Seven Waters Capital together to play, and eating, drinking and shopping were inevitable. Every time Zhang Da Ye saw Ye Yan's heartbroken expression, he felt a little happier.

In fact, everyone's small treasury is quite rich. Ye Yan is now a rich man. It's just that he has always eaten and drank with "public funds", and suddenly he has to take money out of his pocket, which is a bit uncomfortable.

Many store owners were very excited after recognizing the Amber Tour Group, and many did not dare to collect money or did not want to collect money.

However, Zhang Daye and his men did not want to take advantage of them by force, so they gave them what they should pay. Even after being treated like this, Rui Mengmeng was not in a position to bargain.

In a restaurant, everyone was eating and chatting.

Rui Mengmeng asked, "Franky said that it may take one or two months to build the mast and the house. Do we have to stay here forever?"

Zhang Daye gave Tom and Altria Jacob a glass of juice and replied, "Rest here for a few days. I plan to do a big project later."

"A big project?" Jackie Chan asked doubtfully, "Isn't the Amber Island project big enough?"

"It's not enough." Zhang Daye said, "I plan to dig through the red soil continent and dig out a passage that can allow Labu to pass."

"Rabb?" Brooke was particularly sensitive.

"Yes, this way you and Rab can return to Xihai at any time." Zhang Daye said, "I remember you said you wanted to go back to your hometown to see it, right?"

"Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Tatsuya, is it too exaggerated to dig through the red continent?" Brooke was startled, "There is no need to do this for us."

"It's not all for you, it's convenient for us. Otherwise, we have to coat it every time, or bother Uncle Xiao, which is really tiring."

"Besides, if this thing is done, it will be beneficial to shipping around the world. It's troublesome to always rely on those bubble elevators to get back and forth."

Zhang Da also looked at Artoria: "Besides, someone has already done this digging of the Red Earth Continent. It's just idle time anyway."

Arturia stopped eating and asked nonchalantly: "Going to find Wapol again? Even with his ability, it will take a long, long time to create a tunnel big enough for Rab to pass through."

"Looking for Wapol is only the first option. The second option is to ask the Revolutionary Army to borrow people. They have a giant who has eaten the fruit of push and push and is very good at digging holes."

Zhang Da also said, "If that doesn't work, we have a third plan, capture Weiwei and work for free for us."

Perona, Wendy and Misaka raised their hands at the same time: "Choose the third one!"

Everyone laughed, their thoughts were so understanding.

"You are really not afraid of exhausting Weiwei to death." Zhang Daye laughed and said, "My choice is of course a three-pronged approach."

The assessment results of Espagu and several foremen were similar to Franky's, but they said that they could send more manpower and work overtime to ensure that the project could be completed as quickly as possible.

Zhang Da also entrusted the matter to Espagu, and later contacted Vegapunk and procured a design drawing of the power system for free, and handed it over to Franky and Fishman Tom to take charge of it personally.

After staying in the Capital of Seven Waters for a few days, everyone was preparing to set off for a big project as planned.

The Radiant Cat Head Team stayed to help, and Yixiao also expressed that he would stay and do some transportation work.

Rab recently played with Yokozuna, so he won't follow him this time.

Although the two of them are very different in size, they occasionally play games to test their strength, and the results are of course needless to say.

Brooke naturally accompanied Rab, and he also wanted to play musical instruments, sing, etc. while the workers were resting to help everyone relax.

Zhang Daye and others set off for Alabasta on the Amber. They also contacted Dolag on the way and told them that they wanted to borrow someone.

"Asking Mori for help? Of course." Dorag agreed wholeheartedly, and then asked after hesitating for a while, "Mr. Tatsuya thinks that after the sea stabilizes, where will our revolutionary army go?"

"Ah? How do I know what you want to do?" Zhang Daye asked, "Are you very free recently?"

"Of course not. Many people have contacted us recently, saying that they are being oppressed too much by the king and hope to get our help." Dorag said, "But this kind of thing will become less and less."

"Then we can also catch pirates and so on. The new navy, ah no, it should be called the maritime security maintenance force now. They have just been rebuilt. There should be many places that they can't take care of, right?"

"That's true. It's just that the situation in various countries is getting better, and pirates will be reduced from the source."

Zhang Da also thought for a while: "Then you can join a country you like, or build your own ideal country.

I heard that some of the islands under Whitebeard and Red Hair have also joined the United World Government. Even they themselves are regarded as kings and have received invitations. "

This happened the day before yesterday, and it was reported in the newspaper. However, Morgans didn't know what the two bosses were thinking, so he didn't dare to write about it. He only said that he was looking forward to their reactions.

In fact, Whitebeard is very moved. It's not that he doesn't love freedom anymore, but that he loves his family and hometown more.

The general trend in the world now is to eliminate pirates and pursue peace and stability. Although the Whitebeard Pirates are different from ordinary pirates, they do not engage in production and live by looting.

In the future, there will be fewer and fewer pirates and gangsters robbing casually. Will they start targeting civilians and ordinary businessmen? At that time, we will always face the new coalition government.

Whitebeard is getting old and he has to think about his sons.

The other is his hometown Sphinx Island. Because the island is very poor, it needs financial assistance from the money he robbed. If it stops in the future, it will be a problem.

And now a great opportunity lies in front of him. If he can join the World Government as the Sphinx King, his hometown will have the opportunity to receive something called 'International Assistance'.

This includes basic agricultural and industrial assistance and even help building some infrastructure.

The most important thing is that the franchise fee charged by the new world united government is very low. It will even take into account the economic situation of the franchised countries and provide preferential treatment to particularly poor countries. There is no need to worry about becoming a burden like heavenly gold.

A path is now in sight to lift his hometown and many of its islands out of poverty. The only thing left that makes it difficult for Whitebeard to make a decision now is the pirate flag.

After much thought, Whitebeard took his sons to his hometown.

Whitebeard's arrival was naturally warmly welcomed by the island residents.

After a simple greeting, Whitebeard made a decision that surprised everyone present.

He personally took down the pirate flag hanging from the Sphinx and tore it into pieces: "Whitebeard Pirates, from today on, disband!"




Both pirates and islanders were shocked by Whitebeard's actions, and only Marco was still calm.

——He had guessed a little from Dad's reaction in the past two days, but Dad's decisiveness was a little unexpected.

"The Great Secret Treasure is real! But the 'Great Secret Treasure' that belongs to me is here at this moment! It's this island, it's you! So, I'm not a pirate anymore!"

Whitebeard believed Roger's words and his own judgment.

But the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates have not come back to their senses. Such a big thing, they need to digest it well.

The one who can't accept this result the most is Teach, who has been lurking for so many years just for a Dark Dark Fruit.

But now, not only is the Dark Dark Fruit nowhere to be found, but even pirates can't do it?

No, people's dreams will never end!

At least his dreams will not!

Giving up being a pirate for an island and those dirty residents? Unacceptable!

Teach's eyes flashed with ferocity. If he wanted to find a way to kill the people on this island... Of course, he must not do it by himself, it is better to let the navy do it.

Whitebeard keenly sensed a hint of murderous intent and stared at Teach with a stern look.

Teach shuddered, and his fierce expression quickly switched to the same shock and confusion as everyone else.

Don't be reckless, don't be reckless.


Dragon didn't know Whitebeard's decision yet, but he knew that these people had the possibility of becoming kings. It's not that he didn't think about it. It's not difficult to lead the revolutionary army to establish a country, but... Then what?

Will the revolutionary army be needed in the future? Will there be things that require them to rise up in the future? Dragon lacked a long-term goal.

Zhang Da had no way to deal with this, he himself didn't have a long-term goal.

"Why don't you try to explore how to govern the country so that the people can live better? Is it to develop agriculture, develop industry, or improve the system?"

The other party didn't hang up the phone, so Zhang Da could only make random suggestions, "This thing is a big topic, and there is no answer without practice. Why don't you explore it carefully, and when you get results, try to promote it to the whole world, so that people all over the world can live better?"

Dorager's eyes lit up. From the other party's tone, it seemed that he was perfunctory, but surprisingly it seemed to make sense?

Let the people of the world be happy, this goal seems to be worth pursuing.

I originally wanted to finish it with a thousand chapters, but I couldn't control myself, and I have to come up with a few more chapters

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